
Thor Explorations Ltd. Announces Initial Positive Diamond Drilling Results From Segilola Gold Mine

Thor Explorations Ltd. Announces Initial Positive Diamond Drilling Results From Segilola Gold Mine

Thor Explorations Ltd.宣布Segilola黄金矿的初步钻探结果积极
newsfile ·  10/07 02:00

Vancouver, British Columbia--(Newsfile Corp. - October 7, 2024) - Thor Explorations Ltd (TSXV: THX) (AIM: THX), "Thor" or the "Company"), is a West African-focussed minerals exploration and mining Company, currently producing gold from its wholly owned Segilola Gold Mine in Nigeria and is advancing its Douta Gold Project in Senegal towards development.

不列颠哥伦比亚省温哥华--(Newsfile Corp.,2024年10月7日)——雷神勘探有限公司(TSXV:THX)(AIM:THX),“雷神” 或 “公司”)是一家专注于西非的矿产勘探和采矿公司,目前从其在尼日利亚的全资塞吉洛拉金矿生产黄金,并正在推进其在塞内加尔的杜塔金矿的开发。

Thor is pleased to announce the first set of results from an initial drilling programme that targets the down-plunge potential beneath the current open pit extents at the Segilola Gold Mine.


Significant results received to date include 3.0 metres ("m") grading 11.24 grammes per tonne gold ("g/tAu") from 294m in drillhole SNMDD011 and 1.5m grading 3.22g/tAu from 269m in drillhole SNMDD012. These are the initial results received from the first two holes drilled out of an ongoing 12 hole drilling programme of which five holes have been drilled. Additional drilling results will be published in due course..

迄今为止获得的重大结果包括钻孔 SNMDD011 中的每吨黄金(“g/Tau”)的 3.0 米(“m”)品位为 11.24 克,钻孔 SNMDD012 中的 26900万(“g/Tau”)品位为 3.22g/Tau。这些是从正在进行的12孔钻探计划中钻出的前两个孔中获得的初步结果,该计划已经钻了5个孔。其他钻探结果将在适当时候公布。

Segun Lawson, President & CEO, stated:


"We are pleased to intersect high-grade gold mineralisation 50 metres below the current pit design. This is an encouraging start to the "proof-of-concept" drilling programme, which has returned positive intersections in the projected locations below the current open pit design. The proof-of-concept drilling programme has been designed to target shallow dipping high grade shoots delineated by the grade control data modelled since the start of mining combined with the interpretations based on additional structural studies.

“我们很高兴能在当前矿坑设计下方50米处与高品位金矿化区相交。这是 “概念验证” 钻探计划的一个令人鼓舞的开端,该计划在当前露天矿设计下方的预计位置恢复了正交交叉点。概念验证钻探计划旨在瞄准自开采开始以来建模的坡度控制数据以及基于其他结构研究的解释,描绘的浅层倾斜高品位的炮弹。

"This is the first demonstration since we started mining that there is further potentially achievable underground mining below the designed Segilola pit.


"The initial results have come from the southern most shoot and the 12-hole programme is designed to test the remaining shoots as a first pass, prior to extending the programme.


"The target is to both upgrade parts of the remaining inferred resource and to increase the size overall of the underground resource with the objective of increasing the life of mine at Segilola. We look forward to completing the programme and sharing more results in due course."




The high grade Segilola gold deposit is located on the major regional shear zone that extends for several hundred kilometres through the gold-bearing Ilesha schist belt (structural corridor) of Nigeria.


Gold mineralisation is developed within an overturned sequence of metamorphosed, strongly foliated meta-sediments at the boundary between the basement biotite gneiss (Hanging wall) and calc-silicate and mylonitic biotite-garnet schists (Foot wall). A unit of massive to foliated granodiorite conformably intrudes the sequence between the quartzites and basement gneisses. Gold mineralisation is developed with steep west-dipping parallel lodes that comprise late-stage silica-altered zones that are commonly referred to as "veins" and which are restricted to the meta-sedimentary unit.

金矿化是在基底黑云母片麻岩(悬挂墙)与钙硅酸盐和骨髓质黑云石-石榴石片岩片岩(脚壁)之间的边界处发生的一系列颠覆的变质强叶状超沉积物中形成的。一个由块状至叶状花岗闪长岩组成的单位顺应地侵入了石英岩和基底片麻岩之间的序列。金矿化是在陡峭的西倾平行矿脉中形成的,这些矿脉包括晚期的二氧化硅蚀变带,通常被称为 “矿脉”,仅限于次沉积单元。

Segilola Exploration Targeting


The southern lodes are characterised by a pronounced southerly plunging geometry (Figure 1). Within the broader zone of gold mineralisation two high grade shoots, that show good continuity at a 10g/tAu cut off, are developed (Figure 2B). The inferred down-plunge extensions of these two shoots, referred to as ribbons R1 and R2, form the primary drilling targets (Figure 2C). The initial drillholes were completed to test the ribbon concept with further step-out drilling dependent on the outcomes. The significant intersections are shown in Table 1.

南部矿脉的特点是明显的向南坠落几何形状(图 1)。在更广泛的金矿化区域内,出现了两条高品位的枝条,在 10g/TaU 的截止点处显示出良好的连续性(图 2B)。推断出的这两条射线的向下钻探延伸部分被称为带状R1和R2,构成了主要的钻探目标(图 2C)。完成了最初的钻孔以测试带状概念,并根据结果进一步进行跨步钻探。重要交叉点如表 1 所示。

Figure 1: Completed Grade Control Drilling over Resource Drilling Model. Drilling results from southern most shoot (Green Arrow)

图 1:已完成资源钻探模型的坡度控制钻探。最南端的钻探结果(Green Arrow)

Figure 2A: Longitudinal sections of the southern portion of the Segilola Deposit showing high grade shoots (ribbons) R1 and R2 developed within broader halo of lower grade mineralisation.
Other drillholes excluded for clarity

图 2A:Segilola 矿床南部的纵向剖面显示出高品位的枝条(带状)R1 和 R2 在更宽的低品位矿化光环内发育。

Table 1: Significant Drillhole Intersections at a 1.5g/tAu cut off

表 1:在 1.5g/TAU 截止点处的重要钻孔交叉点

Hole ID Easting Northing Depth Dip Azimuth From (m) To (m) Interval (m) Grade (g/tAu) True Width (m)
SNMDD011 4036 11001 313 -55 90 293.8 296.8 3.0 11.24 2.4
SNMDD012 4055 10834 290 -50 90 269.2 270.6 1.5 3.22 1.2
洞 ID 向东 北方 深度 方位角 从 (m) 到 (m) 间隔 (m) 等级 (g/taU) 实际宽度 (m)
SNMDD011 4036 11001 313 -55 90 293.8 296.8 3.0 11.24 2.4
SNMDD012 4055 10834 290 -50 90 269.2 270.6 1.5 3.22 1.2

Hole SNMDD011 intersected the lower ribbon R2 with a 3.0m downhole interval grading 11.24g/tAu at approximately 50m below the current final pit design (Figure 2B). The true width of 2.4m would satisfy the minimum mining width criteria for the development of an underground resource. Figure 2B also shows the historic drillhole SGD111 which appears to have intersected the lode below the projected R1 ribbon. Hole SNMDD012 intersected the upper ribbon R1 with a 1.5m downhole interval grading 3.22g/tAu.

SNMDD011 孔与下部带状带 R2 相交,井下间隔为 300万,等级为 11.24g/TAU,比当前的最终矿坑设计低约 5000万(图 2B)。240万的真实宽度将满足开发地下资源的最小采矿宽度标准。图 20还显示了历史上的 SGD111 钻孔,该钻孔似乎与投射的 R1 带状下方的矿脉相交。SNMDD012 孔与上部带状带 R1 相交,井下间隔为 150万,等级 3.22g/TAU。

Figure 2B: SNMDD011 Cross Section

图 2B:SNMDD011 横截面

It should be noted that there are numerous historic exploration drillholes in the target area. All holes intersected the resource lode. However, only a few of these holes specifically intersected the R1 and R2 ribbons. Results from additional proof of concept drillholes, which follows the R2 ribbon down-plunge, are pending.

应该指出的是,目标区域有许多历史性的勘探钻孔。所有漏洞都与资源群相交。但是,这些孔中只有少数几个特别与 R1 和 R2 色带相交。其他概念验证钻孔的结果尚待确定,这些钻孔是在 R2 色带向下钻孔之后进行的。



  • The initial drilling results appear to have validated the proof-of-concept high-grade targeting model.
  • The initial results suggest that the minimum underground mining width can be achieved at a suitable grade.
  • There is justification to continue with an expanded drilling programme.
  • 最初的钻探结果似乎已经验证了概念验证的高等级瞄准模型。
  • 初步结果表明,在合适的等级下可以达到最小地下采矿宽度。
  • 有理由继续扩大钻探计划。

Qualified Person
The above information has been prepared under the supervision of Alfred Gillman (Fellow AusIMM, CP), who is designated as a "qualified person" under National Instrument 43-101 and the AIM Rules and has reviewed and approves the content of this news release. He has also reviewed QA/QC, sampling, analytical and test data underlying the information.

上述信息是在阿尔弗雷德·吉尔曼(AusIMM研究员,CP)的监督下编写的,他被国家仪器43-101和AIM规则指定为 “合格人员”,并已审查并批准了本新闻稿的内容。他还审查了信息所依据的质量保证/质量控制、抽样、分析和测试数据。

Segun Lawson
President & CEO

Segun Lawson

For further information please contact:


Thor Explorations Ltd


Canaccord Genuity (Nominated Adviser & Broker)
Henry Fitzgerald-O'Connor / James Asensio / Harry Rees

Canaccord Genuity(提名顾问兼经纪人)

Tel: +44 (0) 20 7523 8000

电话:+44 (0) 20 7523 8000

Hannam & Partners (Broker)
Andrew Chubb / Matt Hasson / Nilesh Patel / Franck Nganou


Tel: +44 (0) 20 7907 8500

电话:+44 (0) 20 7907 8500

BlytheRay (Financial PR)


Tim Blythe / Megan Ray / Said Izagaren
Tel: +44 2071 383 204

电话:+44 2071 383 204

Yellow Jersey PR (Financial PR)
Charles Goodwin / Shivantha Thambirajah / Zara McKinlay
Tel: +44 (0) 20 3004 9512

查尔斯·古德温/Shivantha Thambirajah /Zara McKinlay
电话:+44 (0) 20 3004 9512

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Cautionary Note Regarding Forward-Looking Statements
Except for the statements of historical fact contained herein, the information presented constitutes "forward looking statements" within the meaning of certain securities laws, and is subject to important risks, uncertainties and assumptions that could cause the actual results of the Company to differ materially form the forward-looking statements. Such forward-looking statements, including but not limited to, the Company's ability to fully finance the Project, to bring the Project into operation or to produce gold from the Project, and the use of the proceeds. The words "may", "could", "should", "would", "suspect", "outlook", "believe", "anticipate", "estimate", "expect", "intend", "plan", "target" and similar words and expressions are used to identify forward-looking information. The forward-looking information in this news release describes the Company's expectations as of the date of this news release and accordingly, is subject to change after such date. Readers should not place undue importance on forward-looking information and should not rely upon this information as of any other date. While the Company may elect to, it does not undertake to update this information at any particular time.

除此处包含的历史事实陈述外,所提供的信息构成某些证券法所指的 “前瞻性陈述”,并且受重要的风险、不确定性和假设的影响,这些风险和假设可能导致公司的实际业绩与前瞻性陈述存在重大差异。此类前瞻性陈述,包括但不限于公司为项目提供全额资金、项目投入运营或从该项目中生产黄金的能力,以及所得款项的使用。“可能”、“可以”、“应该”、“将”、“怀疑”、“展望”、“相信”、“预测”、“估计”、“期望”、“打算”、“计划”、“目标” 等词语以及类似的词语和表述用于识别前瞻性信息。本新闻稿中的前瞻性信息描述了公司截至本新闻发布之日的预期,因此,在此日期之后可能会发生变化。读者不应过分重视前瞻性信息,也不应从任何其他日期开始依赖这些信息。尽管公司可以选择,但它不承诺在任何特定时间更新这些信息。



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