
Workday and SpringHill-Produced Documentary "UNTAPPED" Is Now Available on Netflix in the U.S.

Workday and SpringHill-Produced Documentary "UNTAPPED" Is Now Available on Netflix in the U.S.

PR Newswire ·  03:01

Featuring Mark Cuban and CEOs from GM, JPMorganChase, Walmart and More, UNTAPPED Encourages Corporate America to Adopt Inclusive Talent Strategies

Featuring Mark Cuban and CEOs from Gm, JPMorganChase, Walmart and More, UNTAPPED Encourages Corporate America to Adopt Inclusive Talent Strategies

PLEASANTON, Calif., Oct. 16, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Workday, Inc. (NASDAQ: WDAY) has announced its documentary, "UNTAPPED: Closing America's Opportunity Gap," produced in partnership with SpringHill, is now streaming on Netflix in the U.S.

PLEASANTON, Calif., Oct. 16, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Workday,Inc。 (NASDAQ: WDAY) has announced its documentary, "UNTAPPED: Closing America's Opportunity Gap," produced in partnership with SpringHill, is now streaming on Netflix in the U.S.

UNTAPPED charts the emotional and inspiring journeys of six young adults as they navigate a rigorous skills training program through Year Up United, for a shot at Fortune 500 internships – in hopes of changing the trajectory of their lives.

UNTAPPED charts the emotional and inspiring journeys of six young adults as they navigate a rigorous skills training program through Year Up United为了有机会获得财富500强实习机会 - 期望改变他们生活轨迹。

Set against a tapestry of deeply moving and powerful human stories, this Workday-developed documentary, directed by award-winning filmmaker Josh Kahn, boldly shines a light on the urgent need for skills-based hiring – a practice that focuses on a person's full range of skills and capabilities, rather than only looking at whether they have a traditional four-year college degree.

该纪录片描绘了一幅深情而有力的人类故事画卷,由屡获殊荣的导演乔希·卡恩执导,大胆地强调了对基于技能的招聘的迫切需求 - 这是一种侧重于一个人全面技能和能力范围的做法,而不仅仅是看他们是否有传统的四年制大学学位。

In the film, industry titans including GM CEO Mary Barra, JPMorganChase Chairman and CEO Jamie Dimon, Walmart CEO Doug McMillon, Workday Co-Founder and Executive Chair Aneel Bhusri, Workday CEO Carl Eschenbach, entrepreneur Mark Cuban, and more, share their candid experiences and perspectives about the skills imperative.


When asked about the significance of the film's message, JPMorganChase Chairman and CEO Jamie Dimon commented, "The new world of work is about skills, not necessarily degrees. We must remove the stigma of a community college and career education, look for opportunities to upskill or reskill workers, and give those who have been left behind the chance to compete for well-paying careers – today and tomorrow. It's good for business and good for society."

当被问及该电影信息的重要性时,摩根大通董事长兼首席执行官杰米·戴蒙评论说:“新的工作世界关乎技能,而不一定是学位。我们必须消除社区学院和职业教育的污名,寻找机会提升工人技能或重新培训,并让那些被抛在后面的人有机会竞争薪资丰厚的职业 - 今天和明天。这对生意有益,也有益于社会。”

Workday CEO Carl Eschenbach echoed Dimon's sentiments and shared, "There are, and should be, different paths that can lead you to a successful career. I opted to get technical school training rather than a four-year degree and have selected roles to build out my skills over the past 35 years in technology. Skills are the modern currency of work."


Opening the Doors of Opportunity


UNTAPPED comes at a pivotal time, as we enter what many experts call the most popular hiring months of the year, and many organizations reassess their workforces, hiring needs, and budgets for the upcoming year.

在我们进入许多专家称之为最 受欢迎的招聘月份 到这一年的尾声,许多组织都会重新评估他们的员工队伍、招聘需求和即将到来的预算。

With an estimated 87% of companies facing skill gaps, and only 38% of adults in the U.S. holding four-year degrees, UNTAPPED calls on businesses to rethink a more inclusive talent strategy.

据估计,有87%的公司面临技能缺口,而仅有38%的美国成年人拥有四年制学位。 在美国,只有38%的成年人拥有四年制学位,UNTAPPED呼吁企业重新思考更具包容性的人才战略。 “当企业采纳以技能为先的人才实践,包括招聘和提升技能,成千上万才华横溢但未被开发的年轻人就可以获得经济机会,” Year Up United的首席执行官兼总裁艾伦·麦克莱恩说道。“这部由我们长期合作伙伴Workday制作的影片证实了Year Up United持续的影响力。我们帮助领先的公司为下一代开辟职业机会,而有了正确的资源和人际网,他们就可以改变自己的生活、家庭和社区。”

"When corporations embrace skills-first talent practices, including hiring and upskilling, millions of talented yet untapped young people gain access to economic mobility," said Ellen McClain, CEO and president, Year Up United. "This film, produced by our long-standing partner Workday, is a testament to Year Up United's sustained impact. We help leading companies open career opportunities for the next generation which, with access to the right resources and networks, can transform their lives, families and communities."

加入Opportunity Talent Movement。 当前在美国Netflix上可以观看UNTAPPED。

Join the Opportunity Talent Movement

加入Opportunity Talent Movement

  • Watch UNTAPPED on Netflix in the U.S. now (must be logged into Netflix account).
  • For steps on how to help bridge the opportunity gap, read the UNTAPPED Q&A Blog with Carrie Varoquiers, Workday's chief philanthropy officer.
  • Follow and use #UNTAPPEDFilm to join the conversation on LinkedIn, Instagram, Facebook, and X.
  • 观看现在在美国Netflix上可以观看UNTAPPED (必须登录奈飞账户)
  • 想要缩小机会差距的步骤,请阅读 带您深入了解Carrie Varoquiers的UNTAPPED问答博客,Workday的首席慈善官。
  • 关注并使用#UNTAPPEDFilm参与对话 LinkedIn, Instagram, FacebookX.

About Workday
Workday is a leading enterprise platform that helps organizations manage their most important assets – their people and money. The Workday platform is built with AI at the core to help customers elevate people, supercharge work, and move their business forever forward. Workday is used by more than 10,500 organizations around the world and across industries – from medium-sized businesses to more than 60% of the Fortune 500. For more information about Workday, visit


2024 Workday, Inc. All rights reserved. Workday and the Workday logo are trademarks of Workday, Inc. All other brand and product names are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective holders.

2024 Workday,Inc. 版权所有。Workday和Workday标志是Workday,Inc. 的商标。所有其他品牌和产品名称是其各自持有人的商标或注册商标。

About SpringHill
SpringHill is the creative and entertainment community within The SpringHill Company (TSHC), founded by LeBron James and Maverick Carter. Fueled by the stories of makers, the brand is committed to putting the craft back into creativity and nurturing the unique gift in all of us. The award-winning studio team for the SpringHill brand develops and produces high-quality entertainment television, film, and theatrical releases with the biggest creators, brands and platforms in the world. All SpringHill studio projects are empowerment led, where content isn't simply to entertain, but to inspire with thought-provoking themes, conversations and journeys. Studio projects within the unscripted and documentary space for SpringHill include Turning the Tables with Robin Roberts, Dreamland: The Burning of Black Wall Street, Recipe for Change, The Wall, See It Loud and more. For more information visit and follow @MakeSpringHill on social media.

SpringHill是由勒布朗·詹姆斯和梅瑞瑟·卡特共同创立的SpringHill公司(TSHC)内的创意和娱乐社区。品牌以制作者的故事为动力,致力于将工艺带回创造力中,并培养我们每个人的独特天赋。SpringHill品牌的获奖工作室团队与全球最大的创作者、品牌和平台合作,开发和制作高质量的娱乐电视、电影和舞台作品。所有SpringHill工作室项目均以赋权为主导,内容不仅是为了娱乐,更要启发思考,并探讨引人深思的主题、对话和旅程。SpringHill的真人秀和纪录片类工作室项目包括与罗宾·罗伯茨一起翻转局势、梦幻乡:黑人华尔街惨案、变革配方、城墙、声临其境等。欲了解更多信息,请访问 并关注社交媒体上的@MakeSpringHill。

SOURCE Workday Inc.

SOURCE Workday公司。




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