Decline in Permian Basin Methane Emissions Equaled the Annual Carbon Emissions Avoided by Every Electric Vehicle in the United States, New S&P Global Commodity Insights Analysis Finds
Decline in Permian Basin Methane Emissions Equaled the Annual Carbon Emissions Avoided by Every Electric Vehicle in the United States, New S&P Global Commodity Insights Analysis Finds
Analysis provides the most accurate public, basin-wide estimate of methane emissions for the Permian
HOUSTON, Dec. 23, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Annual methane emissions stemming from oil and gas production operations in the Permian Basin decreased 26% in 2023 from the previous year—equal to the total amount of carbon emissions avoided by every electric vehicle on the road in the United States that year, according to a new analysis by S&P Global Commodity Insights.
休斯顿,2024年12月23日 /PRNewswire/ -- 根据标普全球商品资讯的一项新分析,二叠纪盆地因石油和天然气生产活动产生的年度甲烷排放在2023年较前一年减少了26%——相当于该年美国所有电动车所避免的二氧化碳排放总量。
The data show that methane emissions from upstream oil and gas operations in the Permian Basin fell by more than 34 billion cubic feet (bcf) in 2023, the most recent year that data is available. Given that methane is a potent greenhouse gas, the reduction was equivalent to 18.5 million tons of carbon dioxide emissions avoided (100-year equivalency factor of 28*).
The findings of the latest analysis for Permian upstream methane, produced in partnership with leading methane management firm Insight M, are based on high frequency observation data that include nearly 700 high-resolution aerial surveys covering 88% of the basin's active wells to provide the most accurate, basin-wide estimate of methane emissions.
与领先的甲烷管理公司Insight m合作的最新二叠纪上游甲烷分析结果,基于高频观测数据,这些数据包括近700次高分辨率空中调查,覆盖盆地88%的活跃油井,从而提供了甲烷排放的最准确盆地范围估计。
"The sheer scale of this single-year improvement represents significant progress and demonstrates the potential for what lies ahead," said Daniel Yergin, Vice Chairman, S&P Global. "Continued improvements in the Permian—an area roughly the size of Great Britain that is responsible for almost half of all U.S. oil output—is providing a path to make meaningful contributions that lower overall U.S. emissions."
To put the numbers into perspective, the size of the 2023 reduction in methane emissions was:
- More than the total 2023 driving emissions avoided by every EV ever sold in the United States, even if all the vehicles were powered 100% by zero-carbon electricity.
- Roughly the same as the total GHG emission from all sources for the state of Hawaii during the same period.
- 超过2023年所有在美国销售的电动车所避免的总驾驶排放,即使所有车辆的电力完全来自零碳电力。
- 大致与同一时期夏威夷州所有来源的温室气体排放总量相同。
The decline in emissions occurred even as total oil and gas production in the Permian increased, the analysis says. As a result, the basin's methane intensity (ratio of total methane emissions to total output) registered an even more pronounced decline, exceeding 30%.
The analysis attributes the emissions decline to ongoing improvements in equipment as well as increasing deployment of new technologies—from AI-driven analysis of operational data to on-the-ground sensors, aircraft overflights and satellites—that make it possible to detect leaks with greater speed and accuracy.
"Improvements and increased accessibility of remote sensing technologies is providing a better understanding of U.S. methane emissions, and more actionable information, said Kevin Birn, Head of the Center for Emissions Excellence, S&P Global Commodity Insights. "Leaks that previously might have persisted for weeks or months can now be addressed in a matter of days."
"遥感技术的改善和可及性提升让我们更好地理解美国的甲烷排放,并提供了更具可操作性的信息," 标普全球商品洞察中心的排放卓越中心负责人凯文·伯恩表示。 "之前可能持续数周或数月的泄漏现在可以在几天内得到处理。"
Additional findings from the analysis:
- Methane emissions measured as a percentage of the basin's total natural gas output fell 33%. Methane emissions constituted 1.36% of the region's total 2023 production of over 23 bcf per day—roughly 1/5 of all U.S. gas production.
- In terms of total energy (barrel of oil equivalent) produced—notable because Permian production is heavily oil-focused, with associated gas occurring as part of the process—the 2023 methane intensity for the Permian was 0.63% of total production.
- In terms of lost economic value (i.e. had the gas been captured and sold), 2023 methane emissions accounted for just 0.12% of upstream revenues, a 70% drop from prior year as gas prices fell relative to oil. While this revenue loss is minor in the context of total revenues, given ongoing improvements in technology fixing leaks can still deliver positive returns.
- 甲烷排放量作为该盆地总天然气产出的百分比下降了33%。甲烷排放占该地区2023年总产量超过23亿立方英尺每天的1.36%——大约占美国所有天然气生产的1/5。
- 就总能源(原油当量)产量而言——值得注意的是二叠纪的生产主要集中在石油上,伴随产生天然气——2023年该地区的甲烷强度占总产量的0.63%。
- 就失去的经济价值(即如果捕获并出售这些气体)而言,2023年的甲烷排放仅占上游营业收入的0.12%,相比前一年下降了70%,因为天然气价格相较于石油下跌。尽管这一营业收入损失在总收入的背景下显得较小,但鉴于技术的持续改善,修复泄漏仍然可以带来正收益。
"For oil and gas operators, evaluating spending on methane emissions reduction is a dynamic exercise as technologies and data steadily improve, regulations change, and mitigation progress continues," said Raoul LeBlanc, Vice President, Global Upstream, S&P Global Commodity Insights. "Obviously, the economics tighten as the leaks get smaller and harder-to-find. However, detecting and mitigating fugitive methane usually turns a profit simply from the sale of the recaptured gas, even in a lower natural gas price environment."
"对于石油和天然气运营商来说,评估甲烷减排的支出是一项动态的工作,因为技术和数据不断改善,法规变化,以及减排进展持续进行," 标普全球商品洞察副总裁劳尔·勒布朗表示。 "显然,随着泄漏变得更小且更难发现,经济效益会收紧。然而,检测和缓解逸散甲烷通常能通过回收气体的销售产生利润,即使在较低的天然气价格环境下。"
About the analysis
Produced by S&P Global Commodity Insights Center for Emissions Excellence in partnership with Insight M, the Permian upstream methane analysis combines near-total coverage of the basin and high frequency observations to provide the most accurate public, basin-wide estimate of fugitive methane leaks and venting released to date.
由标普全球商品洞察中心与Insight m联合制作的Permian上游甲烷分析结合了对该盆地几乎完全的覆盖和高频观察,提供了迄今为止最准确的公共盆地范围内的逸散甲烷泄漏和排放估计。
- The 2023 observed data is derived from roughly 700 survey flights which took place on 185 separate days spread over the course of the year.
- 2023年观察到的数据来源于大约700次调查航班,这些航班在一年的185个不同的日子上进行。
- 88.2% of the 162,000 active Permian wells, (85.1% of conventional wells and 95.6% of unconventional wells)
- Assets supplying 96.3% of the 3.5 billion boe produced in 2023.
- 88.2%的162,000口活跃Permian井,(85.1%的常规井和95.6%的非常规井)
- 资产提供了2023年产出的35亿桶油当量的96.3%。
- Overflights offer a level of resolution that is up to 5 times greater than that of satellites, providing reliable attribution not only by facility, but in most cases to specific assets or pieces of equipment.
- 飞行监测提供的分辨率是卫星的5倍,不仅可以可靠地识别设施,通常还可以识别特定的资产或设备。
- Measurements taken detect emissions as low as 10 kg/hr, which account for more than 72% of total methane released to the atmosphere from upstream oil and gas operations. The volumes from all sources below this threshold were estimated using the Rutherford model developed by Stanford University. More information on the methodology employed by Insight M can be found here.
- 检测到的排放量低至10千克/小时,这占来自上游石油和天然气作业的总甲烷排放量的72%以上。所有低于该阈值的来源的排放量使用斯坦福大学开发的拉塞福模型进行估算。有关Insight m所采用的方法的更多信息,请点击这里。
Global Warming Potential Factor:
- S&P Global Commodity Insights conversion of methane to CO2 equivalency are based on a Global Warming Potential (GWP) factor for 100 years of 28 tons of CO2 per ton of methane. Using the 20-year factor of 86 would thus increase both the emissions reduction and the continuing emissions to 3.07 times the figures cited in this report.
- 标普全球商品洞察将甲烷转换为二氧化碳当量的计算是基于100年内每吨甲烷对应28吨二氧化碳的全球变暖潜力(GWP)系数。使用20年系数86则会使排放减少和持续排放量增加到此报告中引用的数字的3.07倍。
* Compared with a ton of CO2, a ton of methane (CH4) absorbs more energy and thus has a greater impact on earth's warming. However, methane stays in the atmosphere for only about a decade, whereas CO2 persists for hundreds of years. When looked at on a 100-year basis, methane thus has a Global Warming Potential of 27-30 times that of the same mass of CO2.
* 与一吨二氧化碳相比,一吨甲烷(CH4)吸收更多的能量,因此对地球变暖的影响更大。然而,甲烷在大气中停留的时间只有大约十年,而二氧化碳则持续数百年。从100年的时间来看,甲烷的全球变暖潜力是同质量二氧化碳的27-30倍。
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At S&P Global Commodity Insights, our complete view of global energy and commodity markets enables our customers to make decisions with conviction and create long-term, sustainable value.
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