
Enphase Energy Expands Its Support for Grid Services Programs Across the United States

Enphase Energy Expands Its Support for Grid Services Programs Across the United States

enphase energy扩大了其在美国各地的网格服务项目支持
Enphase Energy ·  10/09 00:00

FREMONT, Calif., Oct. 09, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Enphase Energy, Inc. (NASDAQ: ENPH), a global energy technology company and the world's leading supplier of microinverter-based solar and battery systems, announced today that it is expanding its support for grid services programs – or virtual power plants (VPPs) – in New Hampshire, North Carolina, and California, powered by the new IQ Battery 5P.

加利福尼亚弗里蒙特,2024年10月09日(全球新闻社) - enphase energy公司(纳斯达克:ENPH),是一家全球能源技术公司,是全球领先的基于微逆变器的太阳能和电池系统供应商,今日宣布将扩大其在新罕布什尔州、北卡罗来纳州和加利福尼亚州虚拟电力厂(VPPs)项目的压力位,由全新的IQ Battery 5P提供动力。

Grid services programs are managed by regional utilities and use energy stored in home batteries to help power communities when it is needed most, like during periods of peak electricity demand. This reduces reliance on costly and polluting power plants for electricity and, in return, provides incentives to homeowners from their own utilities. Incentive programs may serve as a discount on the purchase of an Enphase Energy System with IQ Batteries or as ongoing payments to participating homeowners. Most recently, homeowners who install Enphase IQ Batteries are now eligible to enroll in the following programs:

区域能源公司管理的电网服务项目利用家庭电池存储的能源,在最需要时帮助供电社区,如在电力需求高峰时段。这样可以降低对昂贵且污染严重的发电厂的依赖,同时从他们自己的公用事业公司获得回报,向参与的房主提供激励措施。激励计划可能以在购买带IQ Battery的Enphase能源系统时提供折扣,或作为参与房主持续支付的方式。最近,安装Enphase IQ Battery的房主现在有资格参加以下项目:

Duke Energy PowerPair Program: Participants enrolled in this program who install three IQ Battery 5Ps and at least 10 kW of solar with a Duke Energy Trade Ally installer are eligible to receive an upfront incentive of $9,000. Customers who also enroll in Duke Energy's battery control programs - Duke Energy Power Manager or Duke Energy Progress EnergyWise - are eligible to receive additional ongoing monthly bill credits. Learn more about the details of the program on the Enphase website.

杜克能源PowerPair项目:参与此项目并安装三个IQ Battery 5Ps和至少10千瓦太阳能的杜克能源Trade Ally安装商有资格获得9000美元的前期激励。同时还参加杜克能源的电池控制项目 - 杜克能源Power Manager或杜克能源Progress EnergyWise - 的客户有资格获得额外的持续每月账单抵扣。了解更多关于该项目的细节,请在Enphase网站上查看。

"Enphase's dependable, high-performance, and safe home energy technology is enabling the clean energy future," said Edward Wright, co-owner of Rhino Renewables Solar & Electric, an installer of Enphase products based in North Carolina. "Home solar systems and batteries are crucial for supporting grid operations and reducing electricity costs for everyone."

"enphase的可靠、高性能和安全家庭能源技术正在推动清洁能源未来,"来自位于北卡罗来纳州的Enphase产品安装商Rhino Renewables Solar & Electric的合作所有者爱德华·赖特表示。"家庭太阳能系统和电池对支持电网运营和降低每个人的电力成本至关重要。"

San Diego Community Power Solar Battery Savings Program: Participants enrolled in this program who install two IQ Battery 5Ps are eligible to receive an upfront incentive rebate of $3,150. Customers are also eligible to receive ongoing performance incentive payments worth approximately $3,000 over the ten-year participation period, from the time of enrollment. Learn more about the details of the program on the San Diego Community Power website.

圣迭戈社区电力太阳能电池节能计划:参与该计划并安装两个IQ 电池5Ps的客户有资格获得3150美元的前期激励奖励。客户还有资格在为期十年的参与期内获得约3000美元的持续性能激励支付,从报名开始算起。在圣迭戈社区电力网站上了解更多有关该计划的细节。

"Enphase's innovative battery solutions are a game-changer for homeowners looking to boost their energy resilience," said Jeff Carelli, president and CEO of Sunlight Solar, an installer of Enphase products based in California and a Solar Battery Savings Program approved contractor. "By participating in grid services programs, our customers can not only maximize their energy independence but also contribute to a more sustainable energy future here in California."

“Enphase的创新电池解决方案对于希望提升能源弹性的房主来说是一个改变者,” 怀俄明的Sunlight Solar总裁兼首席执行官Jeff Carelli表示。Sunlight Solar是总部位于加利福尼亚的Enphase产品安装商,也是太阳能电池节能计划认可承包商。 “通过参与电网服务计划,我们的客户不仅可以最大化他们的能源独立性,而且还可以为加州的可持续能源未来做出贡献。”

Eversource New Hampshire Clean Energy Fund (NHCEF) for Battery Storage Program: Participants enrolled in this demand response program who install three IQ Battery 5Ps are eligible to receive an upfront incentive rebate of $3,000 for residential customers and $3,750 for commercial customers (up to $10,000 for eight IQ Battery 5Ps). Learn more about the details of the program on the Enphase website.

Eversource新罕布什尔州清洁能源基金(NHCEF)电池储存计划:参与此需求响应计划并安装三个IQ 电池5Ps的客户有资格获得3000美元的住宅客户前期激励奖励,商业客户为3750美元(最多可获得八个IQ 电池5Ps的1万美元)。在Enphase网站上了解更多有关该计划的细节。

"Our customers can now enhance the value of their system while contributing to a more sustainable and resilient grid," said Hunter Judd owner of Sunup Solar, an installer of Enphase products based in New Hampshire. "Grid services programs make Enphase's technology more accessible so more homeowners can enjoy the benefits of Enphase home battery systems."

“我们的客户现在可以提升系统的价值,并为更可持续和弹性的电网做出贡献,” 怀特山区Sunup Solar所有者Hunter Judd表示。Sunup Solar是总部位于新罕布什尔州的Enphase产品安装商。 “电网服务计划使Enphase的技术更易获取,因此更多房主可以享受Enphase家用电池系统的好处。”

"Our cutting-edge software and hardware are designed to simplify participation in grid services programs for homeowners," said Mehran Sedigh, senior vice president of sales at Enphase Energy. "Central to this effort is the new IQ Battery 5P, providing exceptional durability and value for homeowners. We are proud to expand our support for virtual power plants across the United States."

"我们的尖端软件和硬件旨在简化居民参与电网服务计划的过程," enphase能源的高级销售副总裁Mehran Sedigh说。"这一努力的核心是新的IQ Battery 5P,为居民提供出色的耐用性和价值。我们自豪地扩大了我们在美国各地虚拟电厂的支持。"

For more information about grid services, please visit the Enphase website.


About Enphase Energy, Inc.

关于Enphase Energy,Inc。

Enphase Energy, a global energy technology company based in Fremont, CA, is the world's leading supplier of microinverter-based solar and battery systems that enable people to harness the sun to make, use, save, and sell their own power—and control it all with a smart mobile app. The company revolutionized the solar industry with its microinverter-based technology and builds all-in-one solar, battery, and software solutions. Enphase has shipped approximately 76.3 million microinverters, and over 4.3 million Enphase-based systems have been deployed in more than 150 countries. For more information, visit .

总部位于加利福尼亚州弗里蒙特的全球能源科技公司 Enphase Energy 是全球领先的太阳能和电池微逆变器系统供应商,使人们能够利用太阳能制造、使用、节省和出售他们自己的电力,并通过智能移动应用程序对其进行控制。该公司通过基于微逆变器技术的革命性太阳能技术推动了太阳能产业,并建立了全一体化太阳能、电池和软件解决方案。Enphase 已经出货大约7630万个微逆变器,超过430万个基于 Enphase 的系统在150多个国家得到应用。

2024 Enphase Energy, Inc. All rights reserved. Enphase Energy, Enphase, the "e" logo, IQ, and certain other marks listed at are trademarks or service marks of Enphase Energy, Inc. Other names are for informational purposes and may be trademarks of their respective owners.

2024年 Enphase Energy, Inc. 版权所有。Enphase Energy, Enphase, "e" 标志, IQ 和在网站中列出的其他一些标记是 Enphase Energy, Inc. 的商标或服务标志。其他名称仅供信息目的,可能是其各自所有者的商标。

Forward-Looking Statements


This press release may contain forward-looking statements, including statements related to the expected capabilities and performance of Enphase Energy's technology and products, including safety, quality and reliability; the availability and market adoption of Enphase products; Enphase's ability to expand its support for VPPs; and expectations of and eligibility for incentives under the various incentive programs. These forward-looking statements are based on Enphase Energy's current expectations and inherently involve significant risks and uncertainties. Actual results and the timing of events could differ materially from those contemplated by these forward-looking statements as a result of such risks and uncertainties including those risks described in more detail in Enphase Energy's most recently filed Quarterly Report on Form 10-Q, Annual Report on Form 10-K, and other documents filed by Enphase Energy from time to time with the SEC. Enphase Energy undertakes no duty or obligation to update any forward-looking statements contained in this release as a result of new information, future events, or changes in its expectations, except as required by law.

此新闻稿可能包含前瞻性声明,包括与 Enphase Energy 科技和产品的预期能力和性能相关的声明,包括安全性、质量和可靠性;Enphase 产品的可用性和市场接受度;Enphase 扩大对VPP的支持能力;以及对各种激励计划下的期望和资格认定。这些前瞻性声明基于 Enphase Energy 的当前预期,固有地涉及重大风险和不确定性。实际结果和事件的时间可能与这些前瞻性声明所考虑的有重大差异,因为存在此类风险和不确定性,包括更详细描述在 Enphase Energy 的最近提交的 Form 10-Q 季度报告、Form 10-K 年度报告和其他 Enphase Energy 不时向美国证监会提交的文件中描述的风险。Enphase Energy 不承担更新本发布中包含的任何前瞻性声明的义务或责任,除非法律要求,因为新信息、未来事件或其预期的变化。



Enphase Energy

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Source: Enphase Energy, Inc.

来源:enphase energy,inc。

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