
Sanu Gold Announces a New Target at Salat East on Daina Project

Sanu Gold Announces a New Target at Salat East on Daina Project

Sanu黄金宣布Daina项目Salat East区的新目标
newsfile ·  2024/10/29 04:30

Vancouver, British Columbia--(Newsfile Corp. - October 29, 2024) - Sanu Gold Corporation (CSE: SANU) (OTCQB: SNGCF) ("Sanu Gold" or the "Company") is pleased to announce that recent field investigation has delineated a highly prospective gold target in the south-eastern corner of the Daina project named Salat East. This new target is so far marked by new and extensive artisanal workings spanning a trend of 500 m and growing. The Daina project is located in prolific gold district of the Siguiri Basin in Guinea, West Africa.

不列颠哥伦比亚省温哥华--(Newsfile Corp.,2024年10月29日)——萨努黄金公司(CSE:SANU)(场外交易代码:SNGCF)(“Sanu Gold” 或 “公司”)欣然宣布,最近的实地调查在名为Salat East的戴纳项目的东南角划定了一个极具前景的黄金目标。到目前为止,这一新目标以新的、广泛的手工制作为标志,跨越了50000万的趋势,并且还在增长。Daina项目位于西非几内亚西吉里盆地多产的黄金区。

Compelling New Target: The Salat East target is considered a significant new prospect market by new, extensive, and growing artisanal workings where significant excavations into mineralized bedrock only started within the last year.

引人注目的新目标:由于新的、广泛的、不断增长的手工开采活动,Salat East的目标被视为一个重要的新前景市场,对矿化基岩的大规模挖掘工作直到去年才开始。

Significant Footprint: Artisanal miners have begun extracting mineralized material along a 500 m northeast trending line of workings from a structure ranging from 5 to 8 m in width and dipping to the west, thus representing a target with possible significant gold ounce potential.


Target Development: The company is planning to evaluate the Salat East target with rock chip sampling, geological mapping and geophysics prior to possible drilling.

目标开发:该公司计划在可能的钻探之前,通过岩屑采样、地质测绘和地球物理学来评估Salat East的目标。

Drilling at Diguifara Imminent: The company is in the final stages of mobilizing equipment to the Diguifara Permit the immediate commencement of a 2,000 m, 19-hole program, informed through the joint technical committee with AngloGold Ashanti plc.

迪吉法拉的钻探迫在眉睫:根据与AngloGold Ashanti plc的联合技术委员会提供的信息,该公司已进入向迪吉法拉许可证调动设备的最后阶段,立即启动了一项200000万的19孔项目。

Martin Pawlitschek, President, and CEO of Sanu Gold commented: "We are excited to have defined a new target on the Daina permit. It is a remarkably persistent structure that has been opened by artisanal miners underneath a 3 to 6m thick layer of laterite. Such dedicated work to stripping essentially barren overburden to get at the structure is suggestive of high value mineralized material. The Company will further evaluate the target with mapping, rock chip sampling and geophysics, prior to making a drill decision."

Sanu Gold总裁兼首席执行官马丁·帕利切克评论说:“我们很高兴在戴纳许可证上定义了新的目标。这是一个非常持久的结构,由手工采矿者在3至600万厚的红土层下方打开。如此专心地拆除基本上贫乏的覆盖层以进入该结构,这表明矿化材料价值很高。在做出钻探决定之前,该公司将通过测绘、岩屑采样和地球物理学进一步评估目标。”

Operations Update and Salat East:


With drill preparations well underway at the Diguifara project, geologists have also been active on the Daina permit, where the next phase of drilling will be planned soon. Reviewing available, updated satellite imagery showed a significant increase in the footprints of artisanal workings. A Salat East a particularly extensive series of open pits was noted on the imagery field traverses were undertaken to further investigate this area in the SE of the Daina project (Figure 1). The traverses investigated a 500m long line of pits that is visible on the most recent available satellite imagery (Figure 2). The previous, older satellite imagery only showed extensive shallow surface disturbances in the area. This progression to a well-structured line of pit indicates that the artisanal miners were exposing a new gold bearing structure in the bed rock (Figure 3).

随着Diguifara项目的钻探准备工作进展顺利,地质学家也一直在积极申请Daina许可证,下一阶段的钻探工作将很快规划。查看现有的最新卫星图像显示,手工劳动的足迹显著增加。A Salat East 在影像中发现了一系列特别广泛的露天矿坑,目的是进一步调查戴纳项目东南部的这一区域(图 1)。这些横向调查了一条长达50000万的矿坑,在最新的可用卫星图像中可以看到这些坑(图2)。先前较旧的卫星图像仅显示该地区存在广泛的浅层地表干扰。这种向结构良好的矿井线的进展表明,手工采矿者正在床岩中暴露出一种新的含金结构(图 3)。

Most the mineralisation near surface has been removed, flooded and waste filled or collapsed workings are currently preventing access to the main zones of mineralisation. Estimates of voids created show that the zone mined is consistently 4 to 8m thick and steeply west dipping. The host rock observed consists entirely of weathered granite. Remnant near surface mineralisation is currently being mined in the hanging wall of the flooded main workings. Where observed the mineralisation consists of sets of steep dipping, subparallel quartz veinlets ranging from a few millimeters to 1-2 centimeters in thickness hosted in weathered granite. Rock chips sampling, mapping and ground geophysics will be considered to further evaluate this area.


From the exposures created by the artisanal miners it is evident that the laterite cap in the area is up to 6m thick and was initially explored by sinking vertical shafts to the base of the laterite. There are some stopes that are sub horizontal which likely exploited a paleo-colluvial layer of gold above the main structure from these horizontal workings the artisanal miners then located and exploited the steep dipping structures in the bedrock, prior to the stripping the significant overburden to more fully exploit the main structure. All along the trend evidence of steep west dipping excavations in the granite provide indications of a steep west dipping main structure underneath the laterite cap and colluvial dispersion layer.


Update on Diguifara drilling program:

Diguifara 钻探计划的最新消息:

Access preparations at Diguifara are near complete and a multipurpose drill rig from the Company's second largest strategic investor, Capital, is currently mobilising to our Diguifara project (Figure 5). The Company will provide an update when drilling operations have commenced.


Next Steps at Salat East:


The Company plans to complete mapping, rock sampling and ground geophysics over the area and then to evaluate this area as a drill target.


Figure 2: Salat East target near the southeast corner of the Daina Permit showing artisanal workings, shafts and pits from a north east trending 500m long structure hosted in granodiorite.

图 2:位于戴纳许可证东南角附近的 Salat East 目标显示了位于花岗闪长岩中的手工作业、竖井和矿坑,其长度为50000万。

Qualified Person


The scientific and technical information contained in this press release has been reviewed and approved by Serigne Dieng, Ph.D., M.Sc., a Member (MAIG) of the Australian Institute of Geoscientists (AIG), Exploration Manager of the Company and a qualified person within the meaning of NI 43-101.

本新闻稿中包含的科学和技术信息已由澳大利亚地球科学家协会(AIG)会员(MAIG)、公司勘探经理和NI 43-101所指的合格人员Serigne Dieng,万.Sc. 博士的审查和批准。

About Sanu Gold

关于 Sanu Gold

Located within the Siguiri Basin, a world class gold district that is host to several operating mines and major new discoveries, Sanu Gold is exploring three high quality gold exploration permits in Guinea, West Africa. The Company has defined multi-kilometer long gold-bearing structures on each of the gold exploration permits, with multiple high-value drill targets and is targeting multi-million ounce gold discoveries. Sanu is operated by a highly experienced team, with successful records of discovery, resource development and mine permitting.

Sanu Gold位于西吉里盆地内,这是一个世界一流的黄金区,拥有多个正在运营的矿山和重大新发现,正在西非几内亚勘探三份高质量的黄金勘探许可证。该公司已在每份黄金勘探许可证上定义了长达数千米的含金结构,并有多个高价值的钻探目标,目标是发现数百万盎司的黄金。Sanu由一支经验丰富的团队运营,在发现、资源开发和采矿许可方面有着成功的记录。

Martin Pawlitschek


President & CEO, Sanu Gold Corp.

Sanu Gold Corp. 总裁兼首席执行官

For further information regarding Sanu Gold, please visit the Company's website at or contact:

有关Sanu Gold的更多信息,请访问该公司的网站或联系:

Anthony Simone
Simone Capital


Neither the Canadian Securities Exchange nor its Regulation Services Provider accepts responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this release.


Cautionary Note Regarding Forward-Looking Statements


This news release contains certain statements that may be deemed "forward-looking statements" with respect to the Company within the meaning of applicable securities laws. Forward-looking statements are statements that are not historical facts and are generally, but not always, identified by the words "expects", "plans", "anticipates", "believes", "intends", "estimates", "projects", "potential", "indicates", "opportunity", "possible" and similar expressions, or that events or conditions "will", "would", "may", "could" or "should" occur. Forward-looking statements in this news release includes, but is not limited to, the anticipated timing for completion of various exploration or drilling programs and the use of proceeds from the Placement. Although Sanu Gold believes the expectations expressed in such forward-looking statements are based on reasonable assumptions, such statements are not guarantees of future performance, are subject to risks and uncertainties, and actual results or realities may differ materially from those in the forward-looking statements. Such material risks and uncertainties include, but are not limited to, the Company's plans for exploration on its properties and ability to execute on plans, ability to raise sufficient capital to fund its obligations under its property agreements going forward, ability to maintain its material property agreements, mineral tenures and concessions in good standing, to explore and develop its projects; changes in economic conditions or financial markets; the inherent hazards associated with mineral exploration and mining operations, future prices of gold and other metals, changes in general economic conditions and local risks in the jurisdiction (Guinea) in which it operates, accuracy of mineral resource and reserve estimates, the potential for new discoveries, the ability of the Company to obtain the necessary permits and consents required to explore, drill and develop the projects and if obtained, to obtain such permits and consents in a timely fashion relative to the Company's plans and business objectives for the projects; the general ability of the Company to monetize its mineral resources; changes in environmental and other laws or regulations that could have an impact on the Company's operations, compliance with environmental laws and regulations, dependence on key management personnel; general competition in the mining industry availability of capital and financing; general economic, market or business conditions, regulatory changes; timeliness of regulatory approvals as well as those factors discussed in the Company's public disclosure record. Forward-looking statements are based on the reasonable beliefs, estimates and opinions of the Company's management on the date the statements are made. Except as required by law, the Company undertakes no obligation to update these forward-looking statements in the event that management's beliefs, estimates or opinions, or other factors, should change.

本新闻稿包含某些陈述,根据适用的证券法,这些陈述可能被视为与公司有关的 “前瞻性陈述”。前瞻性陈述不是历史事实,通常以 “期望”、“计划”、“预期”、“相信”、“打算”、“估计”、“项目”、“潜在”、“表明”、“机会”、“可能” 或 “应该” 发生的事件或条件等词语来识别,但并非总是如此。本新闻稿中的前瞻性陈述包括但不限于各种勘探或钻探计划的预期完成时间以及配售所得收益的使用。尽管Sanu Gold认为此类前瞻性陈述中表达的预期是基于合理的假设,但此类陈述不能保证未来的表现,受风险和不确定性的影响,实际结果或现实可能与前瞻性陈述中的结果或现实存在重大差异。此类重大风险和不确定性包括但不限于公司的物业勘探计划和执行计划的能力、筹集足够资金为其未来财产协议下的义务提供资金的能力、维持其物质财产协议、矿产保有权和特许权信誉良好的能力、勘探和开发其项目的能力;经济状况或金融市场的变化;与矿产勘探和采矿业务相关的固有危险、黄金和其他的未来价格金属、其运营所在司法管辖区(几内亚)总体经济状况的变化和当地风险、矿产资源和储量估算的准确性、新发现的可能性、公司获得勘探、钻探和开发项目所需的必要许可证和同意的能力,以及在获得后及时获得与公司项目计划和业务目标相关的此类许可证和同意的能力;公司总体获利能力利用其矿产资源;环境变化和其他可能影响公司运营的法律或法规、对环境法律法规的遵守情况、对关键管理人员的依赖;采矿业的总体竞争资本和融资可用性;总体经济、市场或业务状况、监管变化;监管部门批准的及时性以及公司公开披露记录中讨论的因素。前瞻性陈述基于公司管理层在陈述发表之日的合理信念、估计和观点。除非法律要求,否则公司没有义务在管理层的信念、估计或观点或其他因素发生变化时更新这些前瞻性陈述。

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