
TG Therapeutics Ranked Number One Fastest-Growing Company in North America on the 2024 Deloitte Technology Fast 500

TG Therapeutics Ranked Number One Fastest-Growing Company in North America on the 2024 Deloitte Technology Fast 500

tg therapeutics在2024年德勤科技快速500强中排名北美增长最快的公司第一
GlobeNewswire ·  2024/11/21 03:00

NEW YORK, Nov. 21, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- TG Therapeutics, Inc. (NASDAQ: TGTX), today announced it ranked number one on the Deloitte Technology Fast 500, a ranking of the 500 fastest-growing technology, media, telecommunications, life sciences, fintech, and energy tech companies in North America, now in its 30th year.

2024年11月21日,纽约(全球新闻社)—— TG Therapeutics,Inc.(纳斯达克:TGTX)宣布在德勤科技500强榜上名列第一,该榜单评选的是北美地区增长最快的500家科技、传媒、电信、生命科学、金融科技和能源科技公司,这是该榜单的第30个年头。

The Company's growth between fiscal years 2020 to 2023 was fueled by BRIUMVI revenues, which was approved to treat adult individuals with relapsing forms of multiple sclerosis in December of 2022.


Michael S. Weiss, the Company's Chairman and Chief Executive Officer stated, "We are proud to be recognized as the fastest-growing company in North America on the Deloitte Technology Fast 500 list. This recognition reflects the unwavering commitment of our incredible team and the strong success in bringing BRIUMVI to people with relapsing forms of multiple sclerosis. As we continue our mission to develop and provide treatment alternatives for those in need, we are grateful for the trust and support we have received from the multiple sclerosis community."

公司董事长兼首席执行官Michael S. Weiss表示:“我们很荣幸被评为德勤科技500强榜中北美增长最快的公司。这一荣誉反映了我们不可思议团队的坚定承诺,及在为多发性硬化症复发形式患者提供BRIUMVI方面取得的巨大成功。在我们继续致力于为有需要的人提供治疗选择的使命的同时,我们对多发性硬化症社区给予我们的信任和支持深表感激。”

About the 2024 Deloitte Technology Fast 500
Now in its 30th year, the Deloitte Technology Fast 500 provides a ranking of the fastest-growing technology, media, telecommunications, life sciences, fintech, and energy tech companies — both public and private — in North America. Technology Fast 500 award winners are selected based on percentage fiscal year revenue growth from 2020 to 2023.


In order to be eligible for Technology Fast 500 recognition, companies must own proprietary intellectual property or technology that is sold to customers in products that contribute to a majority of the company's operating revenues. Companies must have base-year operating revenues of at least US$50,000, and current-year operating revenues of at least US$5 million. Additionally, companies must be in business for a minimum of four years and be headquartered within North America.


About Deloitte
Deloitte provides industry-leading audit, consulting, tax and advisory services to many of the world's most admired brands, including nearly 90% of the Fortune 500 and more than 8,500 U.S.-based private companies. At Deloitte, we strive to live our purpose of making an impact that matters by creating trust and confidence in a more equitable society. We leverage our unique blend of business acumen, command of technology, and strategic technology alliances to advise our clients across industries as they build their future. Deloitte is proud to be part of the largest global professional services network serving our clients in the markets that are most important to them. Bringing more than 175 years of service, our network of member firms spans more than 150 countries and territories. Learn how Deloitte's approximately 460,000 people worldwide connect for impact at .


TG Therapeutics is a fully integrated, commercial stage, biopharmaceutical company focused on the acquisition, development and commercialization of novel treatments for B-cell diseases. In addition to a research pipeline including several investigational medicines, TG has received U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approval for BRIUMVI (ublituximab-xiiy), for the treatment of adult patients with relapsing forms of multiple sclerosis (RMS), to include clinically isolated syndrome, relapsing-remitting disease, and active secondary progressive disease, as well as approval by the European Commission (EC) and the Medicines and Healthcare Products Regulatory Agency (MHRA) for BRIUMVI to treat adult patients with RMS who have active disease defined by clinical or imaging features in Europe and the United Kingdom, respectively. For more information, visit , and follow us on X (formerly Twitter) @TGTherapeutics and on LinkedIn.

TG Therapeutics是一家完全集成、商业化阶段的生物制药公司,专注于收购、开发和商业化B细胞疾病的新型治疗方法。除了研究管线中包含几种调查药物外,TG还获得了美国食品和药品管理局的批准,使用BRIUMVI(ublituximab-xiiy)治疗复发性多发性硬化症的成人患者(RMS),包括临床分离综合征、复发缓解性疾病和活动性继发性疾病,以及欧洲委员会(EC)和药品和医疗保健产品监管局(MHRA)批准BRIUMVI用于治疗欧洲和英国分别具有临床或成像特征的RMS成人患者的活动性疾病。有关详细信息,请访问,并在X(前称Twitter)@TGTherapeutics上关注我们,并在
tg therapeutics是一家完全整合、具有商业阶段的生物制药公司,专注于收购、开发和商业化用于治疗B细胞疾病的新型治疗方法。除了拥有包括多种研究中药物在内的研发管线外,TG还获得了美国食品和药物管理局(FDA)批准用于治疗复发型多发性硬化(RMS)成年患者的BRIUMVI(ublituximab-xiiy)药物,包括临床孤立综合征、复发缓解性疾病和活跃次级进行性疾病患者,以及获得了欧洲委员会(EC)和英国药品和保健产品管制局(MHRA)批准用于治疗欧洲和英国有临床或影像特征定义的RMS患者具有活动性疾病的BRIUMVI。欲了解更多信息,请访问 ,并关注我们在X(以前的Twitter)@TGTherapeutics和LinkedIn。

BRIUMVI is a registered trademark of TG Therapeutics, Inc.

BRIUMVI是tg therapeutics注册商标。

ABOUT BRIUMVI (ublituximab-xiiy) 150 mg/6 mL Injection for IV
BRIUMVI is a novel monoclonal antibody that targets a unique epitope on CD20-expressing B-cells. Targeting CD20 using monoclonal antibodies has proven to be an important therapeutic approach for the management of autoimmune disorders, such as RMS. BRIUMVI is uniquely designed to lack certain sugar molecules normally expressed on the antibody. Removal of these sugar molecules, a process called glycoengineering, allows for efficient B-cell depletion at low doses.

关于BRIUMVI(ublituximab-xiiy)150 mg/6 mL 静脉注射液请参见。

BRIUMVI is indicated for the treatment of adults with relapsing forms of multiple sclerosis (RMS), to include clinically isolated syndrome, relapsing-remitting disease, and active secondary progressive disease.


A list of authorized specialty distributors can be found at .




Contraindications: BRIUMVI is contraindicated in patients with:


  • Active Hepatitis B Virus infection
  • A history of life-threatening infusion reaction to BRIUMVI
  • B型肝炎病毒感染
  • 曾经对BRIUMVI注射反应性严重



Infusion Reactions: BRIUMVI can cause infusion reactions, which can include pyrexia, chills, headache, influenza-like illness, tachycardia, nausea, throat irritation, erythema, and an anaphylactic reaction. In MS clinical trials, the incidence of infusion reactions in BRIUMVI-treated patients who received infusion reaction-limiting premedication prior to each infusion was 48%, with the highest incidence within 24 hours of the first infusion. 0.6% of BRIUMVI-treated patients experienced infusion reactions that were serious, some requiring hospitalization.


Observe treated patients for infusion reactions during the infusion and for at least one hour after the completion of the first two infusions unless infusion reaction and/or hypersensitivity has been observed in association with the current or any prior infusion. Inform patients that infusion reactions can occur up to 24 hours after the infusion. Administer the recommended pre-medication to reduce the frequency and severity of infusion reactions. If life-threatening, stop the infusion immediately, permanently discontinue BRIUMVI, and administer appropriate supportive treatment. Less severe infusion reactions may involve temporarily stopping the infusion, reducing the infusion rate, and/or administering symptomatic treatment.


Infections: Serious, life-threatening or fatal, bacterial and viral infections have been reported in BRIUMVI-treated patients. In MS clinical trials, the overall rate of infections in BRIUMVI-treated patients was 56% compared to 54% in teriflunomide-treated patients. The rate of serious infections was 5% compared to 3% respectively. There were 3 infection-related deaths in BRIUMVI-treated patients. The most common infections in BRIUMVI-treated patients included upper respiratory tract infection (45%) and urinary tract infection (10%). Delay BRIUMVI administration in patients with an active infection until the infection is resolved.


Consider the potential for increased immunosuppressive effects when initiating BRIUMVI after immunosuppressive therapy or initiating an immunosuppressive therapy after BRIUMVI.


Hepatitis B Virus (HBV) Reactivation: HBV reactivation occurred in an MS patient treated with BRIUMVI in clinical trials. Fulminant hepatitis, hepatic failure, and death caused by HBV reactivation have occurred in patients treated with anti-CD20 antibodies. Perform HBV screening in all patients before initiation of treatment with BRIUMVI. Do not start treatment with BRIUMVI in patients with active HBV confirmed by positive results for HBsAg and anti-HB tests. For patients who are negative for surface premedantigen [HBsAg] and positive for HB core antibody [HBcAb+] or are carriers of HBV [HBsAg+], consult a liver disease expert before starting and during treatment.

乙型肝炎病毒(HBV)复活:临床试验中治疗MS患者时发生了HBV复活。使用抗CD20抗体治疗的患者发生了恶性肝炎,肝功能衰竭和由HBV复活引起的死亡。在开始BRIUMVI治疗之前,在所有患者进行HBV筛查。不要在HBsAg和抗-Hb试验呈阳性的活动HBV患者中开始BRIUMVI治疗。对于表面前基因[HBsAg]阴性,Hb核心抗体[HBcAb +]阳性的患者或HBV携带者[HBsAg +],请在开始和治疗期间咨询肝脏疾病专家。

Progressive Multifocal Leukoencephalopathy (PML): Although no cases of PML have occurred in BRIUMVI-treated MS patients, JCV infection resulting in PML has been observed in patients treated with other anti-CD20 antibodies and other MS therapies.


If PML is suspected, withhold BRIUMVI and perform an appropriate diagnostic evaluation. Typical symptoms associated with PML are diverse, progress over days to weeks, and include progressive weakness on one side of the body or clumsiness of limbs, disturbance of vision, and changes in thinking, memory, and orientation leading to confusion and personality changes.


MRI findings may be apparent before clinical signs or symptoms; monitoring for signs consistent with PML may be useful. Further investigate suspicious findings to allow for an early diagnosis of PML, if present. Following discontinuation of another MS medication associated with PML, lower PML-related mortality and morbidity have been reported in patients who were initially asymptomatic at diagnosis compared to patients who had characteristic clinical signs and symptoms at diagnosis.


If PML is confirmed, treatment with BRIUMVI should be discontinued.


Vaccinations: Administer all immunizations according to immunization guidelines: for live or live-attenuated vaccines at least 4 weeks and, whenever possible at least 2 weeks prior to initiation of BRIUMVI for non-live vaccines. BRIUMVI may interfere with the effectiveness of non-live vaccines. The safety of immunization with live or live-attenuated vaccines during or following administration of BRIUMVI has not been studied. Vaccination with live virus vaccines is not recommended during treatment and until B-cell repletion.


Vaccination of Infants Born to Mothers Treated with BRIUMVI During Pregnancy: In infants of mothers exposed to BRIUMVI during pregnancy, assess B-cell counts prior to administration of live or live-attenuated vaccines as measured by CD19+ B-cells. Depletion of B-cells in these infants may increase the risks from live or live-attenuated vaccines. Inactivated or non-live vaccines may be administered prior to B-cell recovery. Assessment of vaccine immune responses, including consultation with a qualified specialist, should be considered to determine whether a protective immune response was mounted.

接受BRIUMVI治疗的孕妇所生婴儿的免疫接种:对于在怀孕期间接受BRIUMVI的母亲所生的婴儿,在给予活疫苗或减毒活疫苗之前,通过CD19 + b细胞测量评估b细胞计数。这些婴儿中b细胞的消退可能会增加来自活疫苗或减毒活疫苗的风险。在b细胞恢复之前可给予灭活或非活疫苗。应考虑评估疫苗免疫反应,包括与合格专家咨询,以确定是否发生保护性免疫应答。

Fetal Risk: Based on data from animal studies, BRIUMVI may cause fetal harm when administered to a pregnant woman. Transient peripheral B-cell depletion and lymphocytopenia have been reported in infants born to mothers exposed to other anti-CD20 B-cell depleting antibodies during pregnancy. A pregnancy test is recommended in females of reproductive potential prior to each infusion. Advise females of reproductive potential to use effective contraception during BRIUMVI treatment and for 6 months after the last dose.


Reduction in Immunoglobulins: As expected with any B-cell depleting therapy, decreased immunoglobulin levels were observed. Decrease in immunoglobulin M (IgM) was reported in 0.6% of BRIUMVI-treated patients compared to none of the patients treated with teriflunomide in RMS clinical trials. Monitor the levels of quantitative serum immunoglobulins during treatment, especially in patients with opportunistic or recurrent infections, and after discontinuation of therapy until B-cell repletion. Consider discontinuing BRIUMVI therapy if a patient with low immunoglobulins develops a serious opportunistic infection or recurrent infections, or if prolonged hypogammaglobulinemia requires treatment with intravenous immunoglobulins.


Most Common Adverse Reactions: The most common adverse reactions in RMS trials (incidence of at least 10%) were infusion reactions and upper respiratory tract infections.


Physicians, pharmacists, or other healthcare professionals with questions about BRIUMVI should visit .


BRIUMVI Patient Support is a flexible program designed by TG Therapeutics to support U.S. patients through their treatment journey in a way that works best for them. More information about the BRIUMVI Patient Support program can be accessed at .

BRIUMVI患者支持计划是TG Therapeutics设计的一项灵活的计划,旨在以最适合患者的方式支持美国患者的治疗过程。有关BRIUMVI患者支持计划的更多信息,请访问。

Relapsing multiple sclerosis (RMS) is a chronic demyelinating disease of the central nervous system (CNS) and includes people with relapsing-remitting multiple sclerosis (RRMS) and people with secondary progressive multiple sclerosis (SPMS) who continue to experience relapses. RRMS is the most common form of multiple sclerosis (MS) and is characterized by episodes of new or worsening signs or symptoms (relapses) followed by periods of recovery. It is estimated that nearly 1 million people are living with MS in the United States and approximately 85% are initially diagnosed with RRMS.1,2 The majority of people who are diagnosed with RRMS will eventually transition to SPMS, in which they experience steadily worsening disability over time. Worldwide, more than 2.3 million people have a diagnosis of MS.1

复发性多发性硬化症(RMS)是中枢神经系统(CNS)的慢性脱髓鞘疾病,包括具有复发缓解型多发性硬化症(RRMS)的人和继续经历复发的继发性进展型多发性硬化症(SPMS)的人。 RRMS是多发性硬化症(MS)的最常见形式,其特点是新的或加重的体征或症状(复发)的发作,随后是恢复期。据估计,近100万人在美国患有MS,并且大约85%最初被诊断为RRMS。1,2大多数被诊断为RRMS的人最终将转变为SPMS,在这种情况下,他们会随着时间的推移不断恶化。全球超过230万人被诊断为患有MS。1

TG Therapeutics is a fully integrated, commercial stage, biopharmaceutical company focused on the acquisition, development and commercialization of novel treatments for B-cell diseases. In addition to a research pipeline including several investigational medicines, TG has received U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approval for BRIUMVI (ublituximab-xiiy), for the treatment of adult patients with relapsing forms of multiple sclerosis (RMS), to include clinically isolated syndrome, relapsing-remitting disease, and active secondary progressive disease, as well as approval by the European Commission (EC) and the Medicines and Healthcare Products Regulatory Agency (MHRA) for BRIUMVI to treat adult patients with RMS who have active disease defined by clinical or imaging features in Europe and the United Kingdom, respectively. For more information, visit , and follow us on X (formerly Twitter) @TGTherapeutics and on LinkedIn.

TG Therapeutics是一家完全集成、商业化阶段的生物制药公司,专注于收购、开发和商业化B细胞疾病的新型治疗方法。除了研究管线中包含几种调查药物外,TG还获得了美国食品和药品管理局的批准,使用BRIUMVI(ublituximab-xiiy)治疗复发性多发性硬化症的成人患者(RMS),包括临床分离综合征、复发缓解性疾病和活动性继发性疾病,以及欧洲委员会(EC)和药品和医疗保健产品监管局(MHRA)批准BRIUMVI用于治疗欧洲和英国分别具有临床或成像特征的RMS成人患者的活动性疾病。有关详细信息,请访问,并在X(前称Twitter)@TGTherapeutics上关注我们,并在
tg therapeutics是一家完全整合、具有商业阶段的生物制药公司,专注于收购、开发和商业化用于治疗B细胞疾病的新型治疗方法。除了拥有包括多种研究中药物在内的研发管线外,TG还获得了美国食品和药物管理局(FDA)批准用于治疗复发型多发性硬化(RMS)成年患者的BRIUMVI(ublituximab-xiiy)药物,包括临床孤立综合征、复发缓解性疾病和活跃次级进行性疾病患者,以及获得了欧洲委员会(EC)和英国药品和保健产品管制局(MHRA)批准用于治疗欧洲和英国有临床或影像特征定义的RMS患者具有活动性疾病的BRIUMVI。欲了解更多信息,请访问 ,并关注我们在X(以前的Twitter)@TGTherapeutics和LinkedIn。

BRIUMVI is a registered trademark of TG Therapeutics, Inc.

BRIUMVI是tg therapeutics注册商标。

Cautionary Statement
This press release contains forward-looking statements that involve a number of risks and uncertainties. For those statements, we claim the protection of the safe harbor for forward-looking statements contained in the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995.


Any forward-looking statements in this press release are based on management's current expectations and beliefs and are subject to a number of risks, uncertainties and important factors that may cause actual events or results to differ materially from those expressed or implied by any forward-looking statements contained in this press release. In addition to the risk factors identified from time to time in our reports filed with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), factors that could cause our actual results to differ materially include the below.


Such forward looking statements include but are not limited to statements regarding expectations for the commercial launch of BRIUMVI (ublituximab-xiiy) for RMS in the United States; and anticipated healthcare professional (HCP) and patient acceptance and use of BRIUMVI for the approved indications.


Additional factors that could cause our actual results to differ materially include the following: the Company's ability to continue to maintain a commercial infrastructure for BRIUMVI, and to successfully market and sell BRIUMVI; the risk that the Company's BRIUMVI U.S. net revenue targets will not be achieved; the failure to obtain and maintain requisite regulatory approvals, including the risk that the Company fails to satisfy post-approval regulatory requirements, the potential for variation from the Company's projections and estimates about the potential market for BRIUMVI due to a number of factors, including, further limitations that regulators may impose on the required labeling for BRIUMVI (such as modifications, resulting from safety signals that arise in the post-marketing setting or in the long-term extension study from the ULTIMATE I and II clinical trials); the Company's ability to meet post-approval compliance obligations (on topics including but not limited to product quality, product distribution and supply chain, pharmacovigilance, and sales and marketing); the Company's reliance on third parties for manufacturing, distribution and supply, and other support functions for its clinical and commercial products, including BRIUMVI, and the ability of the Company and its manufacturers and suppliers to produce and deliver BRIUMVI to meet the market demand for BRIUMVI; and general political, economic and business conditions. Further discussion about these and other risks and uncertainties can be found in our Annual Report on Form 10-K for the fiscal year ended December 31, 2023 and in our other filings with the SEC.

可能导致我们实际结果出现重大差异的其他因素包括以下内容:公司继续维持BRIUMVI的商业基础设施的能力,以及成功营销和销售BRIUMVI;公司未能达到BRIUMVI美国净营收目标的风险;未能获得并继续保持必要的监管批准,包括公司未能满足后批准监管要求的风险,由于监管机构可能对BRIUMVI所需标签进行的进一步限制(比如由ULTIMATE I和II临床试验的长期延伸研究或后市场环境中出现的安全信号引起的修改),导致公司关于BRIUMVI潜在市场的预测和估计存在变化的风险;公司满足后批准合规义务的能力(涉及但不限于产品质量、产品分销和供应链、药物警戒和销售营销等话题);公司依赖第三方进行其临床和商业产品,包括BRIUMVI的制造、分销和供应等支持功能,以及公司及其制造商和供应商生产和提供BRIUMVI以满足BRIUMVI市场需求的能力;以及一般政治、经济和商业条件。关于这些和其他风险和不确定性的进一步讨论可以在我们截至2023年12月31日的财政年度年度报告Form 10-K和我们向SEC提交的其他文件中找到。

Any forward-looking statements set forth in this press release speak only as of the date of this press release. We do not undertake to update any of these forward-looking statements to reflect events or circumstances that occur after the date hereof. This press release and prior releases are available at . The information found on our website is not incorporated by reference into this press release and is included for reference purposes only.




Investor Relations:
Telephone: 1.877.575.TGTX (8489), Option 4
Media Relations:
Telephone: 1.877.575.TGTX (8489), Option 6

媒体关系: 克莉丝汀·沃勒 +1 (724) 514-1968 艾米·罗斯 +1 (212) 733-7410 梅利莎·特朗贝塔 +1 (724) 514-1813 查克·特里亚诺 +1 (212) 733-3901

1. MS Prevalence. National Multiple Sclerosis Society website. . Accessed October 26, 2020. 2. Multiple Sclerosis International Federation, 2013 via Datamonitor p. 236.

1. MS患病率。美国国家多发性硬化症协会网站。于2020年10月26日访问。2. 2013年多发性硬化国际联合会,Datamonitor第236页。

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