Intel's Real Threat: ARM? Per Liftr Insights Data
Intel's Real Threat: ARM? Per Liftr Insights Data
Liftr Insights data shows the impact of ARM on Intel, especially with the introduction of Azure Cobalt and Google Axion
Liftr Insights的数据显示了ARm对英特尔的影响,尤其是随着Azure Cobalt和Google Axion的推出
AUSTIN, Texas, Dec. 3, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Liftr Insights, a pioneer in market intelligence driven by unique data, revealed data providing a glimpse into the growth of ARM and its impact on Intel's CPU market share in the cloud.
2024年12月3日,德克萨斯州奥斯汀/PRNewswire/ -- Liftr Insights是一家以独特数据驱动的市场情报为先导的先行者,揭示了提供了对ARm增长及其对英特尔在云中CPU市场份额的影响的数据
Public cloud providers are core customers for the large semiconductor businesses. Liftr Insights captures regular census data for the top cloud providers representing over 75% of public cloud.
公共云提供商是大型半导体企业的核心客户。Liftr Insights获取了对代表75%以上公共云的顶级云提供商的定期普查数据。
When removing the older generations, Intel's current share is just over half the market at 53.7%.
"Enterprises care what is happening in cloud because it affects their bottom line when considering current and future cloud spend," says Tab Schadt, CEO of Liftr Insights. "They might already be considering ARM for many of the power and cost benefits, but also understanding ARM's market share and growth can help them plan their next steps."
“企业关心云中发生的事情,因为这会影响到他们目前和未来的云支出,” Liftr Insights的CEO Tab Schadt表示,“他们可能已经考虑到ARm的许多动力和成本优势,但也理解ARM的市场份额和增长能帮助他们规划下一步。”
Liftr data show that Intel has been losing market share. For example, in Europe at the end of October 2024, Intel's share compared to AMD has dropped to 70.9% from 80.1% two years earlier. Intel's market share decreases when factoring out older generations of semiconductors, quantifying how later generations of AMD are being adopted at higher rates than earlier generations.
Even worse for Intel is the impact after factoring in ARM instances in Europe. Intel commands only 62.9% of the market once ARM instances are factored in at the end of October 2024. This is down from 74.0% two years earlier. And when removing the older generations, Intel's current share is just over half the market at 53.7%. Liftr data show consistent results in other global regions.
英特尔受到欧洲ARm实例影响更严重。 2024年10月底,考虑到ARm实例后,英特尔市场份额仅为62.9%。 这比两年前的74.0%下降。 而在去除旧一代产品后,英特尔目前的市场份额仅占市场的一半多一点,为53.7%。 Liftr数据显示其他全球地区也有一致的结果。
Prior to Intel CEO Pat Gelsinger's recent exit, Intel's market share worsened in the last few months with both Azure introducing its Cobalt ARM-based instance and Google introducing its own Axion. As with AWS' Graviton CPUs, the Azure and Google CPUs are anticipated to expand, which will put further strain on Intel's CPU business in the cloud.
在英特尔CEO帕特·戈尔辛格最近离职之前,英特尔在过去几个月的市场份额恶化,Azure推出基于Cobalt ARm实例,Google推出自己的Axion。 与AWS的Graviton CPU一样,预计Azure和Google的CPU将扩大规模,这将进一步拉紧英特尔在云计算业务中的压力。
"Data-driven organizations need numbers to gauge global cloud activity," says Schadt. "A regular pulse of changes is critical when they affect your bottom line of cloud spend."
About Liftr Insights
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Liftr Insights使用独特的数据生成可靠的市场情报,包括有关配置、元件、部署地理位置和定价的详细信息:
- Server processors: Intel Xeon, AMD EPYC, Aliyun Yitian, AWS Graviton, and Ampere Computing Altra
- Datacenter compute accelerators: GPUs, FPGAs, TPUs, and AI chips from NVIDIA, Xilinx, Intel, AMD, AWS, Google, and Qualcomm.
- 服务器处理器:Intel Xeon、AMD EPYC、Aliyun Yitian、AWS Graviton和Ampere Computing Altra
- 数据中心计算加速器:来自NVIDIA、Xilinx、Intel、AMD、AWS、Google和高通的GPU、FPGA、TPU和AI芯片。
As shown on the Liftr Cloud Regions Map at , among the companies tracked are Amazon Web Services, Microsoft Azure, Alibaba Cloud, Google Cloud, Oracle Cloud, Tencent Cloud, CoreWeave, Lambda, and Vultr as well as semiconductor vendors AMD, Ampere, Intel, Qualcomm, and NVIDIA. Liftr Insights subject matter experts translate company-specific service provider data into actionable alternative data.
如Liftr Cloud Regions Map上所示 , 受跟踪的公司包括亚马逊网络服务、微软Azure、阿里巴巴云、谷歌云、甲骨文云、腾讯云、CoreWeave、Lambda 和Vultr,以及半导体供应商AMD、Ampere、英特尔、高通和英伟达。Liftr Insights 主题专家将公司特定服务提供商数据转化为可操作的替代数据。
Liftr and the Liftr logo are registered service marks of Liftr Insights. The following are trademarks and/or service marks of Liftr Insights: Liftr Insights, Cloud Components Tracker, Intelligence Compute Tracker, and Liftr Cloud Regions Map.
Liftr和Liftr标志是Liftr Insights注册服务商标。Liftr Insights的商标和/或服务商标包括:Liftr Insights、Cloud Components Tracker、Intelligence Compute Tracker和Liftr Cloud Regions Map。
The following are registered intellectual property marks, trademarks, or service marks of their respective companies:
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Amazon Web Services
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Microsoft Azure
Alibaba Cloud
Google Cloud
Oracle Cloud
Tencent Cloud
Intel Corporation
Ampere Computing
Ampere Computing
SOURCE Liftr Insights
SOURCE Liftr Insights