
Sun Summit Minerals Appoints Terry Salman as Strategic Advisor

Sun Summit Minerals Appoints Terry Salman as Strategic Advisor

Sun Summit Minerals任命Terry Salman为战略顾问
newsfile ·  2024/10/15 06:00

Vancouver, British Columbia--(Newsfile Corp. - October 15, 2024) - Sun Summit Minerals Corp. (TSXV: SMN) (OTCQB: SMREF) is pleased to announce the appointment of Mr. Terry Salman, C.M., as Strategic Advisor to the Company.

温哥华,不列颠哥伦比亚-(Newsfile Corp. - 2024年10月15日)- Sun Summit Minerals Corp. (TSXV: SMN) (OTCQB: SMREF) 欣然宣布委任 Terry Salman 先生为公司战略顾问。

Mr. Terry Salman has 35 years of experience in exploration finance. He currently serves as Chairman of the Essential Needs Foundation and CEO of Salman Partners Inc.

Terry Salman 先生在勘探融资领域拥有35年的经验,目前担任 Essential Needs Foundation 主席兼 Salman Partners Inc. CEO。

Mr. Salman began his career with Nesbitt Thomson, where he rose to the position of Executive Vice-President and Director, overseeing all corporate and government finance activities in the Pacific Rim and Western North America. He was responsible for underwriting activities, including mergers and acquisitions, valuations, and private placements. After leaving Nesbitt Thomson, he founded Salman Partners, where he served as President, CEO, and Co-Director of Research, helping to raise over $20 billion for more than 400 exploration and mining companies.

Salman 先生的职业生涯始于 Nesbitt Thomson,后在该公司晋升为执行副总裁兼董事,负责太平洋地区和北美西部的所有公司和政府融资活动。他负责承销活动,包括并购、估值和私募股权融资。离开 Nesbitt Thomson 后,他创办了 Salman Partners,担任总裁、CEO 和联合研究董事,并帮助为400多家勘探和矿业公司筹集超过20亿美金。

Today, Mr. Salman is the President and CEO of Salman Capital Inc. He was honored with the 2016 Murray Pezim Award for his outstanding career in Canadian mining finance and was inducted into the Cambridge House Resource Hall of Fame in 2018. Additionally, Mr. Salman is the Chair Emeritus of the Vancouver Public Library Foundation, Honorary Consul-General of the Republic of Singapore, and has held various leadership roles in numerous charities. He also served as the former Chairman of the Investment Dealers Association of Canada.

Salman 先生如今是 Salman Capital Inc. 的总裁兼 CEO。他因在加拿大矿业融资领域的杰出职业生涯而荣获2016年 Murray Pezim 奖,并于2018年入选为剑桥豪斯资源名人堂。此外,Salman 先生还是温哥华公共图书馆基金会名誉主席、新加坡共和国名誉总领事,并曾在众多慈善机构担任各种领导职务。他还曾担任加拿大投资经纪人协会前主席。

A Vietnam veteran, Mr. Salman served with the United States Marine Corps. He was recently appointed to the Order of Canada for his contributions to mining exploration and his generous philanthropy and community activism. In November 2021, he received the Public Service Star from the President of Singapore at the National Day Awards Investiture.

Salman 先生是一位越南老兵,曾在美国海军陆战队服役。他最近因其在矿业勘探领域的贡献、慷慨的慈善事业和社区活动而被任命为加拿大勋章成员。2021年11月,他在新加坡国庆庆典上获得了总统颁发的公共服务之星奖。

Mr. Salman commented: "I am delighted to be appointed as Strategic Advisor to Sun Summit Minerals Corp. I look forward to working with the impressive team to advance their district-scale gold and copper assets in British Columbia."

Salman 先生评论道:“很高兴被委任为 Sun Summit Minerals Corp. 的战略顾问。我期待与这支出色团队合作,推进他们在不列颠哥伦比亚的区域规模黄金和铜资产。”

"Sun Summit Minerals is excited to welcome Terry Salman as Strategic Advisor," stated Sharyn Alexander, Sun Summit's President. "Terry's extensive experience in mining finance and deep industry connections will be instrumental as we advance our projects and work to create lasting value for our shareholders. We are confident that his strategic insights will help elevate Sun Summit's growth trajectory."

“Sun Summit Minerals很高兴欢迎Terry Salman担任战略顾问,” Sun Summit的总裁Sharyn Alexander表示。“Terry在采矿金融领域拥有丰富经验和深厚行业关系,将在我们推进项目、为股东创造持久价值方面发挥关键作用。我们相信,他的战略洞察力将有助于提升Sun Summit的增长轨迹。”

About Sun Summit

关于Sun Summit Minerals Corp.:Sun Summit Minerals Corp.是一家定位为矿产勘探和开发的探索公司,其专注于加拿大不列颠哥伦比亚省内的高潜力矿产区域的勘探。

Sun Summit Minerals (TSXV: SMN) (OTCQB: SMREF) is a mineral exploration company focused on expansion and discovery of district scale gold and copper assets in British Columbia. The Company's diverse portfolio includes the JD Project in the Toodoggone region of north-central B.C., and the Buck Project in central B.C.

Sun Summit Minerals (TSXV: SMN) (OTCQB: SMREF) 是一家矿业勘探公司,专注于在不列颠哥伦比亚省进行黄金和铜资产的区域规模扩张和发现。该公司拥有多样化的投资组合,其中包括 B.C. 中央的 JD 项目和 Toodoggone 区域以及 Buck 项目。

Further details are available at .


On behalf of the board of directors


Brian Lock


For further information, contact:


Sharyn Alexander


Matthew Benedetto
Simone Capital

Simone Capital

Tel. 416-817-1226


Forward Looking Information


Statements contained in this news release that are not historical facts may be forward-looking statements, which involve risks, uncertainties and other factors that could cause actual results to differ materially from those expressed or implied by such forward-looking statements. In addition, the forward-looking statements require management to make assumptions and are subject to inherent risks and uncertainties. There is significant risk that the forward-looking statements will not prove to be accurate, that the management's assumptions may not be correct and that actual results may differ materially from such forward-looking statements. Accordingly, readers should not place undue reliance on the forward-looking statements. Generally forward-looking statements can be identified by the use of terminology such as "anticipate", "will", "expect", "may", "continue", "could", "estimate", "forecast", "plan", "potential" and similar expressions. Forward-looking statements contained in this press release may include, but are not limited to, potential mineralization, exploration plans, and engagement with First Nations communities. These forward-looking statements are based on a number of assumptions which may prove to be incorrect which, without limiting the generality of the following, include: risks inherent in exploration activities; the impact of exploration competition; unexpected geological or hydrological conditions; changes in government regulations and policies, including trade laws and policies; failure to obtain necessary permits and approvals from government authorities; volatility and sensitivity to market prices; volatility and sensitivity to capital market fluctuations; the ability to raise funds through private or public equity financings; environmental and safety risks including increased regulatory burdens; weather and other natural phenomena; and other exploration, development, operating, financial market and regulatory risks. The forward-looking statements contained in this press release are made as of the date hereof or the dates specifically referenced in this press release, where applicable. Except as required by applicable securities laws and regulation, Sun Summit disclaims any intention or obligation to update or revise any forward-looking statement, whether as a result of new information, future events or otherwise, except as required by applicable securities laws. All forward-looking statements contained in this press release are expressly qualified by this cautionary statement.

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