Want Decades of Passive Income? 2 Stocks to Buy Now and Hold Forever
Want Decades of Passive Income? 2 Stocks to Buy Now and Hold Forever
Creating decades of passive income through investing might sound like a far-off dream, but with the right approach, it's entirely achievable. No magic wand is needed. The key is consistency, patience, and a laser focus on quality investments that provide steady dividends and long-term growth. The beauty of this strategy is that it doesn't require constant tinkering. It's about setting the wheels in motion, letting time do its work, and enjoying the rewards along the way. So, let's look at two solid options.
CNR stock
CNR 股票
Canadian National Railway (TSX:CNR) might not seem glamorous, but it's absolutely essential to the North American economy. This is a passive-income stock that literally keeps goods moving, from grain and lumber to oil and consumer products. Without CNR's sprawling rail network, supply chains across Canada and the United States would grind to a halt. That kind of essential role gives it a unique stability, even in uncertain times.
加拿大国家铁路(TSX:CNR)可能看起来不那么光鲜,但它对于北美经济是绝对重要的。这是一只被动收入股票,实际上保持着商品的流通,从谷物和木材到石油和消费品。如果没有 CNR 庞大的铁路网络,加拿大和美国的供应链将会停滞不前。这种至关重要的角色赋予了它独特的稳定性,即使在不确定的时期也是如此。
In its most recent third-quarter (Q3) 2024 earnings, CNR reported revenue of $4.46 billion, up from $4.34 billion the year before. Plus, it reported earnings per share (EPS) of $2.05, beating expectations of $2.01. The numbers might seem small. Yet, for a company of CNR's size and scale, that steady performance is a testament to its operational efficiency and long-term focus.
在其最近的2024年第三季度(Q3)收益中,CNR 报告的营业收入为 $44.6亿,比前一年的 $43.4亿有所上升。此外,它报告的每股收益(EPS)为 $2.05,超出了 $2.01 的预期。这些数字看起来可能很小。然而,对于 CNR 这样规模的公司来说,这种稳定的表现证明了其运营效率和长期目标。
The real magic of Canadian National Railway is in its dividend. For 27 consecutive years, the passive-income stock has increased its dividend payouts, a streak that shows no signs of stopping. Its current yield might sit around 2%, but the beauty lies in its growth potential. As CNR's business expands and it improves efficiencies, those dividends grow right alongside its profits. And while 2% might seem modest now, compounding turns it into something much more significant over time. Combine that with steady capital appreciation, and you've got a stock that doesn't just keep up with inflation but outpaces it.
加拿大国家铁路的真正魔力在于其分红。连续27年,这只被动收入股票增加了其分红派息,这一趋势没有停止的迹象。目前的收益率可能在 2% 左右,但美在于其增长潜力。随着 CNR 业务的扩展和其效率的提升,这些分红将会与其利润一起增长。虽然 2% 现在看起来可能适中,但复利会将其转变为更重要的东西。加上稳定的资本增值,你就获得了一只不仅跟得上通货膨胀,甚至超过通货膨胀的股票。
Fortis stock
On the other side of the coin is Fortis (TSX:FTS), a regulated utility giant that delivers energy to millions of customers across Canada, the United States, and the Caribbean. Utilities might not make headlines, but these are some of the most reliable passive income-generating businesses out there. People need electricity and natural gas no matter what's happening in the economy. That steady demand allows Fortis to plan for the long term, with reliable cash flow supporting both growth and shareholder returns.
另一方面是 Fortis(TSX:FTS),一家调节公用事业巨头,为加拿大、美国和加勒比海地区数百万客户提供能源。公用事业可能不会成为头条新闻,但这些是一些最可靠的被动收入产生企业。无论经济发生什么情况,人们都需要电力和天然气。这种稳定的需求使 Fortis 能够进行长期规划,可靠的现金流支持着增长和股东回报。
In its Q3 2024 earnings, Fortis reported revenue of $2.61 billion, slightly ahead of estimates, and earnings per share of $0.72, right in line with expectations. It's not flashy, but it's dependable. And that's what makes Fortis such a valuable long-term investment. Fortis's dividend history is where the company really shines. For 50 consecutive years, Fortis has increased its dividend, putting it in an elite group of companies globally. Its current dividend yield of 4.2% is already attractive for income investors.
在Fortis 2024财年第三季度的财报中,营业收入为26.1亿美元,略高于预期,每股收益为0.72美元,完全符合预期。这并不夸张,但很可靠。这就是Fortis成为长期投资如此有价值的原因。Fortis的分红历史是公司真正出色的地方。Fortis连续50年提高分红,使其进入全球精英公司行列。当前4.2%的分红收益率对收益投资者来说已经很有吸引力。
Yet what makes it truly special is its predictability. Fortis's management team has laid out a clear plan for the future, focusing on renewable energy and infrastructure upgrades to meet evolving energy demands. As the world shifts toward cleaner energy, Fortis is positioning itself to be part of that change. And it's doing so without sacrificing the stability that investors rely on. It's the rare combination of growth, income, and reliability that makes Fortis a cornerstone stock for anyone looking to build passive income.
Bottom line
Together, Canadian National Railway and Fortis provide a one-two punch of growth and income that can anchor any portfolio. CNR benefits from its critical role in the economy, moving the goods we rely on every day, while Fortis delivers the energy we can't live without. Both passive-income stocks have long histories of rewarding shareholders, with consistent dividend growth and strong financials that stand the test of time. These aren't speculative plays or stocks you need to constantly monitor. Once you've added them to your portfolio, you can sit back and let time work its magic, knowing that these companies are built to last.