Hang Seng Index Futures Close Below Key Support Level Of 20,204 Points
Hang Seng Index Futures Close Below Key Support Level Of 20,204 Points

The Hang Seng Index Futures (HSIF) continued its downward trend on Wednesday according to RHB Investment Bank Bhd (RHB Research), closing at 20,204 points after falling below the 50-day simple moving average (SMA). The session began with the index at 20,436 points, peaking at 20,563 points before reversing to a low of 20,153 points. Although the index recovered slightly in the evening, trading at 20,215 points, the overall bearish sentiment remains intact.
根据印度兴业银行有限公司(RhB Research)的数据,恒生指数期货(HSIF)周三继续下跌,在跌破50天简单移动平均线(SMA)后收于20,204点。该交易日开始时,该指数为20,436点,峰值为20,563点,然后回落至20,153点的低点。尽管该指数在晚间略有回升,交易价格为20,215点,但整体看跌情绪仍然完好无损。
RHB Research advised traders to maintain short positions, indicating that the technical setup suggests further downward movement is likely. The medium-term moving average is trending lower, adding pressure to the index. The research house predicts that if the HSIF falls below the key support level of 20,000 points, additional corrections could occur.
RhB Research建议交易者维持空头头寸,这表明技术设置表明可能会进一步下跌。中期移动平均线呈下降趋势,这增加了该指数的压力。该研究机构预测,如果HSIF跌破20,000点的关键支撑位,则可能会出现更多修正。
The nearest support level for the index is now at 20,000 points, followed by 19,000 points, while resistance is pegged at 21,250 points and then 23,000 points. RHB Research has recommended that traders keep their short positions initiated at the close of 9 October when the index was at 20,628 points, with a stop-loss set at 21,250 points to mitigate trading risks.
该指数目前最近的支撑位为20,000点,其次是19,000点,而阻力位则固定在21,250点,然后是23,000点。RhB Research建议交易者保持10月9日收盘时开始的空头头寸,当时该指数为20,628点,止损设定为21,250点,以降低交易风险。
Overall, the bearish technical indicators highlight a challenging environment for traders as they navigate potential further declines in the HSIF.