Mega Fortris Posts RM49.2 Million In Revenue And RM9.2 Million In Net Profit For 1Q25
Mega Fortris Posts RM49.2 Million In Revenue And RM9.2 Million In Net Profit For 1Q25

Mega Fortris Bhd has recorded commendable financial performance for its first quarter financial results for the financial year ending June 30, 2025 (1Q25).
Mega Fortris Bhd在截至2025年6月30日的财政年度(25年第一季度)的第一季度财务业绩中取得了可观的财务业绩。
The company logged an impressive RM49.2 million in revenue and a net profit of RM9.2 million for 1Q25.
Mega Fortris Group Managing Director and Group Chief Executive Officer Datuk Adrian Ng Meng Poh said he is optimistic about the company's prospects and anticipates a positive performance for the rest of the year meeting the needs and requirements of its target customers.
Mega Fortris集团董事总经理兼集团首席执行官拿督阿德里安·吴孟宝表示,他对公司的前景持乐观态度,并预计今年剩余时间将取得积极的业绩,以满足其目标客户的需求和要求。
Ng added that the company is undertaking its expansionary plan to upgrade and automate its production facilities in Malaysia to strengthen its operational capacity and enhance its competitive edge.