Improvement Needed For ViTrox On Its Environmental Performance
Improvement Needed For ViTrox On Its Environmental Performance

Maybank Investment Bank Bhd (Maybank IB) has issued a SELL call for ViTrox Corp with an unchanged target price of RM3.40 even though the company has made significant progress in its environmental, social and governance efforts for FY23, receiving an above-average overall score of 60/100, up from 55/100 previously.
马来亚银行投资银行有限公司(Maybank IB)已对VitroX公司发出了卖出呼吁,目标价保持不变,为3.40令吉,尽管该公司在23财年的环境、社会和治理工作中取得了重大进展,总体得分高于平均水平,为60/100,高于之前的55/100分。
The research house, however, kept ViTrox's FY24-FY26 earnings estimates unchanged as the company's environmental performance, particularly in terms of emissions, remains a key area for improvement.
但是,该研究机构维持了 VitroX 的 FY24-FY26 收益估计不变,因为该公司的环境绩效,尤其是在排放方面,仍然是需要改善的关键领域。
The company's intensity metrics for emissions, energy and water usage have risen due to the expansion of its Campus 3.0, and it did not meet its target of reducing emissions by 2% per annum. While there were no environmental non-compliance issues, these intensity metrics weigh on the company's overall ESG score.
由于Campus 3.0的扩展,该公司的排放、能源和用水强度指标有所提高,而且它没有实现每年减少2%的排放量的目标。虽然不存在环境违规问题,但这些强度指标影响了公司的总体ESG分数。
However, on the social front, ViTrox has made notable strides as the company has seen a 12% increase in female representation in executive leadership, from 23% in FY21 to 35% in FY23.
Despite the ESG challenges in certain areas, ViTrox said it will continue to focus on sustainable practices.