
Singtel Launches RE:AI, an AI Cloud Service Offering to Democratise AI for Enterprises to Drive Innovation and Growth in the Region

Singtel Launches RE:AI, an AI Cloud Service Offering to Democratise AI for Enterprises to Drive Innovation and Growth in the Region


Features a new AI cloud infrastructure, partnerships with key industry leaders, ecosystem of solutions and services, tech incubation and acceleration programmes, talent development and sustainability initiatives


Singapore, 10 October 2024 – Singtel today announced the launch of RE:AI, its new Artificial Intelligence Cloud Service (AI Cloud) offering, aimed at democratising AI to make it widely available to organisations. This gives enterprises and public sector customers affordable access to AI technologies that can seamlessly transform their operations without needing to invest or maintain in-house infrastructure and supporting resources. The turnkey AI development and deployment platform will combine state-of-the-art AI compute infrastructure like, graphics processing units (GPUs) and storage, AI workspaces and tools, with diverse networks such as, 5G, fixed or quantum safe networks. These will be delivered through Singtel's patented orchestration platform, ParagonTM. The offering will enable customers to deploy, manage and scale their AI applications without having to worry about the overheads of complex infrastructure, thereby allowing them to innovate and take their productivity to next level.

新加坡,2024年10月10日——新加坡电信今天宣布推出其新的人工智能云服务(AI Cloud)产品RE: AI,旨在实现人工智能大众化,使其广泛提供给各组织。这为企业和公共部门客户提供了经济实惠的人工智能技术,这些技术可以无缝转变其运营,而无需投资或维护内部基础设施和支持资源。一站式人工智能开发和部署平台将把最先进的人工智能计算基础设施,如图形处理单元 (GPU) 和存储、人工智能工作空间和工具,以及5G、固定或量子安全网络等多样化网络相结合。这些将通过新加坡电信的专利编排平台ParagonTM交付。该产品将使客户能够部署、管理和扩展其人工智能应用程序,而不必担心复杂基础设施的开销,从而使他们能够创新并将生产力提升到一个新的水平。

Singtel aims to democratise AI by working with strategic partners in five ways – through the creation of a research and development AI Cloud platform, facilitation of AI adoption for the advanced manufacturing sector, ecosystem development to accelerate the deployment of AI solutions, curation of tech incubation and acceleration programme for promising tech companies and AI skills training to empowering its workforce. Five Memoranda of Understanding (MOU) were signed with these partners in these areas, at the launch of RE:AI, which was officiated by Guest-of-Honour, Mr Gan Kim Yong, Singapore's Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for Trade and Industry. More details on these MOUs can be found in Annex 1.

新加坡电信旨在通过五种方式与战略合作伙伴合作,实现人工智能大众化:创建研发人工智能云平台,促进先进制造业采用人工智能,发展生态系统以加速人工智能解决方案的部署,为有前途的科技公司策划科技孵化和加速计划,以及通过人工智能技能培训来增强其员工队伍。在RE: AI的启动仪式上,与这些合作伙伴签署了五份谅解备忘录(MOU),由主宾新加坡副总理兼贸易和工业部长颜金勇先生主持。有关这些谅解备忘录的更多细节可以在附件1中找到。

"With the launch of RE:AI, we're significantly reducing entry barriers, making AI easily accessible to enterprises, government agencies, research communities and academia – the more people have access to AI, the more innovation is bound to emerge, which in turn fuels growth. RE:AI will foster a dynamic ecosystem of partners with distinctive capabilities and platforms to accelerate AI adoption to drive innovation and growth in Singapore and the region, sustainably."

“随着RE: AI的推出,我们显著降低了进入壁垒,使企业、政府机构、研究界和学术界可以轻松获得人工智能——获得人工智能的人越多,必然会出现更多的创新,这反过来又推动了增长。RE: AI 将培育一个由具有独特能力和平台的合作伙伴组成的动态生态系统,以加速人工智能的采用,以可持续的方式推动新加坡及该地区的创新和增长。”

Bill Chang,
Chief Executive Officer,
Singtel Digital InfraCo

新加坡电信数字 Infraco

Mr Bill Chang, CEO of Singtel's Digital InfraCo, said, "Many enterprises and public sector customers have shown keen interest to bring AI into their operations. However, the high costs and long lead times for GPUs, the need for special environments to host them due to their intense energy utilisation, the complexity of AI technology and the lack of talent are key friction points in their respective journeys."

新加坡电信数字基础设施首席执行官比尔·张先生表示:“许多企业和公共部门客户对将人工智能引入其运营表现出了浓厚的兴趣。但是,GPU 的高成本和漫长的交付周期、由于能源利用率高而需要特殊的环境来托管它们、人工智能技术的复杂性以及缺乏人才,是他们各自旅程中的关键摩擦点。”

"With the launch of RE:AI, we're significantly reducing entry barriers, making AI easily accessible to enterprises, government agencies, research communities and academia – the more people have access to AI, the more innovation is bound to emerge, which in turn fuels growth. RE:AI will foster a dynamic ecosystem of partners with distinctive capabilities and platforms to accelerate AI adoption to drive innovation and growth in Singapore and the region, sustainably. As we build on this ecosystem, we will attract global AI tech companies here to expand into the region with our market access. This is key to positioning Singapore as a regional AI."

“随着RE: AI的推出,我们显著降低了进入壁垒,使企业、政府机构、研究界和学术界可以轻松获得人工智能——获得人工智能的人越多,必然会出现更多的创新,这反过来又推动了增长。RE: AI 将培育一个由具有独特能力和平台的合作伙伴组成的动态生态系统,以加速人工智能的采用,以可持续的方式推动新加坡及该地区的创新和增长。在我们建立这个生态系统的同时,我们将吸引全球人工智能科技公司通过我们的市场准入向该地区扩张。这是将新加坡定位为区域人工智能的关键。”

Democratising AI

让 AI 大众化

Singtel has been scaling its next-generation digital infrastructure and partnerships to support the growing demand for efficient, scalable and cost-effective AI solutions across industries. RE:AI will provide AI capabilities and tools through cloud-based platforms powered by Paragon. Enterprises can access ready-made solutions at their fingertips to develop customised AI environments and workspaces for any industry within minutes with a few clicks. Enterprises can deploy AI at scale and speed, with models, tools and applications orchestrated and delivered over 5G, fixed or even quantum-safe networks for a multitude of use cases.

新加坡电信一直在扩大其下一代数字基础设施和合作伙伴关系,以支持各行各业对高效、可扩展和具有成本效益的人工智能解决方案不断增长的需求。RE: AI 将通过由 Paragon 提供支持的基于云的平台提供人工智能功能和工具。企业只需点击几下,即可访问触手可及的现成解决方案,在几分钟内为任何行业开发定制的人工智能环境和工作空间。企业可以大规模快速部署 AI,通过 5G、固定网络甚至量子安全网络协调和交付模型、工具和应用程序,适用于多种用例。

The launch of RE:AI and partnerships are part of Singtel's strategy to accelerate digital transformation for enterprises, starting with digital infrastructure and scalable AI solutions. One of the early initiatives include the development of a new generation of sustainable, hyper-connected AI-ready data centres through its Nxera data centre arm. Nxera is on track to becoming one of the world's largest independent data centre players with advanced liquid cooling capabilities and support for next-generation GPUs.

RE: AI 的推出和合作伙伴关系是新加坡电信加速企业数字化转型战略的一部分,首先是数字基础设施和可扩展的人工智能解决方案。早期的举措之一包括通过其Nxera数据中心部门开发新一代可持续、高度互联的人工智能数据中心。Nxera有望成为全球最大的独立数据中心参与者之一,拥有先进的液体冷却功能并支持下一代GPU。

There have also been recent tie ups with global and local ecosystem partnerships such as Hitachi Group in Japan, the establishment of a GPU cloud alliance with Vultr and GMI Cloud in the US and Nscale in Europe as well as collaborations with Bridge Alliance, AIS, Telkom Group and Maxis to bring Singtel's AI Cloud offerings to enterprises in the region.

最近还与全球和本地生态系统合作伙伴建立了合作关系,例如日本的日立集团、与Vultr建立的GPU云联盟以及 GMI 美国的云计算和欧洲的Nscale以及与Bridge Alliance、AIS、电信集团和明讯的合作,将新加坡电信的人工智能云产品带给该地区的企业。




附件 1 — 新加坡电信的主要举措

Singtel will partner with leaders across areas such AI, computing, education, and manufacturing to enhance AI adoption, provide GPU access, and support talent attraction, development, and skills upgrading in Singapore, in support of Singapore's National AI Strategy 2.0 framework.


1) AI-powered R&D platform for the Research & Academia communities

1) 为研究和学术界提供人工智能驱动的研发平台

Singtel RE:AI in partnership with the National Supercomputing Centre Singapore will explore making a diversity of high-performance computing technologies available for the research community and collaborate on the Paragon platform to deliver seamless user experiences across different systems. With AI Singapore, RE:AI will develop a purpose-built AI-powered research and development platform and marketplace comprising AI tools, data products and applications, that will provide scalable, optimised solutions for the Singapore research community. It will serve as a repository for researchers to share their developed models, accessible to government and private sector users to accelerate their research outcomes.

新加坡电信RE: AI与新加坡国家超级计算中心合作,将探索向研究界提供多种高性能计算技术,并在Paragon平台上进行合作,在不同系统上提供无缝的用户体验。RE: AI将与新加坡人工智能合作开发一个由人工智能驱动的专门研发平台和市场,包括人工智能工具、数据产品和应用程序,为新加坡研究界提供可扩展的优化解决方案。它将作为研究人员共享他们开发的模型的存储库,可供政府和私营部门用户访问,以加快他们的研究成果。

AI Singapore's open-source SEA-LION large language model, with its associated datasets will also be hosted and further developed with advanced GPU cloud computing resources, to be used by researchers and academia globally.


2) Promoting AI adoption for the Advanced Manufacturing sector

2) 促进先进制造业采用人工智能

RE:AI will collaborate with the Agency for Science, Technology and Research (A*STAR), Singapore Manufacturing Federation (SMF), and Singapore Institute of Technology (SIT) to support and enable AI-related research and innovation that has the potential to create impactful outcomes for companies.

RE: AI 将与科学、技术和研究局 (A*STAR)、新加坡制造业联合会 (SMF) 和新加坡理工学院 (SIT) 合作,支持和推动有可能为公司创造有影响力成果的人工智能相关研究和创新。

As part of this partnership, RE:AI will provide cloud infrastructure to support AI-related research and innovation. The A*STAR Advanced Remanufacturing and Technology Centre (A*STAR ARTC) and A*STAR Singapore Institute of Manufacturing Technology (A*STAR SIMTech) will engage manufacturing companies, providing them support in use case development, AI trials, experimentation and building industry knowledge.

作为该合作伙伴关系的一部分,RE: AI将提供云基础设施,以支持与人工智能相关的研究和创新。A*STAR先进再制造与技术中心(A*STAR ARTC)和A*STAR新加坡制造技术研究所(A*STAR SimTech)将与制造公司合作,为他们提供用例开发、人工智能试验、实验和积累行业知识方面的支持。

Over the next three years, 150 companies from SMF's network are expected to be involved in trials with students and academia from SIT with the goal of developing smart AI models and applications for this sector.


3) Ecosystem to accelerate the deployment of AI solutions and services

3) 加速部署人工智能解决方案和服务的生态系统

To establish Singapore as a regional AI hub, RE:AI will be partnering with leading AI applications, models and platform providers, AlphaSense, H2O.AI, Hippocratic.AI and Hive AI to launch AI software, applications, tools and models for customers, orchestrated through the Paragon platform and powered by its AI Cloud offering.

为了将新加坡建成区域人工智能中心,RE: AI将与领先的人工智能应用程序、模型和平台提供商AlphaSense、H2O.AI、Hippocratic.AI 和Hive AI合作,为客户推出人工智能软件、应用程序、工具和模型,这些软件通过Paragon平台精心编排,由其人工智能云产品提供支持。

The partners will also leverage RE:AI's GPU services to enhance their application response and improve performance.

合作伙伴还将利用 RE: AI 的 GPU 服务来增强其应用程序响应并提高性能。

4) Incubation and Acceleration Programme for promising AI tech companies

4) 面向有前景的人工智能科技公司的孵化与加速计划

Singtel RE:AI and Digital Industry Singapore will launch an AI Accelerator Programme to help AI tech companies to establish, develop and scale up their operations, with the aim of attracting companies with AI capabilities to set up their regional headquarters and build a vibrant AI ecosystem in Singapore.

新加坡电信RE: AI和数字产业新加坡将启动一项人工智能加速器计划,以帮助人工智能科技公司建立、发展和扩大其业务,目的是吸引具有人工智能能力的公司在新加坡设立其区域总部并建立一个充满活力的人工智能生态系统。

This programme is expected to bring in up to 15 technology companies in its first year, and support will be provided for projects that drive AI innovation.


5) AI Acceleration Academy for Singtel's work force development and upskilling

5) 新加坡电信员工队伍发展和技能提升的人工智能加速学院

Singtel will be collaborating with AI Singapore, Nanyang Technological University, and the National University of Singapore to co-develop training programmes that will advance Singtel employees' AI skills. Through online modules and practical workshops, more than 10,000 Singapore-based Singtel and NCS staff members will be trained in AI competencies, based on their job roles and business needs.


To further ensure a strong pipeline of AI talent, Singtel will also be working with Institutes of Higher Learning and these partners to offer 300 AI-related internships and 300 scholarship opportunities.


6) Advancing sustainability goals

6) 推进可持续发展目标

In keeping with Singtel's net zero 2045 goals, Digital InfraCo signed an MOU last week with GoNetZero, a global decarbonisation solution provider, to explore the integration of its platform comprising a suite of comprehensive end-to-end digital decarbonisation solutions with RE:AI's offerings so its customers can buy and retire their Environmental Attributes Credits with ease.

为了实现新加坡电信的2045年净零排放目标,Digital Infraco上周与全球脱碳解决方案提供商GonetZero签署了谅解备忘录,探讨将其平台与RE: AI的产品整合在一起,包括一套全面的端到端数字脱碳解决方案,以便其客户可以轻松购买和退出环境属性积分。


附件 2-新加坡电信合作伙伴的名言

MOU 1 – AI-powered R&D platform for research and academia communities

谅解备忘录 1 — 面向研究和学术界的人工智能研发平台



Prof Mohan Kankanhalli, Deputy Executive Chairman:


"AI Singapore is excited to embark on a transformative partnership with RE:AI, combining our expertise in AI Capability Development with pioneering Research & Development. Together, we will co-create innovative training programmes that empower individuals with essential AI skills and promote promising career pathways. Simultaneously, we will explore the development of advanced cloud solutions to boost operational efficiency. This dynamic collaboration aims to accelerate AI innovation, providing scalable, optimized solutions that benefit Singapore's workforce and research community, and beyond. By enhancing the educational landscape and advancing responsible AI practices across sectors, we envision a future where technology and human potential harmoniously align."

“新加坡人工智能很高兴与RE: AI建立变革性的合作伙伴关系,将我们在人工智能能力发展方面的专业知识与开创性的研发相结合。我们将共同创建创新的培训计划,为个人提供基本的人工智能技能,并促进前景光明的职业道路。同时,我们将探索开发先进的云解决方案,以提高运营效率。这种动态合作旨在加速人工智能创新,提供可扩展的优化解决方案,使新加坡的劳动力和研究界等受益。通过改善教育格局和推进各行各业的人工智能实践,我们设想了一个技术和人类潜力协调一致的未来。”



Dr Terence Hung, Chief Executive:


"The collaboration between the National Supercomputing Centre (NSCC) Singapore and RE:AI is an important step and part of NSCC's strategy to diversify our high performance computing sources to support Singapore's research community, especially in accelerating AI innovations. We will be working with commercial cloud partners like RE:AI to provide our researchers with seamless access to additional GPU and CPU resources across multiple technology vendors, systems and sites."

“新加坡国家超级计算中心(NSCC)与RE: AI之间的合作是NSCC战略的重要一步,也是NSCC战略的一部分,该战略旨在实现高性能计算资源的多样化,以支持新加坡的研究界,特别是在加速人工智能创新方面。我们将与RE: AI等商业云合作伙伴合作,为我们的研究人员提供跨多个技术供应商、系统和站点的无缝访问额外的GPU和CPU资源。”

MOU 2 – Promoting AI adoption for the Advanced Manufacturing sector

谅解备忘录 2 — 促进先进制造业采用人工智能

Agency for Science, Technology and Research (A*STAR) Advanced Remanufacturing and Technology Centre (ARTC)


Dr David Low CEO, A*STAR ARTC:

A*STAR ARTC 首席执行官 David Low 博士:

"At A*STAR, we are committed to driving innovation in Singapore's manufacturing sector through the adoption of advanced AI technologies. By partnering with industry leaders and leveraging our expertise in remanufacturing and technology development, we aim to help companies enhance their productivity, competitiveness and unlock new growth opportunities. This collaboration will provide businesses with the resources and knowledge needed to experiment with AI solutions, ensuring they are well-equipped to deploy AI for the future of manufacturing."




Professor Chua Kee Chaing, President:


"Our partnership with RE:AI, ARTC, SIMTech, and SMF to establish the AI Centre of Excellence for Advanced Manufacturing is a collaborative effort to transform the advanced manufacturing industry through AI adoption. Through this partnership, SIT students will gain invaluable hands-on experience in addressing real-world AI applications as well as opportunities to hone their technical skills and build networks, working alongside experts at the Centre and companies. We hope that businesses can also benefit from the fresh perspectives and innovative solutions offered by our students to drive AI-led growth across the manufacturing sector.

“我们与RE: AI、ARTC、SimTech和SMF合作建立先进制造人工智能卓越中心,这是一项通过采用人工智能来改造先进制造业的共同努力。通过这种伙伴关系,SiT学生将获得处理现实人工智能应用的宝贵实践经验,并有机会与中心和公司的专家一起磨练他们的技术技能和建立网络。我们希望企业也能从我们的学生提供的新视角和创新解决方案中受益,以推动整个制造业的人工智能主导的增长。



Dennis Mark, CEO:


"This partnership reflects SMF's steadfast commitment to championing manufacturing through innovation. By harnessing the potential of AI, we are equipping our sector with the critical tools needed to remain competitive and thrive in the digital age. SMF's role in connecting 150 companies to this initiative highlights our focus on delivering tangible business outcomes. This collaboration will not only future-proof these companies but also reinforce Singapore's position as a global leader in advanced manufacturing."


MOU 3 – Ecosystem to accelerate the deployment of AI solutions and services

谅解备忘录 3 — 加速部署人工智能解决方案和服务的生态系统



Sri Ambati, Founder and CEO:


"Every nation needs to be an AI nation. Public servants and ministries worldwide need their sovereign AI agencies to fulfil their missions with great outcomes. To address both local and continental needs, nations must find economical ways to take AI from pilots to production.


AI will transform the GDP of the world and every nation and community by amplifying and economic output of the population with AI agents. With the right AI infrastructure, nations of any size can leverage AI to create significant growth and transform their economies.


Public servants and all ministries worldwide need their own GPTs and sovereign AI to fulfill their missions with great outcomes and serve their people and communities.


Our partnership with RE:AI represents the future of Generative AI – purpose-led, SLMs on protected data, open source, secure, hybrid and ubiquitous on the edge at a fraction of the economic cost for training and inference.

我们与RE: AI的合作代表了生成式人工智能的未来——以目标为导向、基于受保护数据的SLM、开源、安全、混合和在边缘无处不在,而经济成本只是训练和推理经济成本的一小部分。 is home to the world's best AI talent with more Kaggle Grandmasters than any company or continent. With our open source community, partnership ecosystem and unique mindset of co-creation with customers we are transforming large banks, telcos and public sector by leveraging their data, upskilling their people, and building custom GenAI and Predictive AI for solving problems and bettering life of citizens globally." 拥有世界上最优秀的人工智能人才,他们的 Kaggle 特级大师比任何公司或大陆都要多。凭借我们的开源社区、合作伙伴生态系统以及与客户共同创造的独特思维,我们正在利用大型银行、电信公司和公共部门的数据、提高员工技能以及构建定制的GenAI和Predictive AI来解决问题和改善全球公民的生活,从而实现大型银行、电信公司和公共部门的转型。”



Munjal Shah, CEO and Co-founder:

首席执行官兼联合创始人Munjal Shah:

"Hippocratic.AI is excited to be part of this movement to support the adoption of AI solutions to enable greater business innovation and growth."

“Hippocratic.AI 很高兴能参与这项运动,支持采用 AI 解决方案,实现更大的业务创新和增长。”



Kevin Guo, CEO:


"Hive's mission is to enable companies and organizations globally in their adoption of enterprise grade AI models to solve pressing challenges. The Asia Pacific region is an important area of growth for Hive in the coming years, and we're thrilled to be partnering with RE:AI to make it easy for customers in the region to integrate Hive models."

“Hive的使命是使全球的公司和组织能够采用企业级人工智能模型来解决紧迫的挑战。亚太地区是Hive未来几年的重要增长领域,我们很高兴与RE: AI合作,让该地区的客户可以轻松集成Hive模型。”

MOU 4 – Incubation and Acceleration Programme for promising AI tech companies

谅解备忘录4 — 面向有前景的人工智能科技公司的孵化与加速计划



Philbert Gomez, Executive Director & Head, Digital Industry Singapore:


"Developing a vibrant AI ecosystem requires collective industry effort. DISG's collaboration with industry players like Singtel will help attract and anchor leading global AI companies' innovation capabilities in Singapore. We look forward to this collaboration which will further contribute to Singapore's goal of becoming a global hub for AI innovation."


MOU 5 – AI Acceleration Academy for Singtel's work force development and upskilling

谅解备忘录 5 — 新加坡电信员工队伍发展和技能提升的人工智能加速学院



Koo Sengmeng, Head of LearnAI:

LearNAI 负责人 Koo Sengmeng:

"At LearnAI, we are committed to support lifelong learning by co-creating training programmes that not only equip adult learners with the latest AI competencies but also foster inclusive pathways for career advancement. We are excited to partner with RE:AI, as together we can empower individuals and organisations to embrace the transformative potential of artificial intelligence in the workplace."

“在LearNAI,我们致力于通过共同创建培训计划来支持终身学习,这些计划不仅使成人学习者掌握最新的人工智能能力,而且还为职业发展开辟包容性途径。我们很高兴能与RE: AI合作,因为我们可以共同赋予个人和组织在工作场所拥抱人工智能的变革潜力。”



Prof Luke Ong, Vice President (AI & Digital Economy) and Dean, College of Computing and Data Science:


"As AI affects more facets of our lives, having AI skills will become a prerequisite for a job in the next decade. This collaboration, which leverages NTU's strengths and resources in AI education and research, will help working professionals adapt to changes in their jobs brought about by AI through a variety of short-form courses and stackable learning pathways with industry relevance. The collaboration also aims to attract and engage NTU AI students through initiatives such as internships, book prizes and a management associate programme, contributing to Singapore's goal to triple our pool of AI talent who create AI solutions that better society."




Associate Professor Chai Kah Hin, Associate Provost (Masters' Programmes & Lifelong Education):


"This collaboration with RE:AI underscores NUS' commitment to elevating AI capabilities within Singapore's workforce, particularly among professionals in this sector. Beyond providing training programmes, NUS looks forward to partnering with RE:AI in driving innovation and reinforcing Singapore's leadership in AI. Together, we aim to build a vibrant community of AI professionals, advancing industry expertise in this critical field."

“与RE: AI的合作凸显了新加坡国立大学对提高新加坡劳动力,尤其是该领域专业人员的人工智能能力的承诺。除了提供培训计划外,新加坡国立大学还期待与RE: AI合作,推动创新并加强新加坡在人工智能领域的领导地位。我们的目标是共同建立一个充满活力的人工智能专业人士社区,提高这一关键领域的行业专业知识。”

MOU 6 – Advancing sustainability goals

谅解备忘录 6 — 推进可持续发展目标



Soon Sze Meng, CEO, GoNetZero:

很快,GonetZero 首席执行官 Sze Meng:

"GoNetZero is delighted to support Singtel in achieving its net-zero goals. By leveraging our expertise in decarbonisation solutions, GoNetZero would like to support RE:AI and its customers in actively managing and offsetting their carbon footprint, enabling meaningful progress towards their sustainability targets. This partnership underscores our shared vision to driving innovation in decarbonising the data centre ecosystem and accelerating the transition to net zero."

“GonetZero很高兴支持新加坡电信实现其净零目标。通过利用我们在脱碳解决方案方面的专业知识,GonetZero希望支持RE: AI及其客户积极管理和抵消他们的碳足迹,从而在实现可持续发展目标方面取得有意义的进展。这种伙伴关系凸显了我们的共同愿景,即推动数据中心生态系统脱碳方面的创新,加速向净零的过渡。”

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