
Scienture, LLC, a Wholly Owned Subsidiary of Scienture Holdings, Inc. (NASDAQ: SCNX) Announces Issuance of a New Patent Covering Its First Product SCN-102 (Losartan Potassium Oral Suspension, 10mg/mL) Through 2041

Scienture, LLC, a Wholly Owned Subsidiary of Scienture Holdings, Inc. (NASDAQ: SCNX) Announces Issuance of a New Patent Covering Its First Product SCN-102 (Losartan Potassium Oral Suspension, 10mg/mL) Through 2041

Scienture, LLC是Scienture Holdings, Inc.(纳斯达克: SCNX)的全资子公司,宣布其第一个产品SCN-102(洛卡特普口服悬液,10mg/mL)获得新专利,专利有效期至2041年。
GlobeNewswire ·  2024/12/10 21:05

COMMACK, NY and TAMPA, FL, Dec. 10, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- SCIENTURE, LLC ("the "Company"), a wholly owned subsidiary of SCIENTURE HOLDINGS, INC. (NASDAQ: SCNX), focused on developing and commercializing novel branded, specialty pharma products, today announced that the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) has issued a new patent, No. 12,156,869 (the '869 patent), further strengthening the intellectual property position and coverage for the Company's SCN-102 product. The '869 patent is in addition to the previously granted patent for SCN-102 by the USPTO, No. 11,890,273 (the '273 patent).

COMMACk, NY 和 TAMPA, FL, 2024年12月10日 (环球新闻) -- SCIENTURE, LLC("公司"),是 SCIENTURE HOLDINGS, INC.(纳斯达克: SCNX)的全资子公司,专注于开发和商业化新型品牌专科药品,今天宣布美国专利和商标局(USPTO)已发布新专利,第12,156,869号('869专利),进一步加强了公司SCN-102产品的知识产权地位及覆盖。'869专利是美国专利和商标局之前已授予的SCN-102专利,第11,890,273号('273专利)的补充。

The '869 patent and the '273 patent, both titled, "LOSARTAN LIQUID FORMULATIONS AND METHODS OF USE," cover stable, liquid pharmaceutical compositions of Losartan and methods of treating patients in need of Losartan by administration of the novel formulations described.


"The two issued patents demonstrate our accomplished development capabilities for novel products and our commitment to bring to market high value products that address unique and underserved patient needs," said Shankar Hariharan, Ph.D., CEO of Scienture, LLC. "We are pleased to note that the NDA filed for SCN-102 is currently under review at the FDA."

"这两项授予的专利展示了我们在新产品开发方面的卓越能力,以及我们致力于推出解决独特且未被满足患者需求的高价值产品的承诺,"科学公司(Scienture, LLC)首席执行官Shankar Hariharan博士表示。"我们很高兴地注意到,已提交的SCN-102新药申请目前正在FDA审查中。"

"We are pleased with the issuance of these two patents supporting SCN-102, a transformative therapy containing Losartan, one of the most widely prescribed molecules in its class," remarked Narasimhan Mani, Ph.D, MBA, President of Scienture, LLC. "SCN-102 on receiving final NDA approval, has the potential to address needs of patients who can benefit from a ready-to-use oral liquid formulation of Losartan."

"我们对这两项支持SCN-102的专利的发布感到高兴,它是一种包含洛卡特普的变革性疗法,是其类别中处方最广泛的分子之一,"科学公司(Scienture, LLC)总裁Narasimhan Mani博士,MBA表示。"SCN-102在最终获得新药申请批准后,有望满足需要即用型洛卡特普口服液制剂的患者需求。"

"This announcement is extremely exciting and reaffirms the optimism of the Board and management team in relation to the recent merger with Scienture. This is a clear demonstration of the value Scienture, LLC brings to the combined company and its shareholders," said Suren Ajjarapu, Chairman of the Board, Scienture Holdings, Inc.

"这一公告令人极为振奋, reaffirmed董事会和管理团队对与Scienture的最近合并的乐观态度。这清楚地展示了Scienture, LLC为合并后的公司及其股东带来的价值," Scienture Holdings, Inc.的董事长Suren Ajjarapu表示。

About SCN-102


Scienture LLC's product candidate SCN-102, (Losartan Oral Suspension 10mg/mL), is a ready to use oral suspension of Losartan for increased patient convenience and ease of dosing. The Company believes that SCN-102, if approved by the FDA, would be the first liquid formulation of Losartan on the market that does not require compounding and has reduced dosing volume and long term shelf life at room temperature storage.

Scienture LLC的产品候选SCN-102(洛卡特普口服悬液10mg/mL)是一种现成使用的洛卡特普口服悬液,旨在提高患者的便利性和剂量的易用性。公司认为,如果SCN-102获得FDA批准,将成为市场上第一款不需要调配的洛卡特普液体配方,具有减少的剂量和在室温下存储的长期保质期。

About Losartan


Losartan is an ARB (Angiotensin II Receptor Blocker) for treating hypertension and is one of the highest prescribed molecules for this indication. It is currently available in the market as an oral solid product. IQVIA data (MAT September 2024) indicates a total annual sales of $312 million and an annual prescription volume of 67 million for Losartan in the US market.


About Hypertension


Hypertension (high blood pressure) is a cardiovascular condition, when the pressure in the blood vessels is too high (140/90 mmHg or higher). According to the CDC, hypertension, or high blood pressure, affects nearly half of adults in the United States, or 119.9 million people. Hypertension is defined as a systolic blood pressure of 140 mmHg or higher, and diastolic blood pressure of 90 mmHg or higher. Hypertension is a risk factor for stroke and heart disease, which are leading causes of death in the U.S. Factors that increase the risk of having high blood pressure include: older age, genetics, being overweight or obese, not being physically active, high-salt diet and drinking too much alcohol. Hypertension is clinically diagnosed if, when blood pressure is measured on two different days, the systolic blood pressure readings on both days is ≥140 mmHg and/or the diastolic blood pressure readings on both days is ≥ 90 mmHg.

高血压(高血压)是一种心血管疾病,指的是血管内的压力过高(140/90 mmHg或更高)。根据CDC的数据显示,高血压影响美国近一半的成年人,即11990万人。高血压的定义是收缩压在140 mmHg或更高,舒张压在90 mmHg或更高。高血压是中风和心脏病的风险因素,这些是美国主要的死亡原因。增加高血压风险的因素包括:年龄较大、遗传、超重或肥胖、缺乏身体活动、高盐饮食以及饮酒过量。如果在两个不同的日子测量血压时,两天的收缩压读数均≥140 mmHg和/或舒张压读数均≥90 mmHg,则临床上诊断为高血压。

About Scienture, LLC

关于Scienture, LLC

Scienture, LLC is a Commack, NY based branded, specialty pharmaceutical company. We are a highly experienced team of industry professionals who are passionate about developing and bringing to market unique specialty products that provide enhanced value to patients and healthcare systems. Our assets in development are across therapeutics areas, indications and cater to different market segments.. Learn more at .

Scienture, LLC是一家位于纽约Commack的品牌专业药品公司。我们是一支经验丰富的行业专业团队,热衷于开发并推向市场独特的专业产品,为患者和医疗系统提供更高的价值。我们正在开发的资产涵盖了不同的治疗领域、适应症,并面向不同的市场细分。了解更多请访问 .

About Scienture Holdings, Inc.

关于Scienture Holdings, Inc.

SCIENTURE HOLDINGS, INC. (NASDAQ: "SCNX"), through its wholly owned subsidiaries, Scienture, LLC and Integra Pharma Solutions, LLC, is a comprehensive pharmaceutical product company focused on providing enhanced value to patients, physicians and caregivers by offering novel specialty products to satisfy unmet market needs. Our products in development at Scienture, LLC, are across therapeutic areas, indications and cater to different market segments and channels. Integra Pharma Solutions, LLC, is a licensed pharmaceutical wholesaler and sells brand, generic and non-drug products to healthcare markets including government organizations, hospitals, clinics and independent pharmacies nationwide.

SCIENTURE HOLDINGS, INC. (纳斯达克: "SCNX") 通过其全资子公司Scienture, LLC和Integra Pharma Solutions, LLC,致力于提供综合药品产品,专注于通过提供新颖的专业产品来满足未满足的市场需求,以提升患者、医生和护理人员的价值。我们在Scienture, LLC开发的产品涵盖治疗领域、适应症,面向不同的市场细分和渠道。Integra Pharma Solutions, LLC是一家持牌药品批发商,向包括政府机构、医院、诊所和全国各地独立药店在内的医疗市场销售品牌药品、仿制药和非药品产品。

Cautionary Statements Regarding Forward-Looking Statements


This press release contains certain statements that may be deemed to be "forward-looking statements" within the federal securities laws, including the safe harbor provisions under the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. Statements that are not historical are forward-looking statements within the meaning of Section 27A of the Securities Act of 1933 and Section 21E of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934. Forward-looking statements relate to future events or our future performance or future financial condition. These forward-looking statements are not historical facts, but rather are based on current expectations, estimates and projections about our company, our industry, our beliefs and our assumptions. Such forward-looking statements include, but are not limited to, statements regarding our or our management team's expectations, hopes, beliefs, intentions or strategies regarding the future, including for our SCN-102 product or any other products we may launch. In addition, any statements that refer to projections, forecasts or other characterizations of future events or circumstances, including any underlying assumptions, are forward-looking statements. In some cases, you can identify forward-looking statements by the following words: "anticipate," "believe," "continue," "could," "estimate," "expect," "intend," "may," "ongoing," "plan," "potential," "predict," "project," "should," or the negative of these terms or other similar expressions, but the absence of these words does not mean that a statement is not forward-looking. Forward-looking statements are subject to a number of risks and uncertainties (some of which are beyond our control) that may cause actual results or performance to be materially different from those expressed or implied by such forward-looking statements. Accordingly, readers should not place undue reliance on any forward-looking statements. These risks include risks relating to agreements with third parties; our ability to raise funding in the future, as needed, and the terms of such funding, including potential dilution caused thereby; our ability to continue as a going concern; security interests under certain of our credit arrangements; our ability to maintain the listing of our common stock on the Nasdaq Capital Market; claims relating to alleged violations of intellectual property rights of others; the outcome of any current legal proceedings or future legal proceedings that may be instituted against us; unanticipated difficulties or expenditures relating to our business plan; and those risks detailed in our most recent Annual Report on Form 10-K and subsequent reports filed with the SEC.

本新闻稿包含某些声明,这些声明可能被认为是根据联邦证券法的 "前瞻性声明",包括1995年《私人证券诉讼改革法》下的安全港条款。非历史性的陈述是根据《1933年证券法》第27A条和《1934年证券交易法》第21E条的定义的前瞻性声明。前瞻性声明与未来事件或我们的未来表现或未来财务状况有关。这些前瞻性声明不是历史事实,而是基于当前的期望、估计和对我们公司、行业、信念和假设的预测。这些前瞻性声明包括但不限于关于我们或我们管理团队对未来的期望、希望、信念、意图或策略的声明,包括针对我们的SCN-102产品或我们可能推出的任何其他产品。此外,任何提及对未来事件或情况的预测、预估或其他表述的声明,包括任何基本假设,都是前瞻性声明。在某些情况下,您可以通过以下词语识别前瞻性声明:"预计"、"相信"、"继续"、"可能"、"估计"、"期望"、"打算"、"或许"、"正在进行"、"计划"、"潜在"、"预测"、"项目"、"应该",或这些术语的否定形式或其他类似表述,但缺少这些词并不意味着该声明不是前瞻性声明。前瞻性声明受若干风险和不确定性(其中一些超出我们的控制)影响,这可能导致实际结果或表现与这些前瞻性声明所表达或暗示的结果有重大差异。因此,读者不应对任何前瞻性声明过度依赖。这些风险包括与第三方协议相关的风险;我们在未来(如有需要)筹集资金的能力及此类资金的条款,包括可能导致的稀释;我们维持持续经营的能力;我们某些信贷安排下的安全权益;我们在纳斯达克资本市场上市的普通股的能力;有关其他知识产权侵权的指控;对我们可能提起的任何当前法律程序或未来法律程序的结果的影响;与我们商业计划相关的不可预见的困难或支出;以及在我们最近的10-K表格年度报告和随后的向SEC提交的报告中详细列出的风险。

Forward-looking statements speak only as of the date they are made. Scienture Holdings, Inc. undertakes no obligation to update or revise any forward-looking statements, whether as a result of new information, future events or otherwise that occur after that date, except as otherwise provided by law.

前瞻性陈述仅在作出之日有效。Scienture Holdings, Inc. 不承担更新或修订任何前瞻性陈述的义务, 无论是因新信息、未来事件或其他在该日期之后发生的情况,除非法律另有规定。





Scienture, LLC
20 Austin Boulevard
Commack, New York 11725
Phone: (631) 670-6039

Scienture, LLC
20 奥斯丁大道
美国纽约州科马克 11725
电话: (631) 670-6039



6308 Benjamin Rd, Suite 708
Tampa, Florida 33634
Phone: (866) 468-6535

电话: (866) 468-6535

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