TransPerfect Raises More Than $65,000 for Toys for Tots
TransPerfect Raises More Than $65,000 for Toys for Tots
Record-Breaking Year of Giving Nets 5,000+ Toys for Children in Need
NEW YORK, Jan. 9, 2025 /PRNewswire/ -- TransPerfect, the world's largest provider of language and AI solutions for global business, today announced a donation of more than $65,000 in toys to the Marine Toys for Tots Foundation. This was the largest donation in TransPerfect's 15-year history of participating in the program, during which the company has provided over $400,000 in toys to children in need through the foundation.
纽约,2025年1月9日 /PRNewswire/ -- TransPerfect,全球最大的语言和人工智能解决方案提供商,今天宣布向海军玩具基金会捐赠超过65,000美元的玩具。这是TransPerfect在参与该项目的15年历史中最大的捐赠,期间公司通过该基金会为有需要的儿童提供了超过400,000美元的玩具。
Toys for Tots, a program of the U.S. Marine Corps, collects and distributes new toys to less-fortunate children every Christmas to spread hope and joy, unite local communities in a common cause, and contribute to a brighter future for disadvantaged youth.
Employees across TransPerfect's worldwide network of offices organized fundraising activities throughout December, with the company matching all employee donations dollar for dollar, for a total of $65,830.
TransPerfect President and Co-CEO Phil Shawe commented, "I'm humbled by the generosity of the TransPerfect team. Countless children had brighter holidays because of their effort."
TransPerfect 总裁兼联席首席执行官Phil Shawe评论道:"我为TransPerfect团队的慷慨感到谦卑。无数儿童因为他们的努力而度过了更加美好的假期。"
For more information about TransPerfect's Toys for Tots campaign or any of the company's charitable efforts, visit the company's website or email [email protected].
有关TransPerfect的玩具募捐活动或公司的任何慈善事业的更多信息,请访问公司网站或发送电子邮件至 [email protected]。
About Toys for Tots
Toys for Tots provides happiness and hope to less fortunate children during the Christmas holiday season. Toys for Tots also provides year-round support to less fortunate families experiencing challenges and exceptional circumstances, thus sending a message of hope beyond the holiday season. Since 1947, over 272 million children have been assisted. The Marine Toys for Tots Foundation is the not-for-profit organization authorized by the U.S. Marine Corps and the Department of Defense to provide fundraising and other necessary support for the annual Marine Corps Reserve Toys for Tots Program. For more information, visit .
玩具捐赠活动 在圣诞节假期期间,为不幸的孩子们带来快乐和希望。玩具捐赠活动还为面临挑战和特殊情况的不幸家庭提供全年支持,从而传递超越假期的希望信息。自1947年以来,已有超过27200万儿童得到帮助。海军玩具捐赠基金会是美国海军陆战队和国防部授权的非营利组织,负责为年度海军陆战队后备玩具捐赠项目提供筹款和其他必要支持。有关更多信息,请访问 .
About TransPerfect
TransPerfect is the world's largest provider of language and AI solutions for global business. From offices in over 140 cities on six continents, TransPerfect offers a full range of services in 200+ languages to clients worldwide. More than 6,000 global organizations employ TransPerfect's GlobalLink technology to simplify the management of multilingual content. With an unparalleled commitment to quality and client service, TransPerfect is fully ISO 9001 and ISO 17100 certified. TransPerfect has global headquarters in New York, with regional headquarters in London and Hong Kong. For more information, please visit our website at .
TransPerfect是全球最大的语言和人工智能解决方案提供商,专为全球业务服务。从六大洲140多个城市的办事处,TransPerfect为全球客户提供200多种语言的全方位服务。超过6000家全球组织使用TransPerfect的全球链接技术来简化多语言内容的管理。凭借对质量和客户服务的无与伦比的承诺,TransPerfect 完全通过ISO 9001和ISO 17100认证。TransPerfect的全球总部位于纽约,区域总部位于伦敦和香港。有关更多信息,请访问我们的网站。
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