Citron Research Posts On X "Small-cap Quantum Stocks Are in a Bubble, but $QUBT Stands Out as the Most Ridiculous. The Numbers Tell the Story. R&D Spending Is THE Critical Indicator in This Space: Last Quarter, $IONQ Allocated $33M and $RGTI $12M,...
Citron Research Posts On X "Small-cap Quantum Stocks Are in a Bubble, but $QUBT Stands Out as the Most Ridiculous. The Numbers Tell the Story. R&D Spending Is THE Critical Indicator in This Space: Last Quarter, $IONQ Allocated $33M and $RGTI $12M,...
Citron Research 在 X 上发布的帖子 "小型量子股票处于泡沫中,但 $QUBt 却脱颖而出,成为最荒谬的。数据说明了一切。研发支出是这个领域的关键指标:上个季度,$IONQ 分配了3300万,$RGTI 分配了1200万,...
Citron Research Posts On X "Small-cap Quantum Stocks Are in a Bubble, but $QUBT Stands Out as the Most Ridiculous. The Numbers Tell the Story. R&D Spending Is THE Critical Indicator in This Space: Last Quarter, $IONQ Allocated $33M and $RGTI $12M, Modest Figures Next to Tech Giants Like Google. Yet $QUBT Spent a Mere $2M on R&D....."
Citron Research在X上发表的文章 “小盘量子股处于泡沫之中,但QUBT是最荒谬的。数字说明了故事。研发支出是该领域的关键指标:上个季度,IONQ拨款3300万美元,RGTI拨款1200万美元,仅次于谷歌等科技巨头。然而,$qBT在研发上仅花费了200万美元...”
Small-cap quantum stocks are in a bubble, but $QUBT stands out as the most ridiculous. The numbers tell the story. R&D spending is THE critical indicator in this space: last quarter, $IONQ allocated $33M and $RGTI $12M, modest figures next to tech giants like Google. Yet $QUBT spent a mere $2M on R&D—a striking mismatch for a company claiming to 'offer integrated high-performance quantum systems.' Let's not forget the issued equity at $2.50 just a month ago. The financials simply don't align—follow the data.
小盘量子股处于泡沫之中,但QUBT是最荒谬的。数字说明了这个故事。研发支出是该领域的关键指标:上个季度,IONQ拨款3300万美元,RGTI拨款1200万美元,仅次于谷歌等科技巨头。然而,QubT仅在研发上花费了200万美元,对于一家声称 “提供集成高性能量子系统” 的公司来说,这是一个惊人的不匹配。我们不要忘记一个月前以2.50美元的价格发行的股票。财务状况根本不一致——关注数据。