Reported Earlier, Mitsubishi Electric To Invest $143.5M In U.S.-Based Factory For High-Efficiency Heat Pump Compressor Production
Reported Earlier, Mitsubishi Electric To Invest $143.5M In U.S.-Based Factory For High-Efficiency Heat Pump Compressor Production
While the company will make a significant investment in this project, its U.S. subsidiary, MELCO HVAC US, Inc., is pleased to receive a $50 million award from the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE)'s Office of Manufacturing and Energy Supply Chains (MESC) for the domestic production of high-efficiency heat pump technology. This funding will be allocated over three years for the retrofitting of the U.S. factory.
尽管该公司将对该项目进行大量投资,但其美国子公司MELCO HVAC US, Inc. 很高兴获得美国能源部(DOE)制造和能源供应链办公室(MESC)颁发的5000万美元奖励,用于国内生产高效热泵技术。这笔资金将在三年内分配,用于美国工厂的改造。