SEC Comscore Fair Fund Now Accepting Claims - -
SEC Comscore Fair Fund Now Accepting Claims - -
If you purchased Comscore common stock (SCOR) from February 20, 2014 through March 23, 2018, inclusive, and suffered losses, you may be eligible for a Distribution Payment from a $5.7 Million-Dollar Fair Fund
SEATTLE, Jan. 9, 2025 /PRNewswire/ -- JND Legal Administration -- On September 24, 2019, the Commission issued separate, but related orders (the "Orders") instituting and simultaneously settling cease-and-desist proceedings against the Respondents. In the Orders, the Commission found that, from February 2014 through February 2018, at the direction and oversight of its former Chief Executive Officer, Matta, Comscore's public filings materially overstated revenue by approximately $43 million as result of a fraudulent scheme and improper accounting involving the manipulation of non-monetary and monetary contracts. Comscore's and Matta's actions enabled the company to artificially exceed its analysts' consensus revenue targets in seven consecutive quarters. In addition, from April 2014 through February 2016, Comscore and Matta made false and misleading statements about two important performance metrics. As a result of the conduct described its Orders, the Commission found that Comscore and Matta violated the federal securities laws. In their respective Orders, the Commission ordered Comscore and Matta, to pay $5,000,000 and $700,000 in civil money penalties, respectively, to the Commission.
西雅图,2025年1月9日 /PRNewswire/ -- JND法律行政管理 -- 在2019年9月24日,委员会发布了Separate但是相关的命令("命令"),对被申请人启动并同时解决了停止和禁止的程序。在命令中,委员会发现,从2014年2月至2018年2月,在其前首席执行官Matta的指导和监督下,康姆斯克的公开文件由于涉及非货币和货币合同的欺诈计划和不当会计,实际营业收入大大虚报了约4300万美元。康姆斯克及Matta的行为使公司在连续七个季度中人工突破了分析师的共识营业收入目标。此外,从2014年4月至2016年2月,康姆斯克和Matta关于两个重要绩效指标做出了虚假和误导性陈述。由于上述行为,委员会发现康姆斯克和Matta违反了联邦证券法。在各自的命令中,委员会命令康姆斯克和Matta分别向委员会支付500万美元和70万美元的民事罚款。
In each of the Orders, the Commission created a fair fund, pursuant to Section 308(a) of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002, so the penalties collected can be distributed to harmed investors. On April 27, 2023, the Commission issued an Order Consolidating Fair Funds to consolidate the two fair funds into a single fair fund (the "Comscore Fair Fund" or "Fair Fund").
The Respondents have paid in full. In accordance with Order Consolidating Fair Funds, the $5,700,000 paid by Respondents has been combined and comprises the Fair Fund, and any accrued interest will be added to the Fair Fund.
If you purchased or acquired shares of Comscore common stock traded under the symbol SCOR from February 20, 2014 through March 23, 2018, inclusive, and suffered losses, you may be eligible for a payment.
To be considered for a Distribution Payment, you must submit a completed and signed Claim Form along with all required supporting documentation, to the Fund Administrator by 11:59 p.m. ET on March 31, 2025. Investors who did not suffer a loss on their investment in Comscore common stock are not eligible to receive a payment. The Claim Form is available at the Fair Fund website . Electronic claim submission is strongly encouraged and can be done through the Fair Fund website. Please refer to the Plan Notice for instructions on how to submit your claim by mail.
要申请分配付款,您必须提交一份完整并签署的索赔表格,以及 所有板块 所需的支持文件,必须在2025年3月31日东部时间晚上11:59之前提交给基金管理人。未遭受康姆斯克普通股投资损失的投资者无资格获得付款。索赔表格可在公平基金网站上获得。强烈建议通过公平基金网站提交电子索赔。有关如何通过邮件提交索赔的说明,请参阅计划通知。
Additional information regarding the Fair Fund, including the Plan of Distribution and other materials, is available at the Fair Fund website at or by contacting the Fund Administrator toll‐free at 1‐877-231-0640, by email at [email protected], or by writing to: Comscore Fair Fund, PO Box 91203, Seattle, WA 98111. Please check the Fair Fund website frequently for updates.
关于公平基金的更多信息,包括分配计划和其他材料,可以在公平基金网站上获取,或者通过拨打1-877-231-0640与基金管理人免费联系,或通过电子邮件联系:[email protected],或写信到:康姆斯克公平基金,邮政信箱91203,西雅图,WA 98111。请定期检查公平基金网站以获取更新。
SOURCE JND Legal Administration
来源 JND法律行政