
Battle for the cloud, once Amazon vs. Microsoft, now has many fronts

Battle for the cloud, once Amazon vs. Microsoft, now has many fronts

Dow Jones Newswires ·  2021/07/25 10:13  · 解读

By Aaron Tilley

亚伦·蒂利(Aaron Tilley)著

Many businesses have treated $Amazon.Com Inc(AMZN.US)$ and $Microsoft Corp(MSFT.US)$ as the only options as they look to embrace cloud-computing. But IT managers now are realizing they have leverage in an increasingly competitive industry.

许多企业已经治疗了$ Inc.(AMZN.US)$$微软公司(MSFT.US)$作为他们拥抱云计算的唯一选择。但IT经理现在意识到,他们在竞争日益激烈的行业中拥有优势。

Businesses and governments are signing up for a mix of providers, cherry-picking features and playing the vendors off against each other to keep costs down, company executives and cloud analysts say. It is opening up business opportunities for runners-up like $Alphabet Inc-CL A(GOOGL.US)$'s Google, $Oracle Corp(ORCL.US)$ and $International Business Machines Corp(IBM.US)$, though Amazon and Microsoft remain dominant and still account for the lion's share of cloud revenue.

公司高管和云分析师表示,企业和政府正在签约各种供应商,挑选功能,让供应商相互竞争,以降低成本。它正在为亚军打开商机,比如$Alphabet Inc-CL A(GOOGL.US)$是谷歌,$甲骨文公司(ORCL.US)$$国际商业机器公司(IBM.US)$不过,亚马逊和微软仍然占据主导地位,仍然占据着云收入的最大份额。

Credit-reporting firm Experian PLC began its move to the cloud with Amazon Web Services in 2014. It has since added services from Microsoft, Google and more recently Oracle, whose technology it had historically used in its own data centers, said Mervyn Lally, the global chief enterprise architect at Experian.

信用报告公司益百利(Experian PLC)于2014年开始通过亚马逊网络服务(Amazon Web Services)向云计算转移。益百利(Experian)全球首席企业架构师默文·拉利(Mervyn Lally)表示,自那以后,该公司增加了微软、谷歌以及最近的甲骨文(Oracle)的服务,该公司历史上曾在自己的数据中心使用甲骨文的技术。

"More options are good," Mr. Lally said, adding they create competitive pressures "we want to take advantage of."


Companies such as AT&T Inc. also are stitching together a network of vendors, including Microsoft, Google and others.

美国电话电报公司(AT&T Inc.)等公司也在组建一个供应商网络,其中包括微软、谷歌和其他公司。

"We're seeing more and more customers adopt a multi-cloud strategy simply because some workloads run better or more cost-effectively on different clouds," said Clay Magouyrk, executive vice president of Oracle Cloud Infrastructure.

甲骨文云基础设施执行副总裁Clay Magouyrk说:“我们看到越来越多的客户采用多云战略,仅仅是因为一些工作负载在不同的云上运行得更好或更具成本效益。”

World-wide spending on cloud-computing infrastructure services rose about 32% last year to $59.2 billion, according to Gartner Inc., and is expected to reach $106.8 billion in 2022.

高德纳公司(Gartner Inc.)的数据显示,去年全球云计算基础设施服务支出增长约32%,至592亿美元,预计2022年将达到1,068亿美元。

Growth in cloud spending accelerated during the pandemic, and is expected to help Amazon and Microsoft post another round of strong quarterly earnings when they report this week. Although multi-cloud arrangements might eat into some of the sales Amazon and Microsoft could land, in most cases they get at least a slice of customer spending.


Wall Street expects Amazon to report more than 30% year-over-year growth in cloud sales when it reports second-quarter results on Thursday. Microsoft's Azure cloud is expected to see more than 40% revenue growth when the software giant posts fourth-quarter earnings on Tuesday.

华尔街预计亚马逊周四公布第二季财报时,将公布云销售同比增长30%以上。微软(Microsoft)的Azure Cloud预计将在周二公布第四季度收益时,营收增长超过40%。

It isn't just corporate buyers rethinking their IT spending. When the Central Intelligence Agency began a major move to the cloud, it signed up with AWS in 2013. Last year, as the initial contract was coming to an end, the CIA said it opted for multiple vendors to take advantage of expanded cloud capabilities available by working with multiple providers.

这不仅仅是企业买家在重新考虑他们的IT支出。当美国中央情报局(Central Intelligence Agency)开始大举转向云计算时,它在2013年与AWS签约。去年,当最初的合同即将结束时,中情局表示,它选择了多家供应商,通过与多家供应商合作,利用扩展的云能力。

This month the Pentagon scrapped plans to award a $10 billion, 10-year contract to Microsoft that was mired in controversy. The Pentagon said it would replace the contract, known as JEDI, with multiple awards.


John Sherman, the Pentagon's acting chief information officer, said JEDI was developed at a time when the department's needs were different "and our cloud conversancy less mature." Amazon and Microsoft would qualify to compete in the new round, and IBM, Oracle and Google also would be approached to potentially bid, he said. The Pentagon aims to award a contract in April.

五角大楼代理首席信息官约翰·谢尔曼(John Sherman)表示,绝地武士是在国防部需求不同的时候开发出来的,“我们的云端对话还不够成熟。”他表示,亚马逊和微软将有资格在新一轮谈判中展开竞争,IBM、甲骨文(Oracle)和谷歌(Google)也将被接洽,可能会出价。五角大楼的目标是在4月份授予一份合同。

Many companies have ended up with multiple clouds somewhat by chance, analysts and industry officials said. Different groups within an organization may have signed up with different vendors.


This year, 92% of companies had a multi-cloud strategy, up from 81% in 2018, according to an annual industry report published by software company Flexera Software LLC.

根据软件公司Flexera Software LLC发布的年度行业报告,今年92%的公司实施了多云战略,高于2018年的81%。

Operating across different service providers brings challenges, though. Each has its own way of handling the underlying technology, such as storage or networking, and moving data between clouds can be cumbersome, industry officials say.


USAA, the San Antonio-based insurance company, for years has been trying to work across cloud offerings in part to build resilience by being able to move data as needed, but it has found that challenging, said Michael Willette, assistant vice president responsible for cloud operations at USAA.

总部位于圣安东尼奥的保险公司USAA多年来一直在努力跨云服务,部分原因是通过能够根据需要移动数据来建立弹性,但USAA负责云运营的助理副总裁迈克尔·威莱特(Michael Willette)表示,该公司发现这具有挑战性。

"Every cloud provider, even if they tell you they're not, is focusing on creating lock-in," he said.


That has spurred creation of a number of new software companies to provide tools to better manage applications across various clouds. One of the hottest cloud-service companies over the past two years has been Snowflake Inc., which helps companies manage their data across clouds. The stock soared when it went public last year, though it has come down from its highs late last year.

这促使了许多新的软件公司的诞生,它们提供工具来更好地管理各种云中的应用程序。雪花公司(Snowflake Inc.)是过去两年最炙手可热的云服务公司之一,该公司帮助企业跨云管理数据。该公司去年上市时股价飙升,尽管已从去年年底的高点回落。

"Two and a half years ago, everything was AWS," said Steve Mullaney, chief executive officer of Aviatrix Systems Inc., a provider of networking software to help organizations to manage their clouds across multiple vendors. "Now everybody is multi-cloud."

Aviatrix Systems Inc.首席执行官史蒂夫·穆兰尼(Steve Mullaney)说:“两年半前,一切都是AWS。”Aviatrix Systems Inc.是一家网络软件提供商,帮助企业管理跨多家供应商的云。“现在每个人都是多云的。”

The main cloud providers offer their own tools to allow customers to bridge systems. But many customers remain wary of their options because the cloud companies want to hold on to as much of the business as possible, industry officials say.


"You need an independent multi-cloud platform provider," said Dave McJannet, CEO of HashiCorp Inc., a provider of tools to work across clouds.

“你需要一个独立的多云平台提供商,”HashiCorp Inc.的首席执行官戴夫·麦克贾内特(Dave McJannet)说。HashiCorp Inc.是一家提供跨云工作的工具提供商。

Google said it is using open-source technology that is free to adopt to give its customers more control over which cloud they use.


"Our customers don't want to rehash the same vendor lock-in playbook from the 1990s," said Eyal Manor, a vice president at Google Cloud.

“我们的客户不想重复上世纪90年代的供应商锁定策略,”谷歌云副总裁埃亚尔·马诺(EYAL Manor)说。

Microsoft said it is working with customers to address their cloud needs, including those spanning other vendors. An Amazon spokesman said most customers, even those that talk about using several providers, stick with one.


The Pentagon, meanwhile, is already looking down the road with plans for another big cloud competition in early 2025.


Write to Aaron Tilley at

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(END) Dow Jones Newswires


July 25, 2021 10:00 ET (14:00 GMT)


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