
ARS Pharmaceuticals Announces Planned Launch of NeffyinSchools Program to Provide Life-Saving Needle Free Epinephrine to Eligible K-12 Schools at No Cost

ARS Pharmaceuticals Announces Planned Launch of NeffyinSchools Program to Provide Life-Saving Needle Free Epinephrine to Eligible K-12 Schools at No Cost

GlobeNewswire ·  2024/12/04 08:00

Qualifying public and private K-12 Schools in the U.S. will be eligible to receive two free cartons (four single use doses) of neffy (epinephrine nasal spray) 2mg for use in emergency treatment of allergic reactions including anaphylaxis


Interested schools are encouraged to review applicable state laws and regulations to ensure neffy for undesignated use meets all requirements

鼓励感兴趣的学校查看适用的州法律法规,确保非指定用途的 neffy 符合所有要求

SAN DIEGO, Dec. 04, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- ARS Pharmaceuticals, Inc. (Nasdaq: SPRY), a biopharmaceutical company dedicated to empowering at-risk patients and caregivers to better protect themselves from allergic reactions that could lead to anaphylaxis, announced today that it will be launching the neffyinSchools Program in January 2025. The program will provide eligible public and private K-12 schools in the U.S. the opportunity to receive two cartons (four single use doses) of neffy (epinephrine nasal spray) 2mg for use in emergency situations at no cost to the school. neffy 2mg was recently approved for the treatment of Type I Allergic Reactions, including anaphylaxis, in adults and children who weigh ≥30 kg (66 lbs.) Participating schools will be eligible to receive replacement doses when the product is used or expires.

圣地亚哥,2024年12月4日(GLOBE NEWSWIRE)——致力于帮助高危患者和护理人员更好地保护自己免受可能导致过敏反应的过敏反应的生物制药公司ARS制药公司(纳斯达克股票代码:SPRY)今天宣布,它将在2025年1月启动NeffyinSchools计划。该计划将为符合条件的美国公立和私立k-12学校提供机会,让学校免费获得两盒(四盒一次性剂量)neffy(肾上腺素鼻腔喷雾剂)2mg,用于紧急情况。neffy 2mg 最近获准用于治疗体重≥30 kg(66磅)的成人和儿童的 I 型过敏反应,包括过敏反应。当产品使用或过期时,参与的学校将有资格获得替代剂量。

Type 1 allergic reactions can be life-threatening, can happen in minutes, and can be caused by stinging and biting insects, foods, medication, exercise, or other unknown causes. Studies show that up to 18% of children with food allergies have had a reaction from accidentally eating food allergens while at school.1 In addition, 25% of severe and potentially life-threatening reactions (anaphylaxis) reported at schools happened in children with no previous diagnosis of food allergy.1

1 型过敏反应可能危及生命,可能在几分钟内发生,并且可能由刺痛和叮咬昆虫、食物、药物、运动或其他未知原因引起。研究表明,多达18%的食物过敏儿童因在校期间意外食用食物过敏原而出现反应。1 此外,学校报告的严重且可能危及生命的反应(过敏反应)中有25%发生在以前没有被诊断出食物过敏的儿童身上。1

"The potential for severe allergic reactions to food, medication, exercise or insect bites can quickly result in an emergency if epinephrine is not available. Since many unexpected allergic reactions happen during the school day, readily available epinephrine is crucial," says Richard Lowenthal, Co-Founder, President and CEO of ARS Pharmaceuticals. "Additionally, many people, including students, have a fear of needles which could impact, delay or prevent the use of an auto-injector. We are committed to making neffy, the only needle-free epinephrine treatment option, available free of charge to all eligible schools through our neffyinSchools program because we know neffy will save lives. We also understand that there are currently many challenges for schools that stock epinephrine. neffy is safer for school staff when administering epinephrine in allergy emergency situations, is easier to dispose as neffy doesn't contain any sharps, and it has a long shelf life of 30 months."

“如果没有肾上腺素,对食物、药物、运动或昆虫叮咬的严重过敏反应可能很快导致紧急情况。由于上课期间会发生许多意想不到的过敏反应,因此随时可用的肾上腺素至关重要。” ARS Pharmicals联合创始人、总裁兼首席执行官理查德·洛文塔尔说。“此外,包括学生在内的许多人担心针头会影响、延迟或阻止自动注射器的使用。我们致力于通过我们的NeffyinSchools计划向所有符合条件的学校免费提供neffy这是唯一的无针肾上腺素治疗选择,因为我们知道neffy可以挽救生命。我们还知道,目前储备肾上腺素的学校面临许多挑战。在过敏紧急情况下服用肾上腺素时,neffy对学校工作人员来说更安全,由于neffy不含任何利器,因此更易于处置,而且保质期长达30个月。”

In advance of the neffyinSchools launch, schools are encouraged to review applicable state legislation to ensure neffy meets the requirements of local epinephrine stocking and indemnification laws for undesignated use. Currently, 49 states and Washington DC have legislation in place to allow schools to stock epinephrine. The details of each state's legislation, and ability to stock neffy specifically, may vary. For states that do not yet allow for neffy because stocking protocols have not been updated to reflect this product and/or route of administration, school administrators may need to contact their state legislator to request modifications to state legislation to ensure school personnel are indemnified from liability for use of FDA approved epinephrine products. Many patient advocacy groups have information and resources on this topic that can be found here.


A webinar will be hosted on December 12 to provide information to school nurses and adminstrators about the neffyinSchools program, general information about neffy as well as training and other online resources. Following the program's official launch in January 2025, ARS Pharma will provide application instructions to schools to receive neffy 2mg.

12月12日将举办网络研讨会,向学校护士和管理人员提供有关NeffyinSchools计划的信息,有关neffy的一般信息以及培训和其他在线资源。该计划于2025年1月正式启动后,ARS Pharma将向学校提供申请指导,要求其获得neffy 2mg。

More information about this program can be found at and under the Community Program tab. Additional updates will be provided on ARS LinkedIn and X pages. The neffyinSchools program is subject to the more detailed terms and conditions which will be available on the Company's website prior to the official launch of the neffyinSchools program.

有关该计划的更多信息,请在 “社区计划” 选项卡下找到。其他更新将在 ARS LinkedIn 和 X 页面上提供。NeffyinSchools计划受更详细的条款和条件的约束,这些条款和条件将在NeffyinSchools计划正式启动之前在公司网站上公布。

About neffyinSchools

关于 NeffyinSchools

ARS is committed to working with our communities to provide essential epinephrine in schools. Eligible public and private K-12 schools in the U.S. (excluding territories) will be able to receive two cartons (four single use doses) of neffy 2mg for adults and children who weigh ≥30 kg (66 lbs.), in emergency situations. The neffyinSchools program is only for undesignated use, and children with prescriptions for epinephrine from their healthcare provider must continue to supply medication to their school in accordance with school guidelines. Schools must review applicable state legislation to ensure neffy meets the requirements of local epinephrine stocking and administration laws for undesignated use. The supplemental NDA for neffy 1mg dose was granted priority review by the FDA and has a PDUFA date set for March 6, 2025. If approved, neffy 1mg will be available to schools for students who weigh between 33 and 66 lbs. The neffyinSchools program is subject to the more detailed terms and conditions which will be available on the Company's website prior to the official launch of the neffyinSchools program

ARS致力于与我们的社区合作,为学校提供必需的肾上腺素。在紧急情况下,美国(不包括领土)符合条件的公立和私立k-12学校将能够为体重≥30千克(66磅)的成人和儿童获得两盒(四盒一次性使用剂量)neffy 2mg。NeffyinSchools计划仅用于未指定用途,从医疗保健提供者处方获得肾上腺素处方的儿童必须继续按照学校指导方针向学校提供药物。学校必须审查适用的州立法,确保 neffy 符合当地肾上腺素储存和管理法律对非指定用途的要求。美国食品药品管理局批准了neffy 1mg剂量的补充保密协议,PDUFA的日期定为2025年3月6日。如果获得批准,学校将向体重在33至66磅之间的学生提供neffy 1mg。NeffyinSchools计划受更详细的条款和条件的约束,这些条款和条件将在NeffyinSchools计划正式启动之前在公司网站上公布

About neffy

关于 neffy

neffy is an intranasal epinephrine product for patients with Type I allergic reactions including food, medications, and insect bites that could lead to life-threatening anaphylaxis.

neffy 是一种鼻内肾上腺素产品,适用于 I 型过敏反应患者,包括食物、药物和昆虫叮咬,这些过敏反应可能导致危及生命的过敏反应。





neffy 2 mg is indicated for emergency treatment of Type I allergic reactions, including anaphylaxis, in adult and pediatric patients who weigh 30 kg or greater.

neffy 2 mg 适用于体重在 30 kg 或以上的成人和儿童患者 I 型过敏反应(包括过敏反应)的紧急治疗。



It is recommended that patients are prescribed and have immediate access to two neffy nasal sprays at all times. In the absence of clinical improvement or if symptoms worsen after initial treatment, administer a second dose of neffy in the same nostril with a new nasal spray starting 5 minutes after the first dose.

建议患者开处方,并随时可以立即使用两种 neffy 鼻腔喷雾剂。如果临床没有改善,或者初次治疗后症状恶化,请在第一次给药后5分钟开始使用新的鼻腔喷雾剂在同一个鼻孔中注射第二剂neffy。

neffy is for use in the nose only.

neffy 仅用于鼻子。

Advise patients when to seek emergency medical assistance for close monitoring of the anaphylactic episode and in the event further treatment is required.


Absorption of neffy may be affected by underlying structural or anatomical nasal conditions.


Administer with caution to patients who have heart disease; epinephrine may aggravate angina pectoris or produce ventricular arrhythmias. Arrhythmias, including fatal ventricular fibrillation, have been reported, particularly in patients with underlying cardiac disease or taking cardiac glycosides, diuretics, or anti-arrhythmics.


The presence of a sulfite in neffy should not deter use.

neffy 中亚硫酸盐的存在不应阻止使用。

neffy may alter nasal mucosa for up to 2 weeks after administration and increase systemic absorption of nasal products, including neffy.

neffy 可能会在给药后长达 2 周内改变鼻粘膜,并增加鼻腔产品(包括 neffy)的全身吸收。

Patients with certain medical conditions or who take certain medications for allergies, depression, thyroid disorders, diabetes, and hypertension, may be at greater risk for adverse reactions.


Epinephrine can temporarily exacerbate the underlying condition or increase symptoms in patients with the following: hyperthyroidism, Parkinson's disease, diabetes, renal impairment. Epinephrine should be administered with caution in patients with these conditions, including elderly patients and pregnant women.


Adverse reactions to neffy may include throat irritation, intranasal paresthesia, headache, nasal discomfort, feeling jittery, paresthesia, fatigue, tremor, rhinorrhea, nasal pruritus, sneezing, abdominal pain, gingival pain, hypoesthesia oral, nasal congestion, dizziness, nausea, and vomiting.

neffy 的不良反应可能包括喉咙刺激、鼻内感觉异常、头痛、鼻部不适、感觉紧张、感觉异常、疲劳、震颤、鼻漏、鼻痒、打喷嚏、腹痛、牙龈痛、口腔感觉不足、鼻塞、头晕、恶心和呕吐。

These are not all of the possible side effects of neffy. To report suspected adverse reactions, contact ARS Pharmaceuticals Operations, Inc. at 1-877-MY-NEFFY (877-696-3339) or FDA at 1-800-FDA-1088 or .

这些并不是 neffy 可能产生的全部副作用。要报告疑似不良反应,请致电 1-877-MY-NEFFY(877-696-3339)与 ARS Pharmicals Operations, Inc. 联系,或致电 1-800-FDA-1088 或。

For additional information on neffy, please see Full Prescribing Information at


About Type I Allergic Reactions Including Anaphylaxis

关于包括过敏反应在内的 I 型过敏反应

Type I allergic reactions are serious and potentially life-threatening events that can occur within minutes of exposure to an allergen and require immediate treatment with epinephrine, the only FDA-approved medication for these reactions. While epinephrine autoinjectors have been shown to be highly effective, there are well published limitations that result in many patients and caregivers delaying or not administering treatment in an emergency situation. These limitations include fear of the needle, lack of portability, needle-related safety concerns, lack of reliability, and complexity of the devices. There are approximately 40 million people in the United States who experience Type I allergic reactions. Of this group, over the last three years, approximately 20 million people have been diagnosed and treated for severe Type I allergic reactions that may lead to anaphylaxis, but (in 2023, for example) only 3.2 million filled their active epinephrine autoinjector prescription, and of those, only half consistently carry their prescribed autoinjector. Even if patients or caregivers carry an autoinjector, more than half either delay or do not administer the device when needed in an emergency.

I 型过敏反应是严重且可能危及生命的事件,可能在接触过敏原后的几分钟内发生,需要立即使用肾上腺素进行治疗,肾上腺素是唯一获美国食品药品管理局批准的治疗这些反应的药物。尽管肾上腺素自动注射剂已被证明非常有效,但也有许多公开的局限性导致许多患者和护理人员在紧急情况下延迟或不给予治疗。这些限制包括害怕针头、缺乏便携性、与针头相关的安全问题、缺乏可靠性以及设备的复杂性。在美国,大约有4000万人出现I型过敏反应。在过去的三年中,该群体中约有2000万人因可能导致过敏反应的严重I型过敏反应而被诊断和治疗,但是(例如在2023年)只有320万人填写了活性肾上腺素自动注射器处方,其中只有一半的人持续使用处方的自动注射器。即使患者或护理人员携带自动注射器,也有一半以上的患者在紧急情况下需要时延迟或不给药。

About ARS Pharmaceuticals, Inc.

关于 ARS 制药公司

ARS Pharmaceuticals is a biopharmaceutical company dedicated to empowering at-risk patients and their caregivers to better protect patients from allergic reactions that could lead to anaphylaxis. The Company is commercializing neffy 2 mg (trade name EURneffy in the EU) (previously referred to as ARS-1), an epinephrine nasal spray indicated in the U.S. for emergency treatment of Type I allergic reactions, including anaphylaxis, in adult and pediatric patients who weigh 30 kg or greater, and in the EU for emergency treatment of allergic reactions (anaphylaxis) due to insect stings or bites, foods, medicinal products, and other allergens as well as idiopathic or exercise induced anaphylaxis in adults and children who weigh 30 kg or greater. For more information, visit .

ARS Pharmaceuticals是一家生物制药公司,致力于帮助高危患者及其护理人员更好地保护患者免受可能导致过敏反应的过敏反应。该公司正在商业化neffy 2 mg(在欧盟的商品名 eurNeffy)(以前称为 ARS-1),这是一种肾上腺素鼻腔喷雾剂,在美国用于紧急治疗体重在30kg或以上的成人和儿童患者的I型过敏反应,包括过敏反应;在欧盟,用于紧急治疗因昆虫叮咬或叮咬引起的过敏反应(过敏反应)、药用食品产品和其他过敏原以及体重在 30 kg 或以上的成人和儿童的特发性或运动诱发的过敏反应。欲了解更多信息,请访问。

Forward-Looking Statements


Statements in this press release that are not purely historical in nature are "forward-looking statements" within the meaning of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. These statements include, but are not limited to: the expected timing and launch of neffyinSchools; the needle-free profile of neffy and making neffy available at no cost to eligible public and private K-12 schools increasing the likelihood that such schools will both carry and administer adrenaline to students experiencing an allergic reaction; the expectation that neffy will save lives; the potential for stocking neffy to qualify under indemnification laws for undesignated use; and other statements that are not historical fact. Because such statements are subject to risks and uncertainties, actual results may differ materially from those expressed or implied by such forward-looking statements. Words such as "anticipate," "expects," "if," "may," "potential," "on track to," "plans," "will," "would," and similar expressions are intended to identify forward-looking statements. These forward-looking statements are based upon ARS Pharmaceuticals' current expectations and involve assumptions that may never materialize or may prove to be incorrect. Actual results and the timing of events could differ materially from those anticipated in such forward-looking statements as a result of various risks and uncertainties, which include, without limitation: potential safety and other complications from neffy; ARS Pharmaceuticals may not receive the anticipated benefits from the neffyinSchools program; public and private schools may be participate in the neffyinSchools program to the degree or on the timelines expected by ARS Pharmaceuticals the scope, progress and expansion of developing and commercializing neffy; the potential for payors to delay, limit or deny coverage for neffy; the size and growth of the market therefor and the rate and degree of market acceptance thereof vis-à-vis intramuscular injectable products; ARS Pharmaceuticals' ability to protect its intellectual property position; the impact of government laws and regulations; and the PDUFA target action date may be delayed due to various factors outside ARS Pharmaceuticals' control. Additional risks and uncertainties that could cause actual outcomes and results to differ materially from those contemplated by the forward-looking statements are included under the caption "Risk Factors" in ARS Pharmaceuticals' Quarterly Report on Form 10-Q for the quarter ended September 30, 2024, filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission ("SEC") on November 13, 2024. These documents can also be accessed on ARS Pharmaceuticals' website at by clicking on the link "Financials & Filings" under the "Investors & Media" tab.

本新闻稿中不纯粹是历史性质的陈述是1995年《私人证券诉讼改革法》所指的 “前瞻性陈述”。这些声明包括但不限于:NeffyinSchools的预期时间和上线;neffy的无针概况以及免费向符合条件的公立和私立k-12学校提供neffy的服务,增加了此类学校为出现过敏反应的学生携带和注射肾上腺素的可能性;对neffy能够挽救生命的期望;根据补偿法,neffy有资格用于非指定用途的可能性;以及其他非历史事实的陈述。由于此类陈述受风险和不确定性的影响,因此实际结果可能与此类前瞻性陈述所表达或暗示的结果存在重大差异。诸如 “预期”、“期望”、“如果”、“可能”、“潜在”、“步入正轨”、“计划”、“将”、“将” 等词语以及类似的表述旨在识别前瞻性陈述。这些前瞻性陈述基于ARS Pharmaceuticals当前的预期,涉及可能永远无法实现或可能被证明不正确的假设。由于各种风险和不确定性,实际结果和事件发生时间可能与此类前瞻性陈述中的预期存在重大差异,其中包括但不限于:neffy的潜在安全和其他并发症;ARS制药可能无法从NeffyinSchools计划中获得预期收益;公立和私立学校可能按照ARS Pharmicals预期的程度或时间表参与NeffyinSchools计划:开发和商业化的范围、进展和扩展 neffy;付款人推迟、限制或拒绝为neffy提供保险的可能性;市场规模和增长以及市场对肌肉注射产品的接受率和程度;ARS制药保护其知识产权地位的能力;政府法律法规的影响;以及PDUFA的目标行动日期,可能由于ARS制药公司无法控制的各种因素而推迟。ARS Pharmaceuticals于2024年11月13日向美国证券交易委员会(“SEC”)提交的截至2024年9月30日的季度10-Q表季度报告中的 “风险因素” 标题下包含了可能导致实际结果和业绩与前瞻性陈述所设想的重大差异的其他风险和不确定性。也可以在ARS Pharmaceuticals的网站上单击 “投资者与媒体” 选项卡下的 “财务与申报” 链接来访问这些文件。

The forward-looking statements included in this press release are made only as of the date hereof. ARS Pharmaceuticals assumes no obligation and does not intend to update these forward-looking statements, except as required by law.

本新闻稿中包含的前瞻性陈述仅在发布之日作出。除非法律要求,否则ARS Pharmicals不承担任何义务,也不打算更新这些前瞻性陈述。

ARS Investor Contact:
Justin Chakma
ARS Pharmaceuticals

ARS 投资者联系方式:
ARS 制药

ARS Media Contact:
Christy Curran
Sam Brown Inc.

ARS 媒体联系人:

1 Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Voluntary Guidelines for Managing Food Allergies in Schools and Early Care and Education Programs. Washington, DC: US Department of Health and Human Services; 2013.

1 疾病控制与预防中心。学校和早期护理和教育计划中管理食物过敏的自愿指南。华盛顿特区:美国卫生与公共服务部;2013。

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