Zetrix and Astron Launch Enhanced China Digital IDs to Combat Online Identity Fraud
Zetrix and Astron Launch Enhanced China Digital IDs to Combat Online Identity Fraud
Service Delivered Exclusively on Zetrix Outside China
KUALA LUMPUR, Malaysia, Dec. 11, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Zetrix, a layer 1 public blockchain, announced today an exclusive partnership outside China with Astron-Xinghuo BIF, the international chain of China's national public permissioned blockchain under the Ministry of Industry and IT ("MIIT"), to jointly offer and promote applications for Digital IDs of Chinese nationals and business entities, a service that enables real-time fraud-proof identity verification.
马来西亚吉隆坡,2024年12月11日 /PRNewswire/ — 第一层公共区块链Zetrix今天宣布与工业与信息技术部(“MIIT”)下属的中国国家公共许可区块链国际连锁店Astron-Xinghuo BIF在中国境外建立独家合作伙伴关系,共同提供和推广中国公民和商业实体的数字身份证申请,该服务可实现实时防欺诈身份验证。
Through the service, known as ZID, individuals and businesses in China can now digitise their official national ID or business registration identity as a Web 3 Verifiable Credential ("VC").
通过这项名为ZID的服务,中国的个人和企业现在可以将其官方国民身份证或商业登记身份数字化为Web 3可验证凭证(“VC”)。
In the case of business registration IDs, each unique VC can be presented to any third party overseas -- be it a government or commercial entity or a private individual -- who are then able to use the VC to verify the legitimacy and authenticity of the business in real time. Likewise, individual Chinese nationals can publish their national IDs as a VC that can then be accessed by verifying entities outside of China. In addition, the digitisation of driving licences for Chinese nationals for overseas verification is also available on the Zetrix platform.
"Creating cross-border trust is of great importance, especially the verification of digital identity, credentials and documents. We would like to create a trusted data channel, together with MYEG, to facilitate the international cooperation between China and the rest of the world in the digital age.," said Mr You Xiaoyu, Head, International Department of Astron.
“建立跨境信任非常重要,尤其是验证数字身份、证书和文件。我们希望与MYEG一起创建一个可信的数据渠道,以促进数字时代中国与世界其他地区之间的国际合作。” Astron国际部负责人尤晓宇说。
"Digital IDs issued as Verifiable Credentials will usher in the next wave of innovation and introduce the first billion users to the Web 3 ecosystem. With the endorsement and use by various Governmental organisations, we expect Digital IDs to be the killer application for Web3," said Zetrix co-founder TS Wong.
“作为可验证凭证颁发的数字身份证将迎来下一波创新浪潮,并将首批十亿用户引入 Web 3 生态系统。在各政府组织的认可和使用下,我们预计数字身份证将成为Web3的杀手级应用程序。” Zetrix联合创始人TS Wong说。
The immutability of blockchain means verifiers will be able to confirm that the VCs issued and accessed through ZID are authentic, genuine and have not been altered. This is unlike conventional ID cards, whether in their physical or digital image forms, which may be subject to tampering, fraud, or forgery using image editing tools, and verifiers have no immediate, trustworthy method to assess their authenticity.
The addition of Chinese digital ID verification serves to further reinforce the Zetrix ecosystem as the most comprehensive global ID solution.
Besides digital IDs of Chinese individuals and businesses, Zetrix, together with the MYEG Group as a whole, is also a key partner in the provision of Malaysia's national ID solutions and the roll-out of WorldID.
For more information on ZID, visit
有关 ZID 的更多信息,请访问
About Zetrix
关于 Zetrix
Zetrix is a layer-1 public blockchain that facilitates smart contracts and delivers privacy, security and scalability. Zetrix's cryptographic infrastructure can be introduced to multiple industries to connect governments, businesses and their citizens to a global blockchain-based economy. Developed by MY E.G. Services Bhd, the cross-border and cross-chain integration with China enables Zetrix to serve as a blockchain gateway that facilitates global trade by deploying critical building blocks for Web3 services such as Blockchain-based Identifiers (BID) and Verifiable Credentials (VC).
Zetrix 是一个第 1 层公共区块链,可促进智能合约并提供隐私、安全性和可扩展性。可以将Zetrix的加密基础设施引入多个行业,将政府、企业及其公民与基于区块链的全球经济联系起来。由MY E.G. Services Bhd开发,与中国的跨境和跨链集成使Zetrix能够充当区块链网关,通过为基于区块链的标识符(BID)和可验证凭证(VC)等Web3服务部署关键构建块来促进全球贸易。
来源 Zetrix