
Fury Finalizes Six Éléonore Style Drill Targets at the Éléonore South Gold Project

Fury Finalizes Six Éléonore Style Drill Targets at the Éléonore South Gold Project

Fury在Éléonore South 黄金项目中确定了六个Éléonore风格的钻探目标。
Accesswire ·  2024/11/12 20:00

TORONTO, ON / ACCESSWIRE / November 12, 2024 / Fury Gold Mines Limited (TSX:FURY) and (NYSE American:FURY) ("Fury" or the "Company") is pleased to announce that it has finalized drill targeting after completing a surficial geochemical survey at the Éléonore South gold project located in the Eeyou Istchee Territory in the James Bay region of Quebec. Drilling will target robust geochemical gold anomalies within the same sedimentary rock package that hosts Newmont's Éléonore Mine. The completed biogeochemical sampling survey covered an interpreted fold nose within the Low Formation sediments where an orientation level study identified a large-scale gold anomaly in a similar geological, geophysical, and structural setting to that of the nearby Éléonore Mine (see news release dated March 5, 2024). Six priority drill targets across over 3 kilometres (km) of prospective folded sedimentary stratigraphy have been identified (Figure 1). These six targets encompass multi point gold anomalies above the 90th percentile of the data and correlate with moderate pathfinder elemental anomalies, most notably arsenic which is associated with gold mineralization at the Éléonore Mine. The Company intends to mobilize crews in Q1 2025 for an initial fully funded 3,000 - 5,000 metre (m) diamond drilling program.

多伦多,安大略省/ ACCESSWIRE / 2024年11月12日/ Fury Gold Mines 有限公司(TSX:FURY)和(美国纽约交易所:FURY)("Fury"或"公司")很高兴宣布,完成了埃卢诺尔南部黄金项目的地表地球化学调查后,已确定了钻探目标。该项目位于魁北克省詹姆斯湾区的艾尼奥雷伊斯切地区。钻探将针对沿用纽曼埃卢诺尔矿床的相同沉积岩包裹层中的强有力地球化学金异常。已完成的生物地球化学采样调查涵盖了Low Formation沉积物中一个被解释为褶皱鼻部,在那里一项定位水平研究确定了一个大规模金异常,与附近埃卢诺尔矿的类似地质,地球物理和构造设置相关(见2024年3月5日的新闻稿)。在具有前景的叠覆沉积地层中,已确定了3公里以上范围内的六个重点钻探目标(图1)。这六个目标涵盖了数据第90百分位数以上的多点金异常,并与适度的指示元素异常相关联,其中以砷最为显著,这与埃卢诺尔矿的金矿化相关。公司计划在2025年第1季度调动人员,开始初始完全资助的3,000 - 5,000米钻探项目。

"Since acquiring 100% ownership of the Éléonore South joint venture earlier this year from Newmont, the Éléonore style anomaly has been at the top of our prospective list," commented Tim Clark, CEO of Fury. "Given the size, scale, and proximity to Newmont's Éléonore Mine, we believe any success could create potential upside for investors and thus we are excited to commence drilling in Q1 of 2025."

“自今年早些时候从纽曼矿业收购埃卢诺尔南部合资公司的100%所有权以来,埃卢诺尔风格的异常一直是我们潜在名单的首位,” Fury的首席执行官蒂姆·克拉克评论道。“鉴于其规模,尺度和与纽曼埃卢诺尔矿的邻近性,我们相信任何成功都可能为投资者带来潜在的上涨可能性,因此我们很高兴地计划在2025年第一季度开始钻探。”

Éléonore South Project
The Éléonore South project is strategically located in an area of prolific gold mineralization with Newmont's Éléonore Mine to the north and Sirios' Cheechoo Deposit to the east (Figure 1 inset). Two distinct styles of mineralization have been identified to date: structurally controlled quartz veins hosted within sedimentary rocks similar to the high-grade mineralization observed at the Éléonore Mine (Table 1); and intrusion-related disseminated gold mineralization similar to that seen at the low-grade bulk tonnage Cheechoo Deposit with higher grade potential as seen at the JT and Moni prospects on the project.


A total of 2,106 biogeochemical samples were collected at 50 m intervals along 100 m spaced north-south oriented survey lines covering an area of 4.2 x 1.9 km. The survey was designed to infill on anomalies identified in an orientation level survey announced earlier this year as well as to test the core of the interpreted fold. The geophysical magnetic data paired with Fury's updated geological model show the six target areas lie within the core of an east plunging regional scale fold nose. The target gold anomalies highlight discrete secondary fold structures identifiable at the edges of magnetic highs (Figure 1). Pristine gold grains, from historical work in the area, were identified down ice from the targets. These gold grains were interpreted to be near to source with minimal transport likely ruling out currently known bedrock gold source in the project area adding further weight to the prospectivity of the biogeochemical gold targets (Figure 1).

总共收集了2,106个生物地球化学样本,沿着以5000万间隔的10000万间隔的南北定向勘测线收集,覆盖了4.2 x 1.9公里的区域。该勘测旨在填补今年早些时候宣布的取向水平勘测中确定的异常地区,并测试被解释为褶皱核心的区域。根据Fury更新的地质模型与地球物理磁数据配对,显示六个目标区域位于一个向东倾斜的区域规模褶皱鼻部的核心区域。目标黄金异常突出了在磁性高点边缘可辨识的离散次级褶皱结构(图1)。从该区域的历史工作中发现的原始黄金颗粒被确认位于目标区域下冰。这些黄金颗粒被解释为接近源头,可能几乎没有运输,很可能排除了项目区域当前已知的基岩黄金来源,进一步加大了生物地球化学黄金靶区前景的可靠性(图1)。

Table 1: Regional styles of gold mineralization



Éléonore Style


Quartz-diopside-tourmaline-sulphide veins and stockwork. Silica-carbonate-diopside-actinolite-phlogopite alteration.


5-6 m, up to 20 m wide


Massive to thinly bedded wacke, pelite, conglomerate. Pegmatites.


Folded stratigraphy, strong strain zones




Chargeability highs associated with mineralization



(32.6Mt @ 7.8g/t Au)


Éléonore 风格















(32.6兆吨 @ 7.8克/吨 黄金)

Figure 1: Location of the six Éléonore style drill targets on magnetic susceptibility background at the Éléonore South Project.
图1:位于Éléonore South项目磁化率背景下六个Éléonore风格钻探目标的位置。

"We have identified six robust drill-ready targets through the combination of geology, geophysics, recent geochemistry as well as combing through historical geochemical survey data. Pairing our targeting matrix with our team's past experience working at the Éléonore Mine has given us a high confidence level as we have moved this target from conceptual through the pipeline to being drill ready," commented Bryan Atkinson, P.Geol., SVP Exploration of Fury.

“通过地质学、地球物理学、最近的地球化学以及梳理历史地球化学调查数据,我们已经确定了六个坚实的待钻探目标。将我们的目标矩阵与团队在Éléonore矿山的工作经验相结合,使我们对此目标的信心水平很高,因为我们已经将这一目标从概念阶段推进到准备进行钻探的阶段,” Fury的勘探高级副总裁、注册地质师Bryan Atkinson评论道。

Biogeochemical Sampling
Biogeochemical samples were taken by collecting approximately 200 grams of black spruce twigs and sent to ALS Lab in Vancouver, BC (ISO/IEC 17025:2017 and ISO 9001:2015 accredited facility) for preparation and analysis. Preparation included drying, separation of needles from twigs and ashing of needles only at 475°C for 24 hours (VEG-ASH01). Ashed samples are analyzed for 65 elements using nitric/hydrochloric acid digestion with ICP-MS finish (ME-VEG41a). QA/QC programs using lab duplicates, standards, and blanks indicate good accuracy.

通过采集大约200克黑云杉嫩枝的生物地球化学样品,并将其发送到位于英属哥伦比亚省温哥华的ALS实验室(ISO / IEC 17025:2017和ISO 9001:2015认可的设施)进行准备和分析。准备工作包括干燥、将针叶从嫩枝中分离和仅针叶灰化,灰化温度为475℃,持续24小时(VEG-ASH01)。灰化样品使用硝酸/盐酸消化法,并采用ICP-MS完成对65个元素的分析(ME-VEG41a)。使用实验室副本、标准和空白样品的QA / QC程序表明良好的精度。

*The Company notes that in the March 5, 2024 biogeochemical news release Figure 1, gold values were inadvertently displayed as mixed ppb and ppt. They have been corrected above.


Valérie Doyon, P.Geo, Senior Project Geologist at Fury, is a "qualified person" within the meaning of Canadian mineral projects disclosure standards instrument 43-101 and has reviewed and approved the technical disclosures in this press release.

Valérie Doyon,P.Geo,Fury的高级项目地质师,是按照加拿大矿产项目披露标准43-101号仪器的定义, 师承 "合格人员" 之一,并已审查和批准了本新闻稿中的技术披露。

About Fury Gold Mines Limited
Fury Gold Mines Limited is a well-financed Canadian-focused exploration company positioned in two prolific mining regions across Canada and holds a 51 million common share position in Dolly Varden Silver Corp (16.25% of issued shares). Led by a management team and board of directors with proven success in financing and advancing exploration assets, Fury intends to grow its multi-million-ounce gold platform through rigorous project evaluation and exploration excellence. Fury is committed to upholding the highest industry standards for corporate governance, environmental stewardship, community engagement and sustainable mining. For more information on Fury Gold Mines, visit .

关于Fury Gold Mines Limited
Fury Gold Mines Limited 是一家资金充裕的加拿大重点公司,位于加拿大两个富矿区域,持有Dolly Varden白银公司5100万普通股(已发行股份的16.25%)。 Fury由管理团队和董事会领导,他们在融资和推进勘探资产方面取得了成功,Fury计划通过严谨的项目评估和出色的勘探,扩大其数百万盎司黄金平台。Fury致力于维护最高行业标准,以保证企业治理,环境管理,社区参与和可持续采矿。有关Fury Gold Mines的更多信息,请访问 。

For further information on Fury Gold Mines Limited, please contact:
Margaux Villalpando, Manager Investor Relations
Tel: (844) 601-0841

了解更多Fury Gold Mines有关信息,请联系:
投资者关系经理Margaux Villalpando
电话:(844) 601-0841

Forward-Looking Statements and Additional Cautionary Language
This release includes certain statements that may be deemed to be "forward-looking statements" within the meaning of applicable securities laws, which statements relate to the future exploration operations of the Company and may include other statements that are not historical facts. Forward-looking statements contained in this release primarily relate to statements that suggest that the future work at Éléonore South will potentially increase or upgrade the gold resources.

本公告包括可能被视为适用证券法规“前瞻性声明”的某些声明,这些声明涉及公司未来的勘探作业,可能包括其他不是历史事实的声明。本公告中包含的前瞻性声明主要涉及暗示未来Éléonore South的工作有可能增加或升级黄金资源的声明。

Although the Company believes that the assumptions and expectations reflected in those forward-looking statements were reasonable at the time such statements were made, there can be no certainty that such assumptions and expectations will prove to be materially correct. Mineral exploration is a high-risk enterprise.


Readers should refer to the risks discussed in the Company's Annual Information Form and MD&A for the year ended December 31, 2023 and subsequent continuous disclosure filings with the Canadian Securities Administrators available at and the Company's Annual Report available at Readers should not place heavy reliance on forward-looking information, which is inherently uncertain.


SOURCE: Fury Gold Mines Limited

来源:Fury Gold Mines Limited

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