Self Research Institute and SafeWaters Foundation Launch Platform and Android App to Increase Maritime Safety and Security, While Minimizing Abusive Labor Practices on Fishing Vessels Globally
Self Research Institute and SafeWaters Foundation Launch Platform and Android App to Increase Maritime Safety and Security, While Minimizing Abusive Labor Practices on Fishing Vessels Globally
New Partnership Aims to Boost Safety for Fishing and at Sea Crews and Their Families
BROKEN ARROW, Okla., Dec. 4, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- The Self Research Institute (SRI), a personal informatics research U.S. 501c3 non-profit and developer of industry-leading software, announced today a partnership with the SafeWaters Foundation (SWF), a maritime technology platform that enhances the safety and rights of fishers and other crew, to create a platform for data sharing and protection. This strategic collaboration will leverage advanced technologies to enhance maritime safety, digitize critical operations, and improve the efficiency of maritime data sharing across international waters.
美国俄克拉荷马州破碎的箭头,2024年12月4日 /PRNewswire/ -- 自我研究所 (SRI),一家个人信息学研究的美国501c3非营利组织和行业领先软件的开发者,今天宣布与海沃特基金会(SWF)建立合作关系,海沃特基金会是一个增强渔民和其他船员安全与权利的海洋科技平台,以创建数据分享和保护平台。这一战略合作将利用爱文思控股的科技,增强海洋安全,数字化关键操作,并提高国际沃特世数据分享的效率。
Labor conditions at sea remain a major issue in the global fishing industry, and this partnership between SRI and SafeWaters applies data sharing and management, by way of a mobile application, that can combat illegal labor practices. The Self Research Institute's cutting-edge Self Framework technology stack enables secure data management, ensuring that maritime workers whereabouts and safety can be reported safely and securely, while their families and shore-based authorities can access real-time, reliable information.
This partnership combines SRI's technological expertise with SWF's deep knowledge of networks within the maritime and fishing sectors to deliver a first-of-its-kind app for Android that can be downloaded from the Google Play Store globally, and eventually iOS. The new solution uses advanced blockchain and decentralized technologies to increase privacy, security, and transparency, helping workers and their families stay informed and safe.
这一合作结合了SRI的科技专长与SWF在海洋和渔业板块内的深厚网络知识,提供了一款首创的 安卓应用 可以从全球的Google Play商店下载,并最终支持iOS。该新解决方案利用爱文思控股的blockchain和去中心化技术来提高隐私、安全性和透明度,帮助工人及其家庭保持信息通畅和安全。
"Together with SWF, we are addressing pressing challenges in maritime safety and security by providing a tailor-made, secure app that offers both workers and their families a peace of mind that until now was unattainable. It's about creating a more secure future for everyone connected to this vital industry," said Sterling Snead, CEO of Self Research Institute. "There are few more noble uses for innovation than safeguarding and improving the lives of others, and working with SWF has illustrated how much can be done when technology is applied responsibly."
“与SWF一起,我们正在通过提供一个量身定制的安全应用程序来解决海事安全与安防方面的紧迫挑战,该应用程序为工人及其家人提供了之前无法获得的安心。这是为了为与这个重要行业相关的每个人创造一个更安全的未来,”自我研究所CEO Sterling Snead说道。“没有什么比保护和改善他人的生活更高尚的创新用途,与SWF的合作展示了当科技负责任地应用时可以做多少事情。”
The SafeWaters app, Built on SRI's Self Framework, a comprehensive human data platform designed to securely handle and share sensitive personal data, which is the same name as the organization, also serves as a direct line for regulatory authorities and law enforcement agencies, providing them with up-to-date, accurate data. This will aid significantly in law enforcement's ability to address and prevent these crimes.
该 安全沃特斯应用程序, 基于SRI的 自我框架, 这是一个综合的人类数据平台,旨在安全地处理和分享敏感个人数据,名称也与组织相同,同时为监管机构和执法机构提供直接的联系,向他们提供最新和准确的数据。这将显著帮助执法部门应对和预防这些犯罪。
"The global marine community understands the scale of oceans, and how much there is to protect below the surface as well as above on vessels that work this enormous and at times dangerous environment. As vast as the oceans are, tracking data points has enabled us to understand where the threats are to the environment and those that work on and in it," said Dr Mattias Wengelin, spokesperson for SWF. "By partnering with The Self Research Institute, we are bringing next-generation technologies to the maritime sector that will transform how the lives of individual crew members are protected."
“全球海洋社区理解海洋的规模,以及在这个巨大而有时危险的环境中要保护的水面和水下。尽管海洋如此广阔,跟踪数据点使我们能够了解环境以及那些在其上和下工作的人所面临的威胁,”SWF发言人Dr Mattias Wengelin说道。“通过与自我研究所的合作,我们正在为海事板块带来下一代科技,改变个别船员的生活保护方式。”
This partnership between Self Research Institute and SafeWaters Foundation offers a unique competitive advantage by leveraging SRI's innovative app development expertise alongside SWF's experience within the maritime industry. As the Self Framework technology offers an emphasis on the protection of sensitive health data, SRI is specifically equipped to handle information such as the status and location of a loved one working in the maritime industry. The collaboration addresses a market need that has long been overlooked, providing safety, security, and clarity to maritime workers and their families, while offering visibility on vessels' labor practices to the entire supply chain. SafeWaters will provide data and insights to a currently opaque aspect of fishing, allowing responsible operators to differentiate themselves reliably.
About The Self Research Institute:
The Self Research Institute is a US 501c3 non-profit pioneer in human data, privacy, and security. By leveraging scientific research, blockchain, and decentralized systems, SRI develops innovative software solutions that ensure privacy and security across multiple industries. The Institute is dedicated to empowering individuals and businesses with future-proof digital tools that provide enhanced security and data management. For more information, please visit
自我研究机构 是一家美国501c3非盈利组织,致力于人类数据、隐私和安防领域的开创性工作。通过利用科学研究、blockchain和去中心化系统,自我研究机构开发了创新的软件解决方案,确保多个行业的隐私和安全。该机构致力于赋能个人和企业,提供具有未来保障的数字工具,增强安全性和数据管理。有关更多信息,请访问
About SafeWaters Foundation: SafeWaters Foundation is a groundbreaking platform dedicated to enhance the safety, transparency, and well-being of crew and officers while onboard. By enabling users to link profiles, share information about working and living conditions, and record violations of their safety and rights, SafeWaters fosters greater accountability in maritime industries. The platform leverages decentralized technology, allowing users to store personal, professional and individual contract information securely, share their location and well-being with trusted contacts, and back up each other's data, even in remote areas with limited connectivity.
SOURCE Self Research Institute
来源 自我研究机构