
Tesla Delivers Another Earnings Spectacle With Record Net Income

Tesla Delivers Another Earnings Spectacle With Record Net Income

Benzinga Real-time News ·  2021/07/28 11:39

Tesla Inc (NASDAQ:TSLA) has officially kicked off a jam-packed week of second-quarter earnings reports from the biggest names on Wall Street. On Monday after the bell, the EV pioneer reported more than $1 billion in net income, tenfold from the same quarter a year ago. After beating top and bottom lines, its shares rose 2%.


Q2 Figures


Earnings amounted to $1.45, beating the expected 98 cents per share adjusted expected, according to Refinitiv. GAAP net income amounted to $1.14 billion, overpassing $1 billion for the very first time. Only one year ago, net income amounted to $104 million.


Revenue amounted to $11.96 billion, also beating $11.30 billion Refinitiv expected. Automotive revenue brought in $10.21 billion to the table, of which only $354 million or 3.5% approximately, came from sales of regulatory credits. That's lower than in any of the previous four quarters. Automotive gross margins of 28.4%. also came in higher than in any of the previous four quarters.


Energy businesses brought in a revenue of $801 million, increasing 60% compared to the last quarter. Services and other revenues amounted to $951 million. As for bitcoin, Tesla reported a $23 million impairment as an operating expense under "Restructuring and other".




Tesla faced a backlash from consumers in China, recalls in China and the U.S., along with delayed deliveries of the high-performance version of its flagship sedan, the Model S Plaid. The biggest struggle of the quarter was to procure enough modules that control the airbags and seatbelts. The lack of supply limited the company's production both in Fremont and Shanghai.

特斯拉在中国和美国进行了召回,同时其旗舰轿车Model S Played的高性能版本延迟交付,特斯拉面临着来自中国消费者的强烈反对。本季度最大的困难是采购足够的模块来控制安全气囊和安全带。供应不足限制了该公司在弗里蒙特和上海的生产。



The launch of the Semi truck program has been delayed until next year. Tesla Vice President of Vehicle Engineering Lars Moravy announced that the Cybertruck production should begin at the new plant in Texas at the end of the year. Musk specified that the company's goal will be to expand its charging network so drivers don't have to wait long or look for places to charge their vehicles on the road. Unlike Apple (NASDAQ:AAPL), Musk emphasized that Tesla's goal is to support the advent of sustainable energy as opposed to creating a walled garden to keep competitors at bay.

半卡车计划的推出被推迟到明年。特斯拉负责车辆工程的副总裁拉斯·莫拉维(Lars Moravy)宣布,CyberTruck将于今年年底在德克萨斯州的新工厂开始生产。马斯克明确表示,该公司的目标将是扩大充电网络,这样司机就不必等待很长时间,也不用在路上寻找地方给车辆充电。不像苹果(纳斯达克:AAPL),马斯克强调,特斯拉的目标是支持可持续能源的出现,而不是建立一个有围墙的花园来遏制竞争对手。

Figures Are Now Doing The Talking


After years of unforced errors, Musk also braced shareholders he likely would not appear, let alone lead, future Tesla earnings calls unless he has "something really important" that he needs to say. He did say he would speak at annual shareholder meetings. Tesla's performance figures are now doing the talking.


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