Resolve for a Better Life in 2025. Find a New Profession and Enter to Win With Career Navigator Quiz From The CE Shop
Resolve for a Better Life in 2025. Find a New Profession and Enter to Win With Career Navigator Quiz From The CE Shop
Insights from a former hairdresser on how to reduce risk, feel confident, and start the new year focused on a new, sustainable career. Like so many, her resolution revolution began in real estate, without the need for a college degree.
DENVER, COLORADO / ACCESSWIRE / January 7, 2025 / Everyone has transferable skills from their current job that can be leveraged to transition into a fulfilling new career within the real estate industry-an industry that contributes over $4.9 trillion annually to the U.S. economy. With four types of roles serving real estate: real estate agents, home inspectors, mortgage loan originators, and property appraisers, The CE Shop provides online education to these critically-important industry roles that create consistent income for career-seekers.
科罗拉多州丹佛市/ACCESSWIRE/2025年1月7日/每个人都有可转移的技能,可以利用这些技能在房地产行业过渡到充实的新职业。房地产行业每年为美国经济贡献超过4.9万亿美元。有四种类型的房地产职位:房地产经纪人、房屋检查员、抵押贷款发起人和财产评估师, CE 商店 为这些至关重要的行业职位提供在线教育,为求职者创造稳定的收入。
For anyone seeking better work-life balance, more income, and personal fulfillment, the Career Navigator Quiz from The CE Shop can help you find which career choice is right for you. In addition, this powerful tool paired with education from The CE Shop serves the entire career lifecycle for any of the above professions, minimizing the risk new career seekers face when leaping to a new career, or finding success in a second or third career path.
对于任何寻求更好的工作与生活平衡、更多收入和个人成就感的人来说, 职业领航员测验 CE Shop 可以帮助你找到最适合你的职业选择。此外,这种强大的工具与CE Shop提供的教育相结合,可为上述任何职业提供整个职业生命周期,最大限度地降低了新求职者在跳入新职业或在第二或第三职业道路上取得成功时所面临的风险。
The following insights were selected from an interview with Amy Adams, the National Real Estate expert for The CE Shop who started her working years like so many. She has a lot to share on how everyday jobs provide career-seekers skills that are applicable in ways that create more income in the real estate industry. "I spent 15 years as a hairdresser, and along the way, I also worked as a waitress and bartender. The service industry, while rewarding in many ways, can be physically demanding. After years of standing on my feet and managing the physical toll, I decided it was time for a career change. Real estate offered me a path that was much less taxing on my body than hairdressing or waitressing. One of the key factors in my transition was the desire for a career that allowed me to work closely with the public," said Amy Adams.
以下见解是从对艾米·亚当斯的采访中选出的。艾米·亚当斯是CE Shop的全国房地产专家,她的工作生涯像许多年一样开始。关于日常工作如何为求职者提供技能,她有很多话要分享,这些技能适用于房地产行业创造更多收入。“我做了15年的美发师,在此过程中,我还当过女服务员和调酒师。服务行业虽然在许多方面都有回报,但对体力的要求可能很高。经过多年站稳脚跟并控制身体伤亡之后,我决定是时候换个职业了。房地产为我提供了一条比做美发或做女服务员对我身体造成的负担要小得多的道路。我过渡的关键因素之一是对职业的渴望,这使我能够与公众密切合作,” 艾米·亚当斯说。
She continued, "The skills I developed in the service industry made real estate a natural progression for me-and for many others. Working as a real estate professional and managing transactions is, in many ways, like the service industry. I'm helping people navigate what is often the largest financial transaction of their lives. Real estate, at its core, is about providing reassurance to nervous buyers and sellers, helping them feel confident and comfortable throughout the process.
Service industry workers are especially equipped for the real estate industry because they know how to read people. Amy added, "We've honed the ability to listen, understand, and adapt our communication styles to meet others' needs. Those same skills are invaluable in real estate, where managing the emotions of buyers and sellers is often just as important as managing the transaction itself."
For many, the transition into real estate, home inspection, property appraisal, and mortgage loan origination was gradual. "I started building my real estate business while continuing to take on fewer hair clients. Eventually, I stopped doing hair altogether. One of the biggest advantages of coming into real estate from the service industry is the network of people I already knew. When you've spent years working with clients, building relationships, and earning trust, you have a built-in sphere of influence that can make the transition to real estate much smoother. Having an established network to draw from is far easier than starting a business from scratch. For me, real estate allowed me to leverage all the people skills I developed in the service industry while offering new opportunities for growth and success, but depending on your natural tendencies and personality, there are different roles to play within the category," stated Amy.
对许多人来说,向房地产、房屋检查、财产评估和抵押贷款发放的过渡是渐进的。“我开始建立自己的房地产业务,同时继续减少接待的美发客户。最终,我完全停止做头发了。从服务行业进入房地产行业的最大优势之一是我已经认识的人际网络。当你花了多年的时间与客户合作、建立关系和赢得信任时,你就有了内在的势力范围,可以使向房地产的过渡变得更加顺利。拥有一个成熟的网络要比从头开始创业容易得多。对我来说,房地产使我能够利用我在服务行业培养的所有人际交往能力,同时为成长和成功提供新的机会,但是根据你的天生倾向和个性,在这个类别中可以扮演不同的角色,” 艾米说。
While real estate roles require licensing, the pre-licensing costs are affordable, can be completed in weeks not years, and testing the waters is risk-free. The Career Navigator Tool takes only 2 minutes and is free to try, as are the free trials offered for each of the different types of education provided by The CE Shop. Click to find out what career aligns best to specific traits and skills, and access "5 Study Hacks" to boost your retention as you study for your new career.
虽然房地产职位需要许可,但预许可费用是可以承受的,可以在几周而不是几年内完成,而且试水是无风险的。这个 职业导航工具 只需要 2 分钟,可以免费试用,CE Shop 为每种不同类型的教育提供的免费试用也是如此。 点击查看哪种职业最适合您 了解特定的特质和技能,并获得 “5 个学习技巧” 以提高您在为新职业学习时的留存率。
Now through January 31, 2025, anyone who completes the quiz on the Career Navigator Tool, will be entered to win pre-licensing in the real estate role of their choice*. One winner will be selected in each role: real estate agent, home inspector, mortgage loan originator, and property appraiser.
即日起至 2025 年 1 月 31 日,任何完成测验的人 职业导航工具,将有机会获得他们选择的房地产职位的预许可*。每个职位将选出一名获胜者:房地产经纪人、房屋检查员、抵押贷款发起人和房地产评估师。
*Offer cannot be combined with any other offer, one entry per person is allowed. The contest is not open to any employees or family members of The CE Shop. The winners will be selected on Feb 3, 2025 and winners will be contacted via email.
*优惠不能与任何其他优惠同时使用,每人只能报名一次。该竞赛不向CE Shop的任何员工或家庭成员开放。获奖者将于2025年2月3日选出,并将通过电子邮件联系获奖者。
About The CE Shop
关于 CE 商店
The CE Shop is the leading provider of real estate education with online mortgage, real estate, home inspection, appraisal, and professional development courses available throughout the United States. The CE Shop produces quality education for professionals across the nation, whether they're veterans in their industry or looking to launch a new career. We believe the right education can truly make a difference. Visit to learn more.
CE Shop是房地产教育的领先提供商,在美国各地提供在线抵押贷款、房地产、房屋检查、评估和专业开发课程。CE Shop 为全国各地的专业人士提供高质量的教育,无论他们是所在行业的资深人士,还是希望开启新职业生涯。我们相信,正确的教育可以真正有所作为。参观 了解更多。
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The CE Shop Press
CE 商店出版社
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Buse Kayar
Buse Kayar
Liz Meitus
SVP, Corporate Communications
来源:CE 商店