On Utility Scam Awareness Day, PG&E Helps Customers Recognize and Avoid Utility Scams
On Utility Scam Awareness Day, PG&E Helps Customers Recognize and Avoid Utility Scams
During 2024, PG&E customers have lost over $334,000 to scammers
OAKLAND, Calif., Nov. 20, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- As the holiday season ramps up, scammers are also ramping up their efforts to target consumers, including utility customers. To help combat this trend, Pacific Gas and Electric Company (PG&E) is joining Utilities United Against Scams to help customers recognize potential scams as part of Utility Scam Awareness Day on November 20.
加利福尼亚州奥克兰,2024年11月20日 /PRNewswire/ — 随着假日季的临近,诈骗者也在加大力度瞄准消费者,包括公用事业客户。为了帮助应对这一趋势,太平洋天然气和电力公司(PG&E)将加入公用事业联合反诈骗,以帮助客户识别潜在的骗局,这是11月20日公用事业诈骗宣传日的一部分。
Each year around the holiday season, scammers target consumers with new and predatory tactics and seek to exploit and defraud customers when they are more distracted or stressed than normal. While many are aware of the potential for online shopping scams, the same danger exists for utility bill scams, where scammers will demand payment by telephone, online or in person to prevent immediate disconnection of service.
Reports of scams targeting PG&E customers have remained alarmingly high throughout 2024. In fact, there have been nearly 15,000 reports year-to-date with customer losses of over $334,000, and an average loss of $628.
"Scammers don't take the holidays off. Stress and distraction create a window of opportunity for scammers to deploy their latest strategies to defraud and exploit consumers," said Matt Foley, lead scam investigator for PG&E. "Remember, PG&E will not contact you for the first time within one hour of service disconnection, and we will NEVER request payment by a pre-paid debit card or via online payment services like Zelle or Venmo."
“诈骗者不会休假。压力和干扰为诈骗者提供了一个机会之窗,使他们能够运用最新的策略来欺骗和剥削消费者,” PG&E首席诈骗调查员马特·弗利说。“请记住,PG&E不会在服务中断后一小时内首次与您联系,我们也绝不会要求通过预付费借记卡或Zelle或Venmo等在线支付服务付款。”
Small and medium-sized businesses are also a target, and scammers will focus their efforts during busy business hours, preying on business owners' sense of urgency to keep the doors open and the lights on. In fact, PG&E has received over 500 reports of scam attempts targeting these customers during 2024.
"We encourage customers of all ages to stop and verify any unusual utility company requests before making a payment, regardless of whether the customer is contacted via phone, internet, or in person," said Utilities United Against Scams Executive Director Monica Martinez. "While scammers often target elderly and vulnerable populations, customers in all age groups are reporting utility impostor scam incidents that take place online, on the phone, and in person."
Signs of a potential scam
- Threat to disconnect: Scammers may aggressively demand immediate payment for an alleged past due bill.
- Request for immediate payment: Scammers may instruct the customer to purchase a prepaid card then call them back supposedly to make a bill payment.
- Request for prepaid card: When the customer calls back, the caller asks the customer for the prepaid card's number, which grants the scammer instant access to the card's funds.
- Refund or rebate offers: Scammers may say that your utility company overbilled you and owes you a refund, or that you are entitled to a rebate.
- 威胁断开连接:诈骗者可能会积极要求立即支付所谓的逾期账单。
- 要求立即付款:诈骗者可能会指示客户购买预付卡,然后给他们回电,据说是为了支付账单。
- 申请预付卡:当客户回电时,来电者要求客户提供预付卡的号码,这使诈骗者可以立即访问预付卡的资金。
- 退款或折扣优惠:诈骗者可能会说您的公用事业公司向您多收账单并欠您退款,或者您有权获得折扣。
How customers can protect themselves
Customers will never be asked by PG&E to specifically purchase a prepaid card to avoid service disconnection or shutoff, a tactic often used in scam attempts. PG&E does not specify how customers should make a bill payment and offers a variety of ways to pay a bill, including accepting payments online, by phone, automatic bank draft, mail or in person.
If a scammer threatens immediate disconnection or shutoff of service without prior notification, customers should hang up the phone, delete the email, or shut the door and report this incident to PG&E at . Customers with delinquent accounts will be contacted by PG&E with an advance disconnection notification, typically by mail, and included with their regular monthly bill.
Signing up for an online account at pge.com is another safeguard. Not only can customers log in to check their balance and payment history, they can sign up for recurring payments, paperless billing and helpful alerts.
Scammers Impersonating Trusted Phone Numbers: Scammers are now able to create authentic-looking 800 numbers which appear on your phone display. If called back, the numbers do not lead back to PG&E. If a customer has doubts about the authenticity of the call, they should hangup and call PG&E at 1-833-500-SCAM. If customers ever feel that they are in physical danger, they should call 911.
诈骗者冒充可信电话号码:诈骗者现在能够创建外观真实的 800 个号码,这些号码会显示在您的电话显示屏上。如果回电,这些号码不会返回到PG&E。如果客户对电话的真实性有疑问,他们应该挂断电话并拨打1-833-500-scam致电PG&E。如果客户感到自己处于人身危险之中,则应拨打 911。
Customers who suspect that they have been victims of fraud, or who feel threatened during contact with a scammer, should contact local law enforcement. The Federal Trade Commission's website is also a good source of information about how to protect personal information.
For more information about scams, visit pge.com/scams or consumer.ftc.org.
有关诈骗的更多信息,请访问 pge.com/scams 或 consumer.ftc.org。
About Utilities United Against Scams (UUAS)
关于公用事业联合反诈骗 (UUAS)
UUAS, a consortium of more than 150 U.S. and Canadian electric, water, and natural gas utilities and their respective trade associations, continues to raise customer awareness of common scams and new scam tactics being used by utility impostors. Through its work and with the help of customer reporting, UUAS has successfully helped to take nearly 13,000 toll-free numbers used by scammers against utility customers out of operation.
UAS 是一个由 150 多家美国和加拿大电力、水和天然气公用事业公司及其各自的行业协会组成的财团,继续提高客户对公用事业冒名者使用的常见骗局和新诈骗策略的认识。通过其工作和客户举报的帮助,UUAS成功地帮助诈骗者针对公用事业客户使用的近13,000个免费电话停止运营。
About PG&E
关于 PG&E
Pacific Gas and Electric Company, a subsidiary of PG&E Corporation (NYSE:PCG), is a combined natural gas and electric utility serving more than 16 million people across 70,000 square miles in Northern and Central California. For more information, visit / and .
太平洋天然气和电力公司是PG&E公司(纽约证券交易所代码:PCG)的子公司,是一家天然气和电力综合公司,在加利福尼亚北部和中部的70,000平方英里范围内为超过1600万人提供服务。欲了解更多信息,请访问 / 和。
SOURCE Pacific Gas and Electric Company