Canaan Signs Purchase Agreement With AGM Group Holdings; Provides 2000 A15 Hydro Bitcoin Mining Machines In Initial Order
Canaan Signs Purchase Agreement With AGM Group Holdings; Provides 2000 A15 Hydro Bitcoin Mining Machines In Initial Order
Provides 2000 A15 Hydro Bitcoin mining machines in initial order
Continues global expansion with addition of new customer
按初始顺序提供 2000 台 A15 Hydro 比特币采矿机
SINGAPORE, Dec. 12, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Canaan Inc. (NASDAQ:CAN) ("Canaan" or the "Company"), a leading high-performance computing solutions provider, today announced that Canaan Creative Global Pte. Ltd. ("CCG"), a wholly owned Singapore subsidiary of the Company, has entered into a purchase agreement with AGM Group Holdings Inc. ("AGMH"), an integrated technology company specializing in fintech software services and production of high-performance hardware and computing equipment, for its Avalon A15 HydU 370T ("A15 Hydro") mining machines.
新加坡,2024年12月12日 /PRNewswire/ — 领先的高性能计算解决方案提供商迦南公司(纳斯达克股票代码:CAN)(“迦南” 或 “公司”)今天宣布,迦南创意环球私人有限公司该公司在新加坡的全资子公司有限公司(“CCG”)已与专门从事金融科技软件服务和高性能硬件和计算设备生产的综合技术公司AgM Group Holdings Inc.(“AGMH”)就其Avalon A15 HydU 370万亿(“A15 Hydro”)采矿机签订了收购协议。