
Press Release: Coinllectibles(TM) completes US$37million acquisition of Talk+ - aims to realise its ambition of becoming a global Fusion NFTs(TM) powerhouse

Press Release: Coinllectibles(TM) completes US$37million acquisition of Talk+ - aims to realise its ambition of becoming a global Fusion NFTs(TM) powerhouse

新闻稿:Coinllectible(TM)完成对Talk+的3700万美元收购--旨在实现其成为全球Fusion NFTs(TM)巨头的雄心
Dow Jones Newswires ·  2021/10/18 09:12

Coinllectibles(TM) completes US$37million acquisition of Talk+ - aims to realise its ambition of becoming a global Fusion NFTs(TM) powerhouse

Coinllectible(TM)完成对Talk+的3700万美元收购--旨在实现其成为全球Fusion NFTs(TM)巨头的雄心

PR Newswire


SINGAPORE, Oct. 18, 2021


SINGAPORE, Oct. 18, 2021 /PRNewswire/ -- Metaverse Blockchain Fusion NFT(TM) company, Coinllectibles(TM) (OTC: COSG) is pleased to announce that it has completed the acquisition of the messaging and crypto currency App Talk+, bringing Coinllectibles(TM) one step closer in realising its ambition of being a multi-dimensional global Fusion NFT(TM) powerhouse.

新加坡,2021年10月18日/美通社/--Metaverse Block Chain Fusion NFT(TM)公司Coinllectible(TM)(场外交易代码:COSG)高兴地宣布,它已经完成了对信息传送和加密货币App Talk+的收购,使Coinllectible(TM)距离实现其成为多维全球Fusion NFT(TM)巨头的雄心又近了一步。

A majority stake in Talk+ is being acquired at an aggregate valuation of USD$37 million, making it the largest acquisition by Coinllectibles to date.


Commenting on the acquisition, Dr Herbert Lee, the Chairman of the Coinllectibles(TM) Group said, "We are very excited that this acquisition is finally complete. I have been observing the developments in the crypto and blockchain space and I am very bullish about its long term prospects. I am keenly aware that for Coinllectibles to do well, we would need to have an ecosystem to operate in -- Talk+ provides us with that. As we slowly put all the pieces together, it is my vision for Coinllectibles to be a global NFT powerhouse. Looking at how things within the company is shaping up, I am pleased to note that we are definitely on track to getting there."


While there are already many crypto wallets available in the market, Talk+ differentiates itself by incorporating an instant messaging function into a multi-cryptocurrency wallet to become one "super" digital app. Functionally, Talk+ is able to let users conduct crypto transactions as easily as sending messages. In terms of data protection, Talk+ messages are all encrypted. This ensures that other than the intended parties, no one else will be able to access the messages within the Talk+ app. Talk+ users are also able to delete sent message, even after they have been received by the other party, thus making the messages even more secure. Talk+ is in the process of developing capabilities to store and transfer Fusion NFTs(TM) .

虽然市场上已经有很多加密钱包可供选择,但Talk+将即时通讯功能融入多加密货币钱包,成为一款“超级”数字应用,从而脱颖而出。从功能上讲,Talk+能够让用户像发送消息一样轻松地进行加密交易。在数据保护方面,Talk+消息全部加密。这确保了除指定用户外,没有其他人能够访问Talk+应用程序中的消息。Talk+用户还可以删除已发送的消息,甚至在对方收到消息之后也可以删除,从而使消息更加安全。Talk+正在开发存储和传输Fusion NFT(TM)的能力。

With respect to how Talk+ will contribute to business growth for Coinllectibles(TM) , Toby O'Connor, CEO of Coinllectibles, commented "Talk+ provides Coinllectibles more ways to reach out and engage our users. In the new paradigm of Web 3.0, interoperability is core to engagement. The ability for our users to efficiently chat about NFT projects, transfer NFTs and make digital currency transfers to each other will directly contribute to the increased acceptance and user experience of NFTs. This is a great development and contributes to our expanding business model."

关于Talk+将如何促进Coinllectible(TM)的业务增长,Coinllectible首席执行官托比·奥康纳(Toby O‘Connor)评论说:“Talk+为Coinllectible提供了更多接触和吸引用户的方式。在Web 3.0的新范式中,互操作性是互动的核心。我们的用户能够高效地谈论NFT项目、转移NFT和进行数字货币转账,这将直接有助于提高对NFT的接受度和用户体验。这是一个巨大的发展,

Commenting on the acquisition, Stark Chan, CEO of Talk+ said, "I am thrilled that Talk+ is part of Coinllectibles Group, an innovative fast growing company in the Metaverse space. I am confident that Talk+ will provide Coinllectibles with greater capabilities to engage and deliver NFTS to its customer bases, which in turn will directly contribute to Talk+'s own growth trajectory."

Talk+首席执行官斯塔克·陈在评论此次收购时表示:“我很高兴Talk+成为Coinllectible Group的一部分,Coinllectible Group是Metaverse领域一家创新的快速增长的公司。我相信Talk+将为Coinllectible提供更大的能力,使其能够参与并向其客户群提供NFTS,这反过来将直接促进Talk+自身的增长轨迹。”

For more information on Talk+ app, please visit For more information on Coinllectibles(TM) , please visit www.Coinllectibles.Art and join the Coinllectibles(TM) Telegram Channel at


For media queries, please contact:


Ms Rachel Lim


Director, Marketing & PR




About Cosmos Group Holdings Inc


Cosmos is a business group that operates in two business segments:


-- Arts and Collectibles
-- Financing

Through Coinllectibles(TM) , the group provides authentication, valuation and certification (AVC) service, sale and purchase, hire purchase, financing, custody, security and exhibition (CSE) services to art buyers through traditional channels, as well as through leveraging blockchain technology through the creation of non-fungible tokens (NFTs).


With subsidiaries licensed under Hong Kong's Money Lenders Ordinance, the group currently primarily provides unsecured personal loan to private individuals, with a small portfolio of mortgage loans.


The group is integrating the two business segments by offering secured financing services to prospective art and collectibles purchasers to provide a one-stop arts and collectibles purchasing and financing experience.


About the Company -- Coinllectibles(TM)


Coinllectibles(TM) is an ACT (Arts and Collectibles Technology) company, which is redefining how the world thinks about art and collectible ownership in the digital age.


Their minted curated Fusion NFTs(TM) , capture all the rights and independent valuation and ownership of physical arts and collectibles securely underpinned by smart contracts stored on the blockchain.

他们的铸币精选Fusion NFT(TM),捕获了由区块链上存储的智能合约安全支撑的实物艺术和收藏品的所有权利以及独立估值和所有权。

Coinllectibles(TM) Fusion NFTs(TM) bridge the physical and virtual dimensions of the arts and collectibles market, providing a pleasurable, transparent, and frictionless experience to customers from all walks of life.

Coinllectiables(TM)Fusion NFT(TM)架起了艺术品和收藏品市场的物理和虚拟维度的桥梁,为各行各业的客户提供愉快、透明和无摩擦的体验。













About Coinllectibles(TM) Fusion NFT(TM)

关于Coinllectible(TM)Fusion NFT(TM)

Coinllectibles(TM) prides the Fusion NFT(TM) as the industry "Gold Standard". Being a Gold Standard, a Fusion NFT contains the following on the Inter Planetary File System (IPFS) -- (1) a sale and purchase agreement reflecting the purchase, by the person minting the Fusion NFT(TM) , of the underlying asset at a fair value with all rights and restrictions clearly detailed, (2) bailment terms governing the rights to possession whilst the underlying asset remains with Coinllectibles(TM) , (3) a transfer deed reflecting the transfer of the ownership of the underlying asset (together with all rights and restrictions) by the transferor to the holder of the Fusion NFT(TM) , (4) ownership title deed written into the description of the Fusion NFT(TM) and (5) the unequivocal identification file of the underlying asset, whose ownership is reflected in the title deed represented by the Fusion NFT(TM) .

Coinllectible(TM)以Fusion NFT(TM)为行业“黄金标准”而自豪。作为一项黄金标准,Fusion NFT包含关于行星间文件系统(IPFS)的以下内容--(1)反映制造Fusion NFT(TM)的人以公允价值购买标的资产的买卖协议,并清楚地说明所有权利和限制;(2)在标的资产仍保留在Coinllectible(TM)的情况下管辖拥有权的托管条款;(3)反映标的资产所有权转移的转让契据(连同所有权利和(4)写入Fusion NFT(TM)描述中的所有权契据;及(5)标的资产的明确识别文件,其所有权反映在Fusion NFT(TM)所代表的地契中。

About Talk+


TALK+ is Hong Kong's first instant messaging app with a cryptocurrency wallet, allowing crypto transactions between users while communicating with each other. It is a cross platform, end-to-end encrypted, instant messaging application ("app") incorporated with features of a cryptocurrency wallet, created by Stark Chan, BBS, founder of Bull.b Tech.

Talk+是香港第一款带有加密货币钱包的即时通讯应用,允许用户在相互通信的同时进行加密交易。它是一个跨平台、端到端加密的即时通讯应用程序(“APP”),包含加密货币钱包的功能,由Bull.b Tech的创始人Stark Chan,BBS创建。

The app offers a high level of data protection to its users. It ensures no third party will have access to the conversations exchanged and allows the removal of sent messages even after they have been received on the other end.


TALK+ wallet supports 12 cryptocurrencies. Users can efficiently and accurately transfer cryptocurrency to people they know and/or are communicating with through the app without having to leave the app.


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SOURCE Cosmos Group Holdings Inc.

来源:Cosmos Group Holdings Inc.

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