Enovix Completes Site Acceptance Testing (SAT) of Fab2
Enovix Completes Site Acceptance Testing (SAT) of Fab2
FREMONT, Calif., Jan. 06, 2025 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Enovix Corporation ("Enovix") (Nasdaq: ENVX), a Silicon Valley high-performance battery manufacturing company, today announced the successful completion of Site Acceptance Testing (SAT) for its High Volume Manufacturing (HVM) line at Fab2 in Malaysia. This milestone, achieved in late December, is a critical step toward enabling Fab2 to begin mass production in 2025, supporting the company's strategy to meet growing global demand for high energy density battery solutions.
加州弗里蒙特,2025年1月6日(全球新闻通讯)—— Enovix公司("Enovix")(纳斯达克:ENVX),一家位于硅谷的高性能电池制造公司,今天宣布其在马来西亚Fab2的高产量制造(HVM)生产线成功完成现场验收测试(SAT)。这个里程碑是在12月底实现的,是Fab2在2025年开始大规模生产的关键步骤,以支持公司满足日益增长的全球高能量密度电池解决方案的需求。
SAT validates the readiness of the manufacturing equipment through comprehensive testing. It follows the Factory Acceptance Testing (FAT) milestone completed earlier in 2024, marking the final stage before commercial-scale production begins. Together, FAT and SAT ensure that Fab2 is fully equipped to produce high-performance silicon batteries at volume, meeting the stringent demands of Enovix's global customers.
Enovix Chief Operating Officer Ajay Marathe commented, "Completing SAT is a significant achievement for Enovix, as it demonstrates our ability to commercialize our patented manufacturing process at scale. With batteries already produced during our testing phases and delivered to customers as early samples, we are now laser focused on transitioning to full-scale production. Our priorities include ensuring smooth customer qualifications for our facilities, optimizing manufacturing workflows, and minimizing the time it takes to bring customized battery solutions to multiple end markets."
Enovix首席运营官Ajay Marathe评论道:"完成SAT是Enovix的一个重大成就,因为这展示了我们在规模化商业化我们专利制造工艺的能力。我们在测试阶段已经生产出电池并作为早期样品交付给客户,现在我们专注于向全规模生产过渡。我们的优先事项包括确保客户对我们设施的顺利资格认证,优化制造工作流程,以及缩短将定制电池解决方案带入多个最终市场所需的时间。"
Enovix Chief Executive Officer Dr. Raj Talluri added, "The completion of SAT represents a turning point for Fab2 and for Enovix. It reflects the dedication of our team and our commitment to operational excellence. With significant customer interest in our cutting-edge technology, Fab2 will enable us to meet large-scale production demands while maintaining the highest quality standards. This milestone is a testament to our vision of powering the next generation of devices with battery solutions that redefine performance and reliability."
Enovix首席执行官Dr. Raj Talluri补充道:"SAT的完成标志着Fab2和Enovix的一个转折点。它反映了我们团队的奉献精神以及我们对卓越运营的承诺。由于客户对我们尖端科技的高度关注,Fab2将使我们能够满足大规模生产的需求,同时保持最高质量标准。这个里程碑证明了我们的愿景,即用重新定义性能和可靠性的电池解决方案来驱动下一代设备。"
About Enovix
Enovix is on a mission to deliver high-performance batteries to unlock the full potential of technology products. Every electronic appliance – for IoT, mobile, and computing – needs a better battery. Enovix is partnering with OEMs worldwide to usher in a new era of user experiences. Our innovative, materials-agnostic battery architecture creates higher-performing batteries without compromising safety and keeps us on the cutting-edge.
Enovix的使命是提供高性能的电池,以挖掘科技产品的全部潜力。每个电子设备 – 用于物联网、移动设备和计算 – 都需要更好的电池。Enovix正在与全球的OEM合作,开启用户体验的新纪元。我们创新的、材料无关的电池架构创造出性能更高的电池,既不牺牲安全性,也让我们保持在最前沿。
Enovix is headquartered in Silicon Valley with facilities in India, Korea and Malaysia. For more information visit and follow us on LinkedIn.
For media and investor inquiries, please contact: Robert Lahey Email: ir@enovix.com
如需媒体和投资者咨询,请联系:罗伯特·莱希 电子邮件: ir@enovix.com