ROAM Capital Ranks Among Top 10 Private Equity Placement Agents Globally and #1 in Latin America
ROAM Capital Ranks Among Top 10 Private Equity Placement Agents Globally and #1 in Latin America
Global Recognition for Research-Driven Latin American Alternative Investments Placement Agent
BOGOTÁ, Colombia, Jan. 6, 2025 /PRNewswire/ -- ROAM Capital is honored to announce its inclusion in the 2024 global private equity placement agents' rankings published by S&P Global Market Intelligence. The firm tied for the #10 position globally and proudly claimed the #1 spot among its peers in Latin America. This prestigious recognition underscores ROAM Capital's unwavering commitment to quality and its ability to deliver exceptional results for its clients, some of the world's leading alternative fund managers.
哥伦比亚波哥大,2025年1月6日 /PRNewswire/ -- ROAm Capital荣幸地宣布其被纳入标普全球市场情报公司发布的2024年全球股权投资配售代理排名。该公司在全球排名中并列第10位,并自豪地在拉丁美洲同行中夺得第1名。这一荣誉彰显了ROAm Capital对质量的坚定承诺,以及为客户提供卓越成果的能力,其中包括一些世界领先的另类基金经理。
Despite challenging global fundraising conditions, ROAM Capital has cemented its reputation as a leader in the private equity distribution space. The firm's success reflects its dedication to providing top-tier investment opportunities to its extensive network of over 500 investors across Latin America, including the region's largest institutional allocators and most sophisticated private investors. This achievement is a direct result of ROAM's steadfast focus on rigorous research, market analysis, and due diligence—key differentiators in an increasingly competitive landscape.
尽管全球募资环境面临挑战,ROAm Capital仍巩固了其在股权投资分销领域的领导者地位。该公司的成功反映了其致力于为其广泛的500多名投资者网络提供顶级投资机会的决心,涵盖了该地区最大的机构配置者和最成熟的私人投资者。这一成就是ROAM在日益竞争的环境中,坚定关注严格的研究、市场分析和尽职调查的直接结果,这些都是关键的差异化因素。
"We are incredibly proud of this recognition, which highlights the trust and confidence that our clients and investors have in ROAM Capital," said Philippe Stiernon, Founder, CEO, and Managing Partner of ROAM Capital. "Our research-focused manager selection process enables us to sell with high conviction and quickly showcase investors all the key nuances surrounding a GP's strategy, both from a quantitative and qualitative standpoint. Our goal is to connect investors with world-class alternative fund managers, offering strategies that deliver superior risk-adjusted returns."
“我们对这一认可感到无比自豪,这突显了我们的客户和投资者对ROAm Capital的信任和信心,”ROAm Capital的创始人、首席执行官和管理合伙人Philippe Stiernon说。“我们以研究为中心的经理选择流程使我们能够以高度的信心卖出,并快速向投资者展示GP策略的所有关键细微之处,既从定量角度也从定性角度出发。我们的目标是将投资者与世界级的另类基金经理连接起来,提供能够实现卓越风险调整收益的策略。”
ROAM Capital's ascent to the top of the Latin American private equity distribution market and its inclusion in the Top 10 global rankings alongside renowned industry players such as Credit Suisse is a testament to the firm's dedication and ability to identify quality GPs and foster long-term partnerships. By leveraging its robust investor network and expertise in alternatives, the firm continues to deliver exceptional results and value add for institutional investors, family offices, and fund managers alike.
ROAm Capital在拉丁美洲股权投资分销市场上跻身前列,并在全球排名前10的名单中与瑞士信贷等知名行业参与者并列,充分证明了该公司在识别优质GP和建立长期伙伴关系方面的奉献和能力。通过利用其强大的投资者网络和在另类投资方面的专业知识,该公司继续为机构投资者、家族办公室和基金经理带来卓越的成果和附加价值。
"This achievement validates the virtues of solely working with a handful of extremely high-caliber GPs, doing real diligence, and resisting the urge to become a supermarket. The goal now is to bring ROAM's research-based placement approach to other regions outside of Latin America," Stiernon noted.
About ROAM Capital
ROAM Capital is a leading Latin American alternative investments consultant and the first placement group in the region exclusively focused and highly specialized in private equity and other alternatives. The firm's research-based approach provides tailored solutions and strategic insights to over 500 LPs across Latin America, connecting them with top-tier global alternative fund managers.
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