Orion Energy Reports Q2 2025 Preliminary Revenue Of ~$19.4M; Revising Its FY25 Revenue Outlook To Growth Of ~10% Over FY24, From Its Prior Outlook Of 10-15% Growth, And It Expects Second Half Revenue To Be More Heavily Weighted To Q4
Orion Energy Reports Q2 2025 Preliminary Revenue Of ~$19.4M; Revising Its FY25 Revenue Outlook To Growth Of ~10% Over FY24, From Its Prior Outlook Of 10-15% Growth, And It Expects Second Half Revenue To Be More Heavily Weighted To Q4
Orion Energy Systems, Inc. (NASDAQ:OESX) (Orion Lighting), a provider of energy-efficient LED lighting, electric vehicle (EV) charging stations and maintenance services solutions, today announced unaudited preliminary revenue results for its fiscal 2025 second quarter (Q2'25) ended September 30, 2024, in anticipation of its participation today at the LD Micro Main Event XVII investor conference in Los Angeles. CEO Mike Jenkins and CFO Per Brodin will provide an overview presentation at the conference today at 8:30 a.m. PT / 11:30 a.m. ET (webcast details below) and will also be available for in person investor meetings.
Orion Energy Systems, Inc.(纳斯达克:OESX)(Orion Lighting)是一家提供节能LED照明、电动汽车(EV)充电站和维护服务解决方案的供应商,今天宣布其2025财年第二季度(Q2'25)截至2024年9月30日的未经审计的初步营业收入结果,预期在今天参加洛杉矶LD Micro Main Event XVII投资者会议。首席执行官Mike Jenkins和首席财务官Per Brodin将于今天上午8:30在会议上作概述演讲(下方有网络直播细节),并可安排面对面投资者会议。
Orion plans to report its Q2'25 results and hold a conference call on Wednesday, November 6th at 10.00 a.m. ET; call details will be announced in advance.
Q2'25 Preview
Orion reported preliminary Q2'25 revenue of approximately $19.4M compared to $20.6M in Q2'24. Orion also reported preliminary FY 2025 first six months revenue (6M'25) of approximately $39.3M compared to $38.2M in 6M'24.
Orion报告显示,Q2'25营业收入约为1940万美元,较Q2'24的2060万美元稍有下降。Orion还报告显示,FY 2025前六个月(6M'25)的营收约为3930万美元,而6M'24为3820万美元。
- EV charging solutions revenue rose 40% to $4.7M compared to Q2'24, benefitting from Eversource Energy's "EV Make Ready" program contracts and additional work for Boston Public Schools.
- LED lighting revenue declined approximately 20% to $10.8M in Q2'25 vs. Q2'24, following the completion of a large European retrofit project in Q1'25. This project benefited the prior-year period versus no revenue in Q2'25. Due to customer delays, several projects did not yet commence in Q2'25 as anticipated but are expected to start in Q3'25 or Q4'25. Orion maintains a robust pipeline in the automotive, retail, technology, logistics/distribution, financial and public sectors, from a mix of existing and new customers. In addition, Orion recently secured a new 5-Year, $25M contract to supply LED lighting fixtures for new store construction projects for its largest customer, a major national retailer.
- Maintenance services revenue rose 5% to $3.8M in Q2'25 compared to the year-ago quarter, delivering better than expected performance following the Q1'25 revenue decrease that resulted from the lapse of unprofitable customer contracts. Maintenance services gross profit percentage rebounded 2,290 basis points in Q2'25 from a negative margin in Q2'24.
- Orion ended the quarter with cash of approximately $5.4M after a $1M debt repayment on the Company's bank facility in Q2'25.
- 充电桩解决方案营业收入增长了40%,达到470万美元,较Q2'24增长,主要受惠于Eversource Energy的“EV Make Ready”项目合同以及为波士顿公立学校提供的额外工作。
- LED照明营业收入在Q2'25与Q2'24相比下降了约20%,降至1080万美元,原因是在Q1'25完成了规模庞大的欧洲更新项目。该项目使去年同期受益,而Q2'25没有收入。由于客户延迟,一些项目在Q2'25尚未启动,但预计将在Q3'25或Q4'25启动。Orion在汽车、零售、技术、物流/分销、金融和公共领域有一个强大的订单管道,来自现有和新客户的组合。此外,Orion最近获得了一项新的5年2,500万美元合同,为其最大的客户,一家全国主要零售商的新店建设项目提供LED照明灯具。
- 维护服务业务营业收入较去年同期增长了5%,达到380万美元,表现优于预期,这是由于Q1'25收入下降,由于无利润客户合同的到期。维护服务的毛利润百分比从Q2'24的负利润率中反弹了2,290基点,达到Q2'25。
- Orion在Q2'25季度结束时,在公司银行设施上进行了100万美元的债务偿还,现金约为540万美元。
FY 2025 Outlook Update
Principally reflecting project delays in the LED lighting business, Orion is revising its FY'25 revenue outlook to growth of approximately 10% over FY 2024, from its prior outlook of 10-15% growth, and it expects second half revenue to be more heavily weighted to the fourth quarter. Orion continues to expect solid growth in its EV charging business in FY'25 and a decrease in maintenance services revenue principally reflecting the roll-off of unprofitable legacy contracts. Orion will provide more detail on its outlook when it reports Q2'25 results.