Lennar Corporation's Fourth Quarter Earnings Conference Call to Be Broadcast Live on the Internet
Lennar Corporation's Fourth Quarter Earnings Conference Call to Be Broadcast Live on the Internet
MIAMI, Dec. 5, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Lennar Corporation (NYSE: LEN and LEN.B), one of the nation's largest homebuilders, announced today that the Company will release earnings for the fourth quarter ended November 30, 2024 after the market closes on December 18, 2024. Additionally, the Company will hold a conference call on December 19, 2024 at 11:00 a.m. Eastern Time.
MIAMI,2024年12月5日 /美通社/ -- 美国最大的房地产公司之一Lennar Corporation(纽交所股票代码:LEN和LEN.B)宣布,该公司将于2024年11月30日结束的第四季度收益在2024年12月18日收市后公布。此外,该公司将于2024年12月19日美国东部时间上午11:00举行电话会议。
The call will be broadcast live on the Internet and can be accessed through Lennar's website at investors.lennar.com. If you are unable to participate during the live webcast, the call will be archived at investors.lennar.com for 90 days.
Lennar Corporation, founded in 1954, is one of the nation's leading builders of quality homes for all generations. Lennar builds affordable, move-up and active adult homes primarily under the Lennar brand name. Lennar's Financial Services segment provides mortgage financing, title and closing services primarily for buyers of Lennar's homes and, through LMF Commercial, originates mortgage loans secured primarily by commercial real estate properties throughout the United States. Lennar's Multifamily segment is a nationwide developer of high-quality multifamily rental properties. LENX drives Lennar's technology, innovation and strategic investments. For more information about Lennar, please visit .
Lennar Corporation成立于1954年,是全国领先的为各个世代提供优质住房的建筑商之一。 Lennar主要以Lennar品牌开发经济实惠、升级以及活跃成年人住宅。 Lennar的金融服务部门主要为购房者提供抵押贷款融资、产权和房地产交易服务,通过LMF Commercial主要基于美国各地的商业房地产物业发放抵押贷款。 Lennar的多层住宅部门是全国范围内高品质多层出租物业的开发商。 LENX推动着Lennar的科技、创新和战略投资。 欲了解更多关于Lennar的信息,请访问。
Ian Frazer
Investor Relations
Lennar Corporation
(305) 485-4129
Ian Frazer
(305) 485-4129
SOURCE Lennar Corporation
来源:Lennar Corporation