
Kalo Gold Clarifies Technical Disclosure and Files Amended Technical Report

Kalo Gold Clarifies Technical Disclosure and Files Amended Technical Report

Kalo Gold澄清技术披露和文件修订的技术报告
Accesswire ·  2021/09/27 16:06

VANCOUVER, BC / ACCESSWIRE / September 27, 2021 / KALO GOLD CORP. (TSXV:KALO), ("Kalo," "Kalo Gold," or the "Company"), announces that as a result of a recent review by the British Columbia Securities Commission, the Company is issuing the following news release to clarify its prior scientific and technical disclosures.

不列颠哥伦比亚省温哥华/ACCESSWIRE/2021年9月27日/卡洛黄金公司。(TSXV:Kalo),(“卡洛,“卡洛·戈尔德“或”公司“)宣布,根据不列颠哥伦比亚省证券委员会(British Columbia Securities Commission)最近的审查结果,本公司发布以下新闻稿,以澄清其先前披露的科学和技术信息。

The technical report on the Vatu Aurum Gold Project (the "Property") with an effective date of January 16, 2021 (the "Technical Report") was not compliant with National Instrument 43-101 ("NI 43-101"). The Company confirms that all estimates of the quantity, grade, and metal or mineral content which it has made in respect of its Property are historical mineral resource estimates as defined by NI 43-101, as such estimates have not been verified as current mineral resources or reserves and were prepared before the Company acquired the Property. The Company confirms that it is not treating such historical estimates as current mineral resources or mineral reserves.

瓦图金矿项目技术报告属性),生效日期为2021年1月16日(技术报告“)不符合National Instrument 43-101(”NI 43-101“)。本公司确认其就其物业所作的所有数量、品位及金属或矿物含量的估计均为NI 43-101所界定的历史矿产资源估计,因为该等估计并未经核实为现有矿产资源或储量,且是在本公司收购该物业之前拟备。本公司确认不会将该等历史估计视为现行矿产资源或矿产储量。

To address these deficiencies the Company has filed an amended NI 43-101 Technical Report. All mineral resources or mineral reserves referenced in the Company's news releases and disclosure documents issued prior to the date hereof are referring to historical mineral resource estimates.

为了解决这些缺陷,该公司提交了修订后的NI 43-101技术报告。本公司在此之前发布的新闻稿和披露文件中提到的所有矿产资源或矿产储量都是指历史矿产资源估计。

About Kalo Gold

关于Kalo Gold

Kalo Gold is a mineral exploration company focused on the Vatu Aurum gold project on Fiji's northisland, Vanua Levu. Kalo holds two mineral exploration licenses covering 36,700 hectares of land and on trend with many of the largest gold deposits in the world in the Southwest Pacific Ring of Fire.

Kalo Gold是一家矿产勘探公司,专注于斐济北部岛屿瓦努阿列沃的Vatu Aurum金矿项目。Kalo拥有两个矿产勘探许可证,占地3.67万公顷,并在西南太平洋火环地区拥有世界上许多最大的金矿。

On behalf of Kalo Gold

我代表Kalo Gold

Fred Tejada
Chief Executive Officer and Director


For more information contact, please contact 
Kevin Ma
President and Director
T: +1-604-363-0411.

欲了解更多信息,请联系马凯文总裁兼董事电子邮件:info@kalogoldcorp.comT: +1-604-363-0411.

Neither the TSX Venture Exchange nor its Regulation Services Provider (as that term is defined in the policies of the Exchange) accepts responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this press release.


SOURCE: Kalo Gold Corp.

资料来源:卡洛黄金公司(Kalo Gold Corp.)

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