Reported Earlier, 374Water Highlights Commercial Milestones, $1.8B Pipeline, And Growing Opportunities In Waste Management
Reported Earlier, 374Water Highlights Commercial Milestones, $1.8B Pipeline, And Growing Opportunities In Waste Management
The fundamentals of our business are strong. Our AirSCWO technology is performing well across biosolid/sludge and liquid waste streams. Our DaaS business is taking shape representing near-term recurring revenue, with our first operating site being actively negotiated to destroy non-hazardous waste, and our conversations are advancing with TSDF operators for onsite non-hazardous and hazardous waste destruction. Our approach to opening markets is bearing fruit with opportunities across AFFF, GAC, IX, and other organic waste streams. Our current backlog/pipeline exceeds $1.8B and we believe this will grow further.