Leyline Renewable Capital Realizes Investment in Westbridge Renewable Energy Solar Project
Leyline Renewable Capital Realizes Investment in Westbridge Renewable Energy Solar Project
DURHAM, N.C., Nov. 19, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Leyline Renewable Capital (Leyline), a leading provider of debt capital solutions for renewable energy developers, today announced that is has successfully realized its investment in Sunnynook Solar Energy Inc. with Westbridge Renewable Energy Corp. (Westbridge), a Canadian renewable energy company listed on the TSX Venture Exchange (TSXV: WEB) and the OTCQX Best Market (OTCQX: WEGYF).
达勒姆,北卡罗来纳州,2024年11月19日 /PRNewswire/ -- Leyline可再生能源资本 (Leyline),一家为可再生能源开发商提供债务资本解决方案的领先供应商,今天宣布已成功实现对Sunnynook太阳能能源公司的投资, 西桥可再生能源公司 (西桥),一家在tsx创业公司交易所上市的加拿大可再生能源公司(TSXV: WEB)和OTCQX最佳市场(OTCQX: WEGYF).
Westbridge recently announced that it completed the sale of its 75 percent owned, Special Area 2, Alberta solar power plant project with a capacity of up to 332MWp (the "Project"), to a subsidiary of METLEN Energy & Metals.
In connection with closing of the transaction, Westbridge repaid in full C$18,405,650 from the proceeds of the transaction, owing under its loan facilities secured by the Project and the shares of Sunnynook, provided by certain lending entities established by Leyline Renewable Capital, LLC.
在交易关闭的过程中,Westbridge 全额偿还了来自交易收益的 18,405,650 加元,以偿还根据其贷款设施所欠的款项,这些贷款设施以该项目和Sunnynook的股份作为担保,由Leyline Renewable Capital, LLC建立的某些借贷机构提供。
Erik Lensch, CEO of Leyline, said, "Over the last three years, we have grown our partnership with Westbridge Renewable Energy as they have advanced major projects in Canada. Today we are excited to announce that we have realized our investment in connection with Westbridge's 332 MW solar project in Alberta. Leyline provided funds to support interconnection deposits for this large-scale project. We are thrilled that this solar project will soon start contributing needed energy capacity to the region."
Leyline 的首席执行官 Erik Lensch 说:"在过去三年里,我们与 Westbridge Renewable Energy 的伙伴关系不断发展,因为他们在加拿大推动了重大项目。今天我们很高兴地宣布,我们已经实现了与 Westbridge 在阿尔伯塔省的 332 MW 太阳能项目相关的投资。Leyline 提供资金以支持该大型项目的并网押金。我们很高兴这个太阳能项目将很快开始为该地区提供所需的能源容量。"
About Leyline Renewable Capital
Leyline Renewable Capital provides flexible financing solutions for renewable energy developers. With deep industry expertise and a commitment to sustainability, Leyline invests in the pre-construction phase of projects, helping developers scale their operations and bring more renewable energy online. For more information, please visit: leylinecapital.com.
关于 Leyline Renewable Capital
Leyline Renewable Capital 为可再生能源开发商提供灵活的融资解决方案。凭借深厚的行业专长和对可持续发展的承诺,Leyline 在项目的施工前阶段进行投资,帮助开发商扩大运营并上线更多的可再生能源。有关更多信息,请访问:leylinecapital.com。
SOURCE Leyline Renewable Capital
来源 Leyline Renewable Capital