'LDH Reports First U.S. H5N1-Related Human Death' - Louisiana Department Of Health
'LDH Reports First U.S. H5N1-Related Human Death' - Louisiana Department Of Health
Current general public health risk remains low
January 06, 2025
The Louisiana Department of Health reports the patient who had been hospitalized with the first human case of highly pathogenic avian influenza (HPAI), or H5N1, in Louisiana and the U.S. has died. The patient was over the age of 65 and was reported to have underlying medical conditions. The patient contracted H5N1 after exposure to a combination of a non-commercial backyard flock and wild birds.
LDH's extensive public health investigation has identified no additional H5N1 cases nor evidence of person-to-person transmission. This patient remains the only human case of H5N1 in Louisiana.
The Department expresses its deepest condolences to the patient's family and friends as they mourn the loss of their loved one. Due to patient confidentiality and respect for the family, this will be the final update about the patient.
While the current public health risk for the general public remains low, people who work with birds, poultry or cows, or have recreational exposure to them, are at higher risk.
The best way to protect yourself and your family from H5N1 is to avoid sources of exposure. That means avoiding direct contact with wild birds and other animals infected with or suspected to be infected with bird flu viruses.
Protecting yourself and others from H5N1 infection
- Do not touch sick or dead animals or their droppings and do not bring sick wild animals into your home.
- Keep your pets away from sick or dead animals and their feces.
- Do not eat uncooked or undercooked food. Cook poultry, eggs and other animal products to the proper temperature and prevent cross-contamination between raw and cooked food.
- Avoid uncooked food products such as unpasteurized raw milk or cheeses from animals that have a suspected or confirmed infection.
- If you work on poultry or dairy farms, talk to your provider about getting your seasonal flu vaccination. It will not prevent infection with avian influenza viruses, but it can reduce the risk of coinfection with avian and flu viruses.
- Report dead or sick birds or animals to the USDA toll-free at 1-866-536-7593 or the Louisiana Department of Agriculture and Forestry Diagnostic Lab at 318-927-3441.
- 请勿触摸生病或死亡的动物及其粪便,也不要将生病的野生动物带入您的家中。
- 请将您的宠物远离生病或死亡的动物及其粪便。
- 请勿食用生食或未煮熟的食物。将禽肉、鸡蛋和其他动物产品煮至适当的温度,并防止生熟食物交叉污染。
- 避免食用未熟食产品,例如未经巴氏消毒的生奶或来自疑似或确诊感染动物的奶酪。
- 如果您在禽类或乳制品农场工作,请与您的医疗提供者讨论接种季节性流感疫苗。虽然它无法防止禽流感病毒的感染,但可以降低与禽流感和流感病毒重叠感染的风险。
- 请向美国农业部拨打1-866-536-7593的免付费电话或路易斯安那州农业与林业部诊断实验室拨打318-927-3441报告死鸟或生病的动物。
If you have been exposed to sick or dead birds or other animals or work on a farm where avian influenza has been detected, watch for respiratory symptoms or conjunctivitis. If you develop symptoms within 10 days after exposure to sick or dead animals, tell your healthcare provider that you have been in contact with sick animals and are concerned about avian influenza. This will help them give you appropriate advice on testing and treatment. Stay home and away from others while you have symptoms.