T7 Global Wins MCM and HUC Contracts From Jadestone Energy
T7 Global Wins MCM and HUC Contracts From Jadestone Energy
T7 Global Bhd, through its wholly-owned subsidiary Tanjung Offshore Services Sdn Bhd, has been awarded a B3 package contract by Jadestone Energy (Malaysia) Sdn Bhd for Pan-Malaysia maintenance, construction and modification (MCM) and Hook-Up & Commissioning (HUC) services, according to a press statement released by T7 Global on Dec 2.
根据T7 Global于12月2日发布的新闻声明,T7 Global Bhd通过其全资子公司丹绒海上服务私人有限公司获得了Jadestone Energy(马来西亚)私人有限公司签订的泛马来西亚维护、施工和改装(MCM)以及连接和调试(HUC)服务的B3一揽子合同。
Tanjung Offshore has received the letter of award for the contract dated Oct 17, 2024 for works to commence on the contract date until Oct 16, 2029, spanning a period of 60 months, with extension oarrangement of three years for the 1st extension and two years for the 2nd extension.
Tanjung Offshore已收到日期为2024年10月17日的合同授予书,该合同的开工日期至2029年10月16日,为期60个月,第一次延期的延期安排为三年,第二次延期的延期安排为两年。
Jadestone Energy (Malaysia) is the operator under the PM323 and PM329 Production Sharing Contracts, offshore Peninsular Malaysia, and is part of the Jadestone Energy Group of Companies, headquartered in Singapore. It has its principal technical team in Kuala Lumpur and additional country operational offices in Perth, Jakarta, and Ho Chi Minh City. Jadestone Energy is listed on the AIM market of the London Stock Exchange.
Jadestone Energy(马来西亚)是 PM323 和 PM329 产量分成合同下的运营商,位于马来西亚半岛近海,也是总部位于新加坡的杰德斯通能源集团公司的一部分。它在吉隆坡设有主要技术团队,并在珀斯、雅加达和胡志明市设有其他国家业务办事处。Jadestone Energy在伦敦证券交易所的AiM市场上市。
The board of T7 Global envisages that the contract will contribute positively to the earnings and net assets of the company for the financial year ending 31 December 2024 and onwards until the expiry of the contract. As of Dec 2, there was no disclosed amount for the contract value.
T7 Global董事会预计,该合同将为公司截至2024年12月31日的财政年度及以后直到合同到期的收益和净资产做出积极贡献。截至12月2日,合同价值尚未披露金额。