New Charter Technologies Partners With Verus to Strengthen Co-Managed IT Services
New Charter Technologies Partners With Verus to Strengthen Co-Managed IT Services
Partnership expands New Charter's capabilities in hybrid IT support, with Verus bringing decades of expertise and a people-first approach to the growing national platform.
这一合作伙伴关系扩展了New Charter在混合IT支持方面的能力,Verus凭借数十年的专业知识以及以人为本的方法,为不断增长的全国平台带来了新的发展。
DENVER, Jan. 7, 2025 /PRNewswire/ -- New Charter Technologies, a portfolio company of Palo Alto-based private equity firm Oval Partners, is excited to announce the addition of Verus, a leading IT services provider, to its growing platform of companies. This strategic partnership strengthens New Charter's position as a national network of top-tier IT service providers, combining local expertise with the power of a larger, collaborative organization.
丹佛,2025年1月7日 /美通社/ -- New Charter Technologies是一家位于帕洛阿尔托的股权投资公司Oval Partners的投资组合公司,兴奋地宣布,将领先的IT服务提供商Verus加入其不断扩大的公司平台。这一战略合作伙伴关系加强了New Charter作为顶级IT服务提供商的全国网络地位,结合了本地专业知识与更大、更具合作性的组织的力量。
With roots dating back to 2002, Verus has established itself as a leader in co-managed IT services, partnering with organizations that maintain lean internal IT teams. Kevin Willette and Kyle Vinar bring decades of industry experience to Verus, having joined the company to drive its growth and prioritize high-touch client service and technical excellence. Verus' strong capabilities in infrastructure, cloud strategy, and security—along with its status as one of WatchGuard's largest partners—make it a valuable addition to the New Charter network.
Verus的根源可以追溯到2002年,该公司已成为共同管理IT服务的领导者,与维护精干内部IT团队的组织建立了合作关系。Kevin Willette和Kyle Vinar带来了数十年的行业经验,加入Verus以推动其增长,并优先关注高触感客户服务和技术卓越。Verus在基础设施、云策略和安防-半导体方面的强大能力,加上其作为WatchGuard最大合作伙伴之一的地位,使其成为New Charter网络的宝贵补充。
"We've always been driven by the goal of being the best co-managed IT platform, and joining New Charter allows us to accelerate that mission," said Kevin Willette, president of Verus. "The ability to tap into the resources, talent, and operational support across New Charter's ecosystem opens new opportunities for growth and innovation."
"我们一直的目标是成为最优秀的共同管理IT平台,加入New Charter使我们能够加速这一使命,"Verus的总裁Kevin Willette表示。"能够利用New Charter生态系统中的资源、人才和运营支持,为增长和创新开启了新的机会。"
Kyle Vinar, chief operating officer of Verus, echoed these sentiments. "Our focus has always been on service excellence—doing things the right way and constantly refining our processes. Joining New Charter allows us to scale that philosophy and tap into a community of like-minded companies that share our commitment to client success."
Verus的首席运营官Kyle Vinar对此表示赞同。"我们的重点始终是服务卓越——以正确的方式做事,并不断完善我们的流程。加入New Charter使我们能够扩大这一理念,并利用一个志同道合的公司社区,这些公司与我们共同致力于客户成功。"
The cultural alignment between Verus and New Charter was a key driver of the partnership. "It's not just about business fit—it's about people fit," Willette noted. "From our earliest conversations, it was clear that New Charter's people-first approach aligned with our values. It's a team we're excited to build with."
Verus与New Charter之间的文化契合是推动合作关系的关键因素。"这不仅仅是关于业务适配——更是关于人与人之间的适配,"Willette指出。"从我们最早的谈话中,很明显New Charter以人为本的方法与我们的价值观一致。这是我们期待一起发展的团队。"
The addition of Verus enhances New Charter's capabilities in co-managed IT, a growing area of demand as organizations seek hybrid IT support models. Verus' deep experience working alongside internal IT teams to provide infrastructure support, security, and cloud strategy strengthens New Charter's ability to deliver comprehensive IT solutions.
Verus的加入增强了New Charter在共同管理IT方面的能力,随着组织寻求混合IT支持模型,这一领域的需求不断增长。Verus在与内部IT团队合作提供基础设施支持、安全和云策略方面的丰富经验,加强了New Charter提供全面IT解决方案的能力。
Allison Francis
New Charter Technologies
[email protected]
New Charter Technologies
[email protected]
SOURCE New Charter Technologies
来源:New Charter Technologies