
Press Release: Brookfield Infrastructure Closes Strategic Acquisition of Inter Pipeline

Press Release: Brookfield Infrastructure Closes Strategic Acquisition of Inter Pipeline

新闻稿:Brookfield Infrastructure完成对InterPipeline的战略收购
Dow Jones Newswires ·  2021/10/28 18:50

Brookfield Infrastructure Closes Strategic Acquisition of Inter Pipeline

Brookfield Infrastructure完成对InterPipeline的战略收购

Canada NewsWire


TORONTO and CALGARY, AB, Oct. 28, 2021


TORONTO and CALGARY, AB, Oct. 28, 2021 /CNW/ - Brookfield Infrastructure Partners L.P. (NYSE: BIP) (TSX: BIP.UN), together with its institutional partners (collectively, "Brookfield Infrastructure") and Inter Pipeline Ltd. ("Inter Pipeline") (TSX: IPL) are pleased to announce the successful completion of Brookfield Infrastructure's strategic acquisition of Inter Pipeline pursuant to the previously announced statutory plan of arrangement under the Business Corporations Act (Alberta) (the "Arrangement").

多伦多和卡尔加里,AB,2021年10月28日/cnw/-Brookfield Infrastructure Partners L.P.(纽约证券交易所股票代码:BIP)(多伦多证券交易所代码:BIP.UN)及其机构合作伙伴(统称为“Brookfield Infrastructure”)和Inter Pipeline Ltd.(以下简称“Inter Pipeline”)(多伦多证券交易所股票代码:IPL)高兴地宣布,根据先前根据“商业公司法”(Alberta)宣布的法定安排计划,Brookfield Infrastructure对InterPipeline的战略收购已成功完成。

The Arrangement was approved by: (i) 99.91% of the votes cast by holders of common shares ("Inter Pipeline Shares") of Inter Pipeline ("Shareholders") present in person (virtually) or represented by proxy at the special meeting of Inter Pipeline (the "Meeting") held today; and (ii) 99.90% of the votes cast by Shareholders, excluding the votes required to be excluded in determining minority approval of a business combination under Multilateral Instrument 61-101 -- Protection of Minority Security Holders in Special Transactions. After obtaining the requisite Shareholder approvals at the Meeting, Inter Pipeline received a final order of the Court of Queen's Bench of Alberta approving the Arrangement.

该安排获得:(I)InterPipeline普通股(“InterPipeline股票”)持有人(“股东”)在今天举行的InterPipeline特别会议(“会议”)上亲自(虚拟)或由受委代表出席的99.91%的投票;及(Ii)99.90%的股东投票,不包括根据多边文件61-101“特别交易中保护少数证券持有人”决定少数批准企业合并所需排除的投票。在会议上获得必要的股东批准后,Inter Pipeline收到了艾伯塔省女王长凳法院批准这一安排的最终命令。

Pursuant to the Arrangement, Shareholders, other than Brookfield Infrastructure, were entitled to elect, on or before 5:00 p.m. (Calgary time) on October 26, 2021 (the "Election Deadline"), to receive, for each Inter Pipeline Share held:


-- C$20.00 in cash (not subject to proration);
-- 0.250 of a class "A" exchangeable subordinate voting share ("BIPC Share")
of Brookfield Infrastructure Partners Corporation ("BIPC") (subject to
-- 0.250 of a class B limited partnership unit (each whole unit, an
"Exchangeable LP Unit") of Brookfield Infrastructure Corporation Exchange
Limited Partnership ("Exchange LP") (to the extent such Shareholders were
eligible to make such election and subject to proration); or
-- any combination thereof.
--20加元现金(不按比例分摊);--0.250的“A”类可交换从属投票权股份(“BIPC股”)Brookfield Infrastructure Partners Corporation(“BIPC”)(受按比例分配);-乙类有限合伙单位0.250的股份(每个完整单位,一个布鲁克菲尔德基础设施公司交易所(Brookfield Infrastructure Corporation Exchange)有限合伙企业(“交易所有限责任公司”)(以该等股东有资格作出上述选择,并须按比例计算);或--它们的任意组合。

Based on the valid elections received by the Election Deadline, Shareholders, other than Brookfield Infrastructure, will receive cash in respect of an aggregate of 68.7 million Inter Pipeline Shares and BIPC Shares or Exchange LP Units in respect of an aggregate of 32.4 million Inter Pipeline Shares.

根据选举截止日期前收到的有效选举,布鲁克菲尔德基础设施公司以外的股东将获得总计6870万股InterPipeline股票和总计3240万股InterPipeline股票的BIPC股票或Exchange LP单位的现金。

It is anticipated that the Inter Pipeline Shares will be delisted from the Toronto Stock Exchange (the "TSX") on or about the close of trading on November 1, 2021.


As previously announced, effective upon closing of the Arrangement, each of Christian Bayle, President and Chief Executive Officer and Brent Heagy, Chief Financial Officer, stepped down from their management positions with Inter Pipeline and Mr. Bayle also resigned from the Board of Directors (the "Board") of Inter Pipeline. At the effective time of the resignations, Brian Baker was appointed as interim Chief Executive Officer, pending a search to identify a permanent replacement, and Paul Hawksworth was appointed as Chief Financial Officer.

正如之前宣布的那样,安排结束后,总裁兼首席执行官Christian Bayle和首席财务官Brent Heagy均辞去了Inter Pipeline的管理职务,Bayle先生也辞去了Inter Pipeline董事会(“董事会”)的职务。在辞职生效时,布莱恩·贝克(Brian Baker)被任命为临时首席执行官,等待寻找永久继任者,保罗·霍克斯沃思(Paul Hawksworth)被任命为首席财务官。

In connection with the Arrangement, the Board also determined to terminate Inter Pipeline's Premium Dividend(TM) and Dividend Reinvestment Plan (the "DRIP") effective October 28, 2021, which had been suspended since March 30, 2020, pursuant to and in accordance with the terms and conditions set forth in the DRIP. All participants in the DRIP were entitled to make elections and deposit their Inter Pipeline Shares under the Arrangement.


Certificates or direct registration system ("DRS") advices representing Inter Pipeline Shares not deposited under the Arrangement prior to the Election Deadline, no longer entitle the holder thereof to any rights as a Shareholder and such registered Shareholders have the right to receive combination of the Share Consideration and the Cash Consideration, subject to rounding, for their Inter Pipeline Shares pursuant to, and in accordance with, the terms of the Arrangement. Registered Shareholders who have not yet tendered their Inter Pipeline Shares should submit a duly completed letter of transmittal and election form to Computershare Investor Services Inc., the depositary appointed by Brookfield Infrastructure in relation to the Arrangement. Registered Shareholders that hold physical certificates or DRS advices must include the same with their letter of transmittal and election form. Letters of transmittal and election forms were previously sent to Shareholders with the materials of the Meeting. Additional copies may be obtained by contacting Computershare by telephone at 1--800--564-6253 or at 1--514--982--7555 (if outside North America) or by email at or by going to Inter Pipeline's website at or Inter Pipeline's SEDAR profile at

代表InterPipeline股份的股票或直接登记系统(“DRS”)通知并未于选举截止日期前根据该安排存放,其持有人不再有权作为股东享有任何权利,而该等登记股东有权根据及按照该等安排的条款,就其InterPipeline股份收取股份代价及现金代价的组合,惟须以四舍五入为准。尚未提交InterPipeline股票的登记股东应向计算机股票投资者服务公司(Computershare Investor Services Inc.)提交一份填妥妥当的传送函和选举表格。计算机股票投资者服务公司是布鲁克菲尔德基础设施公司(Brookfield Infrastructure)就这一安排指定的托管机构。持有实物证书或DRS建议的注册股东必须在其传送信和选举表格中包含实物证书或DRS建议。此前,传送信和选举表格与会议材料一起发送给了股东。欲获得更多副本,请致电1--800--564-6253或1--514-982--7555(如果在北美以外),或发送电子邮件至,或访问InterPipeline的网站www.interPipeline.com或InterPipeline的SEDAR简介。

Brookfield Infrastructure will file an early warning report, pursuant to National Instrument 62--103, in respect of its acquisition of Inter Pipeline Shares. A copy of this report may be obtained from Inter Pipeline's SEDAR profile at or by contacting Kate White at Brookfield Infrastructure by telephone at 416-956-5183 or by email at

布鲁克菲尔德基础设施公司将根据National Instrument 62-103的规定,就其收购InterPipeline公司的股份提交一份预警报告。这份报告的副本可以从Inter Pipeline公司的SEDAR档案中获得,网址是,也可以通过电话416-956-5183或电子邮件kate.White@brookfield.com联系布鲁克菲尔德基础设施公司的凯特·怀特(Kate White)。

Following the closing of the Arrangement and the delisting of the Inter Pipeline Shares from the TSX, it is expected that Inter Pipeline and Bison Acquisition Corp. (the "Purchaser") will amalgamate to form "Inter Pipeline Ltd." ("Amalco"). As a result of the anticipated amalgamation, the debt incurred by the Purchaser under a non-revolving term credit facility (the "Credit Facility") established by a syndicate of lenders in connection with the acquisition of Inter Pipeline Shares, will be assumed by Amalco. The Credit Facility is fully drawn in the amount of C$1.425 billion and will mature on August 23, 2024. A copy of the Credit Facility will be posted under Amalco's profile on SEDAR at following completion of the anticipated amalgamation.

在安排结束和InterPipeline股票从多伦多证交所退市后,预计InterPipeline和Bison Acquisition Corp.(“买方”)将合并为“Inter Pipeline Ltd”。(“阿马尔科”)。作为预期合并的结果,买方根据贷款方银团设立的与收购Inter Pipeline股份相关的非循环定期信贷安排(“信贷安排”)承担的债务将由Amalco承担。信贷安排的金额为14.25亿加元,将于2024年8月23日到期。预期的合并完成后,该信贷安排的副本将在SEDAR网站www.sedar.com上以Amalco的个人资料公布。

Further Information for Inter Pipeline Shareholders


Brookfield Infrastructure is a leading global infrastructure company that owns and operates high-quality, long-life assets in the utilities, transport, midstream and data sectors across North and South America, Asia Pacific and Europe. We are focused on assets that have contracted and regulated revenues that generate predictable and stable cash flows. Investors can access its portfolio either through Brookfield Infrastructure Partners L.P. (NYSE: BIP; TSX: BIP.UN), a Bermuda-based limited partnership, or Brookfield Infrastructure Corporation (NYSE, TSX: BIPC), a Canadian corporation. Further information is available at

布鲁克菲尔德基础设施公司是一家领先的全球基础设施公司,在北美、南美、亚太地区和欧洲的公用事业、运输、中游和数据领域拥有和运营高质量、长寿命的资产。我们专注于那些收入收缩并受到监管的资产,这些资产产生了可预测和稳定的现金流。投资者可以通过总部设在百慕大的有限合伙企业Brookfield Infrastructure Partners L.P.(纽约证券交易所代码:BIP;多伦多证券交易所市场代码:BIP.UN)或加拿大公司Brookfield Infrastructure Corporation(纽约证券交易所市场代码:BSX:BIPC)访问其投资组合。欲了解更多信息,请访问。

Brookfield Infrastructure Partners is the flagship listed infrastructure company of Brookfield Asset Management, a global alternative asset manager with over US$625 billion of assets under management. For more information, go to

Brookfield Infrastructure Partners是布鲁克菲尔德资产管理公司(Brookfield Asset Management)的旗舰上市基础设施公司,Brookfield Asset Management是一家全球另类资产管理公司,管理着超过6250亿美元的资产。欲了解更多信息,请访问。

Inter Pipeline Ltd. is a major petroleum transportation and natural gas liquids processing business based in Calgary, Alberta, Canada. Inter Pipeline owns and operates energy infrastructure assets in Western Canada and is building the Heartland Petrochemical Complex -- North America's first integrated propane dehydrogenation and polypropylene facility. For more information, go to

国际管道有限公司是一家主要的石油运输和天然气液体加工企业,总部设在加拿大阿尔伯塔省卡尔加里。Inter Pipeline在加拿大西部拥有和运营能源基础设施资产,并正在建设哈特兰石化综合体(Heartland PetroChemical Complex),这是北美第一个综合丙烷脱氢和聚丙烯设施。欲了解更多信息,请访问。

No Offer or Solicitation


This news release is for informational purposes only and does not constitute an offer to buy or sell, or a solicitation of an offer to sell or buy, any securities. The acquisition of the Inter Pipeline Shares and issuance of securities of BIPC was made solely by, and subject to the terms and conditions set out in the amended and restated arrangement agreement dated September 21, 2021 between Inter Pipeline and the Purchaser, as amended.




The BIPC Shares issued to certain Shareholders in exchange for their Inter Pipeline Shares pursuant to the Arrangement have not been and will not be registered under the United States Securities Act of 1933, as amended (the "U.S. Securities Act") or the securities laws of any state within the United States, and were issued in reliance upon the exemption from the registration requirements of the U.S. Securities Act, provided by Section 3(a)(10) thereof. Section 3(a)(10) of the U.S. Securities Act exempts the issuance of any security issued in exchange for one or more bona fide outstanding securities from the registration requirements of the U.S. Securities Act where, among other things, the terms and conditions of such issuance and exchange have been approved by a court of competent jurisdiction, after a hearing upon the fairness of the terms and conditions of such issuance and exchange at which all persons to whom the securities will be issued have the right to appear and receive timely notice thereof.


Shareholders subject to United States federal income taxation should be aware that the disposition of their Inter Pipeline Shares and the acquisition of BIPC Shares pursuant to the Arrangement may have tax consequences both in the United States and in Canada. Shareholders should be aware that owning BIPC Shares may subject them to tax consequences both in the United States and in Canada. Such consequences for Shareholders who are resident in, or citizens of, the United States are not described herein and such Shareholders are encouraged to consult their tax advisors.


Cautionary Statement


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