Spirit Airlines' Guests Take to the Skies for Thanksgiving Travel
Spirit Airlines' Guests Take to the Skies for Thanksgiving Travel
DANIA BEACH, Fla., Dec. 5, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Spirit Airlines delivered a strong performance to kick off the busy holiday travel season, connecting Guests with family and friends across more than 5,200 flights during Thanksgiving week. Spirit poured the gravy on top by significantly boosting its net promoter score in November 2024 compared to November 2023.
佛罗里达州达尼亚海滩,2024年12月5日 /PRNewswire/ -- spirit airlines 在繁忙的假日旅行季节伊始,表现强劲,通过超过5200个航班在感恩节周期间将旅客与家人和朋友连接起来。Spirit在2024年11月的净推荐值相比于2023年11月有了显著提升。
"We know it's important for travelers to get where they're going, especially during the holidays, and we're grateful to our Guests for trusting us to connect them with family and friends this Thanksgiving," said John Bendoraitis, Spirit Airlines Executive Vice President and Chief Operating Officer. "A special thank you to our Spirit Family for their hard work and dedication that makes everything we do for our Guests possible. We look forward to welcoming travelers back onboard for their upcoming adventures in December and 2025."
“我们知道,对于旅行者来说,尤其是在假日期间,去往目的地是很重要的,我们感谢我们的旅客信任我们,让我们在这个感恩节将他们与家人和朋友连接起来,”Spirit Airlines执行副总裁兼首席运营官约翰·本多拉伊提斯说。“特别感谢我们的Spirit大家庭,感谢他们的辛勤工作和奉献,使我们为旅客所做的一切成为可能。我们期待在12月和2025年欢迎旅客们再次登机,踏上他们即将到来的冒险。”
Summary of Spirit's Performance Results
Thanksgiving Week 2024 (Nov. 25 – Dec. 1, 2024)
2024年感恩节周 (2024年11月25日 – 12月1日)
- Operated more than 5,200 domestic and international flights.
- Delivered a completion factor of 99.9%.
- Achieved 11 percentage point increase in flights arriving within 14 minutes of scheduled arrival time, which is the standard "A14" industry metric, compared to Thanksgiving week 2023.
- Top routes based on frequency:
- Atlanta (ATL) / Fort Lauderdale (FLL)
- Las Vegas (LAS) / San Diego (SAN)
- Las Vegas (LAS) / Los Angeles (LAX)
- Detroit (DTW) / New York-LaGuardia (LGA)
- Las Vegas (LAS) / San Jose (SJC)
- 运营超过5200个国内和国际航班。
- 交付了99.9%的完成率。
- 与2023年感恩节周相比,航班在计划到达时间内到达14分钟的比例提高了11个百分点,这是标准的"A14"行业板块指标。
- 基于频率的主要航线:
- 亚特兰大(ATL) / 劳德代尔堡(FLL)
- 拉斯维加斯(LAS) / 圣地亚哥(SAN)
- 拉斯维加斯(LAS) / 洛杉矶(LAX)
- 底特律(DTW) / 纽约-拉瓜迪亚(LGA)
- 拉斯维加斯(LAS) / 圣荷西(SJC)
November 2024
- More than doubled Spirit's net promoter score, a metric used to measure Guest satisfaction, in November 2024 compared to November 2023.
- Ranked fourth among U.S. carriers for on-time performance in November 2024.
- 在2024年11月,比起2023年11月,烈酒的净推荐分数翻了一番以上,这是一个用于衡量顾客满意度的指标。
- 在2024年11月,烈酒在美国航空公司中按时表现排名第四。
Results are based on Spirit's data compared to major and regional U.S. airlines. Official monthly performance results are published in the Department of Transportation's Air Travel Consumer Reports.
Spirit's Transformed Guest Experience
Guests traveling this holiday season will enjoy Spirit's recent transformation and new travel options, which offer greater value and an even friendlier, more comfortable experience.
这个假期季节旅行的顾客将享受烈酒的 最近的转型 和新的旅行选项,这些选项提供了更大的价值以及更加友好、舒适的体验。
- Four new travel options ranging from premium to economical to meet the needs of all travelers.
- Industry-leading flexibility with no change or cancel fees for all Guests.
- Increased checked bag weight allowance to 50 pounds.
- 推出四种新旅行选择,从高端到经济,以满足所有旅客的需求。
- 行业板块领先的灵活性,所有客人均无更改或取消费用。
- 增加托运行李的重量限制到50磅。
The Airline Passenger Experience Association (APEX) named Spirit a Four Star Low Cost Carrier for 2025. Spirit was also recognized by WalletHub for affordability and safety in 2024. Additionally, the carrier was recognized for safety with the FAA's Aviation Maintenance Technician Diamond Award of Excellence for the sixth consecutive year.
航空乘客体验协会(APEX)将烈酒评为 四星低成本航空公司 于2025年。烈酒还被 WalletHub认可。 在2024年考虑到可承受性和安全性。此外,该航空公司因其安全性获得了FAA的航空维修技师 金刚石卓越奖 连续第六年。
About Spirit Airlines
Spirit Airlines is a leading low-fare carrier committed to delivering the best value in the sky by offering an enhanced travel experience with flexible, affordable options. Spirit serves destinations throughout the United States, Latin America and the Caribbean with its Fit Fleet, one of the youngest and most fuel-efficient fleets in the U.S. Spirit is committed to inspiring positive change in the communities it serves through the Spirit Charitable Foundation. Discover elevated travel options with exceptional value at spirit.com.
关于spirit airlines
spirit airlines是一家领先的低价航空公司,致力于通过提供增强的旅行体验和灵活、经济实惠的选择,在空中提供最佳价值。Spirit通过其Fit Fleet服务于整个美国、拉丁美洲和加勒比地区,拥有美国最年轻、燃油效率最高的机队之一。Spirit致力于通过业务对所服务社区产生积极影响。 烈酒慈善基金会。在spirit.com上探索提供卓越价值的升级旅行选择 spirit.com.
SOURCE Spirit Airlines
来源:spirit airlines