Alfa Laval Supports the Call for Bold Action at COP29
Alfa Laval Supports the Call for Bold Action at COP29
LUND, Sweden, Nov. 4, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- The world faces urgent challenges in driving energy efficiency, nourishing a growing population, rethinking water usage, and transitioning to fossil-free fuels. At COP29, Alfa Laval is demonstrating its commitment to do its part to meet the immediate climate actions needed. Through strong partnerships and innovative technologies, Alfa Laval is addressing the global challenges of decarbonization with scalable solutions designed to transform vital industries.
瑞典隆德,2024年11月4日,全球面临推动能源效率、滋养日益增长的人口、重新思考用水和过渡到无化石燃料的紧迫挑战。在第29届联合国气候变化大会(COP29)上,alfa alfa表明其致力于承担其应尽的责任以满足迫切需要的气候行动。通过牢固的合作伙伴关系和创新技术,alfa alfa正在应对全球脱碳的挑战,旨在通过可扩展解决方案改变关键行业。
The Paris Agreement mandates that each country outline their climate actions, known as Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs). These action plans will play a key role in determining how the world can achieve the emissions reductions needed to limit global warming and build resilience to climate impact.
According to pledges from COP28, held in Dubai in 2023, to meet the Paris Agreement we need to triple renewable energy, double energy efficiency, and transition from fossil fuels. With its unique position across value chains, Alfa Laval is dedicated to contributing to the global transition.
根据2023年在迪拜举行的COP28所做的承诺,为达到《巴黎协定》的目标,我们需要将可再生能源增加三倍、能源效率翻倍,并实现从化石燃料过渡。由于在价值链上的独特位置,alfa alfa致力于促进全球过渡。
As part of its contribution at COP29, Alfa Laval is advocating for localized, actionable, investable and measurable NDCs to stimulate demand for existing scalable solutions and accelerate decarbonization efforts.
作为其在COP29的贡献的一部分,alfa alfa主张制定本地化、可行的、可投资的和可衡量的NDC,以刺激对现有可扩展解决方案的需求并加速脱碳努力。
"Alfa Laval brings unique industry knowledge to drive actions at COP29. We call for brave and bold NDCs. It is time to accelerate the implementation of existing solutions at scale. Updated NDCs will play a crucial role in unlocking the finances needed to drive demand for these solutions, alongside effective policies and regulations," says Anna Celsing, Head of Group Sustainability, Alfa Laval. "We see that the industry is ready to invest, so we need to discuss incentives and establish further collaboration across value chains and between public and private sectors."
“alfa alfa带来独特的行业知识以推动COP29的行动。我们呼吁制定大胆而坚定的NDC。现在是加速大规模实施现有解决方案的时候了。更新的NDC将在解锁所需的资金方面起到至关重要的作用,促进对这些解决方案的需求,同时制定有效的政策和法规,”alfa alfa集团可持续发展负责人安娜·谢尔辛说。她表示:“我们看到该行业已准备投资,因此我们需要讨论激励措施,并在价值链和公私部门之间建立进一步的合作。”
Other actions and partnerships for decarbonization
Also taking place in November 2024 is the China International Import Expo (CIIE) in Shanghai, one of the world's largest events to strengthen economic cooperation and the sustainability agenda. Alfa Laval is attending to demonstrate how existing, innovative solutions can establish a new energy landscape in line with China's dual-carbon goals.
2024年11月,中国国际进口博览会(CIIE)将在上海举行,这是世界上最大的加强经济合作和可持续发展议程的活动之一。alfa alfa将参加展示现有创新解决方案如何符合中国双碳目标,以建立新能源格局。
The World Economic Forum's Alliance of CEO Climate Leaders, dedicated to accelerating corporate climate action and representing $4 trillion in revenue and 12 million employees, shared an open letter to world leaders ahead of COP29. Alfa Laval is one of the signatories, calling for transformative policies and actions to meet the Paris Agreement goals.
Additionally, engagements with the First Movers Coalition, MASSIV+, and the Energy Efficiency Movement are collectively advancing efforts to ensure that ambitious emissions targets and the upcoming NDC updates can indeed be bold.
Alfa Laval at COP29... During COP29, the world's largest climate change conference taking place in Baku, Azerbaijan, during 11-22 November 2024, Alfa Laval will be engaged in several initiatives and part of the Swedish delegation. On site, Anna Celsing, Head of Group Sustainability, Madeleine Gilborne, Vice President Energy division and Thomas Møller, President Energy division will be involved in dialogues with decision-makers, regulators, partners, and customers.
Alfa Laval在COP29期间... 在2024年11月11日至22日在阿塞拜疆巴库举行的全球最大气候变化会议COP29期间,阿尔法拉伐将参与多项倡议,并成为瑞典代表团的一部分。现场,集团可持续发展负责人安娜·塞尔辛、能源部副总裁玛德琳·吉尔伯恩和能源部总裁托马斯·莫勒将与决策者、监管机构、合作伙伴和客户进行对话。
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Johan Lundin
Head of Investor Relations, Alfa Laval
Mobile: +46 730 46 30 90
[email protected]
Anna Droben
Head of External Communications, Alfa Laval
Mobile: +46 730 89 96 21
[email protected]
Alfa Laval投资者关系负责人
手机:+46 730 46 30 90
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Anna Droben
手机: +46 730 89 96 21
[email protected]
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Alfa Laval supports the call for bold action at COP29 Alfa Laval press release 20241104 |
COP29 Baku 2024 |
Alfa Laval支持COP29号大会的大胆举措呼吁 Alfa Laval新闻发布 20241104 |
COP29巴库2024 |
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