Analysts Have Contrasting Views On Axiata's Merger With Smartfren
Analysts Have Contrasting Views On Axiata's Merger With Smartfren

Analysts have differing opinions on the future outlook for Axiata Group Bhd with RHB Investment Bank Bhd (RHB Research) maintaining a BUY rating for the company and MIDF Amanah Investment Bank Bhd (MIDF Research) upholding a NEUTRAL stance on Axiata.
分析师对Axiata集团有限公司的未来前景有不同的看法,印度卢比投资银行有限公司(RhB Research)维持该公司的买入评级,而MIDF阿玛纳投资银行有限公司(MIDF Research)维持对Axiata的中立立场。
RHB Research noted that Axiata's recent merger between its Indonesian subsidiary XL Axiata and Smartfren marks a significant milestone in its strategy to optimise its portfolio. The merger is expected to enhance Axiata's balance sheet through proceeds from the partial monetisation of XL, which will be directed towards debt reduction.
RhB Research指出,Axiata最近将其印度尼西亚子公司XL Axiata与Smartfren的合并标志着其优化投资组合战略的一个重要里程碑。预计此次合并将通过XL的部分货币化收益来改善Axiata的资产负债表,这些收益将用于债务减免。
The merger will result in XL issuing approximately 5.1 billion new shares to Sinarmas Group, diluting Axiata's stake in XL to 47.9% post-merger. This strategic move is anticipated to create a more competitive landscape in Indonesia's telecommunications sector, with Axiata and Sinarmas each holding a 34.8% stake in the newly formed entity, XLSmart Telecom. RHB Research highlighted that the merger is projected to yield annual synergies of US$300-US$400 million, primarily through operational efficiencies and network integration.
此次合并将导致XL向Sinarmas集团发行约51股新股,使Axiata在XL的股份在合并后稀释至47.9%。预计这一战略举措将为印度尼西亚电信行业创造更具竞争力的格局,Axiata和Sinarmas各持有新成立的实体XLSmart Telecom34.8%的股份。RhB Research强调,此次合并预计每年将产生3亿至4亿美元的协同效应,主要是通过运营效率和网络整合。
Meanwhile, MIDF Research acknowledged the merger's potential to solidify Axiata's position as the third-largest telecommunications provider in Indonesia but expressed concerns regarding the competitive landscape that may limit future revenue growth. The research house noted that while the merger will provide a cash injection of US$475 million for debt reduction, Smartfren's ongoing financial losses could pose challenges for the merged entity.
同时,MIDF Research承认此次合并有可能巩固Axiata作为印度尼西亚第三大电信提供商的地位,但对可能限制未来收入增长的竞争格局表示担忧。该研究机构指出,尽管此次合并将为债务减免提供4.75亿美元的现金注入,但Smartfren的持续财务损失可能会对合并后的实体构成挑战。
Both research houses agreed on the significance of this merger in enhancing Axiata's market share and spectrum holdings, which will increase from 90 megahertz (MHz) to 152MHz, allowing for improved service delivery and customer experience. The combined subscriber base of XLSmart is expected to reach approximately 94.5 million, positioning it favourably against competitors like Telkomsel and Indosat Ooredoo Hutchison.
两家研究机构都同意此次合并对提高Axiata的市场份额和频谱持有量的重要性,该份额和频谱持有量将从90兆赫兹(MHz)增加到152MHz,从而改善服务交付和客户体验。XLSmart的总用户群预计将达到约9450万,使其在Telkomsel和Indosat Ooredoo Hutchison等竞争对手中处于有利地位。
Despite the positive outlook on market positioning and potential synergies, analysts remain cautious about the financial health of Smartfren, which has reported widening losses in recent quarters. RHB Research's analysis suggests that Axiata's earnings could see an improvement post-merger, with projected net profit after tax increasing to RM1.22 billion from RM1.17 billion, despite the dilution of XL's earnings.
尽管市场定位和潜在的协同效应前景乐观,但分析师对Smartfren的财务状况仍持谨慎态度,该公司报告称,最近几个季度的亏损正在扩大。RhB Research的分析表明,合并后Axiata的收益可能会有所改善,尽管XL的收益有所稀释,但预计的税后净利润从11.7令吉增至12.2令吉。
As Axiata navigates this significant transition, both houses are monitoring developments closely, particularly regarding the execution of synergies and operational strategies within XLSmart. The completion of this merger is anticipated by the first half of the calendar year 2025, marking a pivotal moment for Axiata as it aims to strengthen its foothold in the competitive Indonesian telecommunications market while enhancing its overall financial stability.
Both research houses have maintained their respective share target price (TP) for Axiata with RHB Research maintaining the TP at RM3.40, offering a 44% upside, while MIDF Research maintained the TP at RM2.44.
两家研究机构都维持了Axiata各自的目标股价(TP),RhB Research将目标股价维持在3.40令吉,上涨幅度为44%,而MIDF Research则将目标股价维持在2.44令吉。