
Opinion: The top 2 stocks to buy to play the emerging exoskeleton megatrend

Opinion: The top 2 stocks to buy to play the emerging exoskeleton megatrend

InvestorPlace ·  2021/07/25 02:44  · 观点

Remember the 2014 Tom Cruise film Edge of Tomorrow?


Great flick. If you haven’t seen it and are into science fiction movies, I highly recommend giving it a watch.


In any event, the movie centers around Cruise playing a solider who uses a supercharged, futuristic military exoskeleton to help fight off an invading alien army.


The exoskeleton suit is super cool. It has super strength, super speed, super endurance… it’s basically a superhuman suit that turns Tom Cruise into Clark Kent.


OK… but why am I telling you all of this?


Because some of the best investment opportunities in the market emerge when science fiction turns into reality.


See: Self-driving cars. For decades, autonomous vehicles (AVs) were the stuff of science fiction lore. Now, thanks to rapid improvements in sensor technology and falling sensor manufacturing costs, they’re on the cusp of turning into a reality. Companies helping bring AVs to life — like leading LiDAR maker $LUMINAR TECHNOLOGIES INC(LAZR.US)$ — have been big winners on Wall Street.

请参见:自动驾驶汽车。几十年来,自动驾驶汽车(AV)一直是科幻小说中的传奇。现在,由于传感器技术的快速进步和传感器制造成本的下降,它们即将成为现实。帮助将AV带入栩栩如生的领先LiDAR制造商的公司$Lumar Technologies Inc.(LAZR.US)$-一直是华尔街的大赢家。

Or, see: genomic editing. The idea of editing genes is not new. But it was forever implausible. Until 2012, when the invention of CRISPR-Cas9 systems made gene editing possible at scale. Since then, the genomic editing space has been on fire, and many of the world’s leading gene editors — like $Editas Medicine, Inc.(EDIT.US)$ — have been some of the biggest winners on Wall Street.

或者,请参阅:基因组编辑。编辑基因的想法并不新鲜。但这永远是不可信的。直到2012年,CRISPR-CAS9系统的发明使大规模基因编辑成为可能。从那时起,基因组编辑领域就如火如荼,许多世界领先的基因编辑就像$Editas Medicine,Inc.(EDIT.US)$-一直是华尔街最大的赢家之一。

You could also point to the space tourism space and $Virgin Galactic Holdings Inc(SPCE.US)$, or the virtual reality space and $Roblox Corporation(RBLX.US)$ or the electric vehicle space and $Tesla, Inc.(TSLA.US)$.

你也可以指向太空旅游空间,$维珍银河控股公司(SPCE.US)$,或者虚拟现实空间$Roblox Corporation(RBLX.US)$或者电动汽车空间和$Tesla,Inc.(TSLA.US)$.

The list goes on and on. The overarching theme is clear.


Today, for the first time ever, many science fiction concepts are turning into disruptive realities, and creating enormous investment opportunities.

今天,有史以来第一次, 许多科幻概念正在转变为颠覆性的现实,并创造了巨大的投资机会。

One such science fiction concept is the exoskeleton suit from Edge of Tomorrow.


To be clear, we aren’t on the cusp of making superhuman exoskeleton suits to combat an advanced alien army. That’s not happening anytime soon… if ever.


But… we are on the cusp of creating a new generation of advanced bionic exoskeletons with a wide range of important medical and industrial applications. Think exoskeletons that can help disabled persons with severe spinal injury walk again, or exoskeletons that can give manual laborers more strength and endurance while on the job.


These exoskeleton suits — much like self-driving tech, or gene editing, or spaceships — are not new. But — as is also the case with self-driving, gene editing and spaceships — the stars are all aligning to turn the promising idea of exoskeleton suits into a widespread disruptive reality soon.


Which stars am I talking about exactly?


In short, all the major hurdles which have stunted exoskeleton adoption are being removed.


For starters, one of the major hurdles to adoption of exoskeleton suits in the medical community has been insurance coverage.


Exoskeleton suits are very, very expensive. Most folks can’t afford them. So, in order to buy one, they need help from insurance companies. Insurance companies have thus far failed to provide that help because there has been a dearth of data to prove that exoskeleton suits save on medical costs in the long run (they are relatively new machines, and there aren’t many in circulation).


That’s all changing right now.


Exoskeleton suit makers have collected tons of pre-injury and post-exoskeleton data from their machines in use over the past 10 years. All of this data is starting to paint a verifiable picture that, indeed, exoskeleton suits result in lifetime medical cost savings.


The result? Insurance companies are starting to provide coverage for exoskeleton suits.


The first domino is falling in Germany, where multiple private and public health insurers expanded coverage to include exoskeleton suits in 2020. The U.S. is following closely behind, as last year, some exoskeleton suits were issued HCPCS codes — or standardized codes which help facilitate the processing of health insurance claims by Medicare and other third-party insurance providers in the U.S. (and are a prerequisite for coverage).


In other words, the insurance community is finally warming up to exoskeleton suits, which sets the stage for a decade of hypergrowth adoption ahead for medical exoskeleton suits.


Meanwhile, in the industrial world, exoskeleton adoption has been stunted by the bulkiness of the suits and huge upfront costs.


But the latest generation of exoskeleton suits wear more like vests with attachments than full-on suits, while many exoskeleton makers are pivoting into a subscription business model which removes large upfront costs.


To that end, industrial uptake of exoskeleton suits should similarly soar over the next several years thanks to more viable suits and falling costs.


Big picture: After a decade of sluggish growth, the industrial and medical exoskeleton markets are about to sprint into hypergrowth mode.


Which stocks should you buy to play this emerging megatrend?


Two are on my radar.


For the medical angle, $ReWalk Robotics Ltd(RWLK.US)$ is the best play. This company is the leader in medical exoskeletons, and has been leading the charge in winning insurance coverage contracts in Germany.

从医学角度来说,$ReWalk Robotics Ltd(RWLK.US)$是最好的一出戏。这家公司是医疗外骨骼领域的领先者,在德国赢得保险合同方面一直处于领先地位。

On the industrial side, $Ekso Bionics Holdings, Inc.(EKSO.US)$ is the top play. Its latest industrial suit, the EVO, represents the most compact, most efficient and most viable industrial exoskeleton suit in the market today. Plus, the company is leaning heavily into deploying a subscription pricing model for its suits.

在工业方面,$Ekso Bionics Holdings,Inc.(EKSO.US)$是最好的选择。该公司最新的工业套装EVO代表了当今市场上最紧凑、最高效、最可行的工业外骨骼套装。此外,该公司正大力倾向于为其西装部署订阅定价模式。

Both ReWalk and Ekso have been through tough times over the past few years. But their fortunes are changing. And, over the next few years, I wouldn’t be surprised to see both stocks turn into multi-baggers.


On the date of publication, Luke Lango did not have (either directly or indirectly) any positions in the securities mentioned in this article.


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