
Western Sierra Resource Corporation Provides Updates for MPG Breakthrough Technologies With Vast Stand – Alone Market Opportunity as Well as Direct Application to the Company’s Other Natural Resource and Conservation Projects

Western Sierra Resource Corporation Provides Updates for MPG Breakthrough Technologies With Vast Stand – Alone Market Opportunity as Well as Direct Application to the Company’s Other Natural Resource and Conservation Projects

GlobeNewswire ·  2021/11/03 09:40

STEAMBOAT SPRINGS, Colo., Nov. 03, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- WESTERN SIERRA RESOURCE CORPORATION (OTC: WSRC) is pleased to provide an update for 3 of the Company's Mystere Power Group (MPG) team breakthrough technologies. These technological innovations, while each independently receiving broad acclaim in peer-reviewed analysis, also have direct application to the Company's other Natural Resource projects—in particular, to the collaborative HAIZ project with Global Hemp Group Inc (GHG).

科罗拉多州蒸汽船斯普林斯,2021年11月3日(环球通讯社)西塞拉资源公司 (场外交易:WSRC)很高兴向您介绍公司Mystere Power Group(MPG)团队的3项突破性技术的最新情况。这些技术创新虽然每一项都在同行评议分析中获得广泛赞誉,但也直接应用于公司的其他自然资源项目,特别是与环球大麻集团(GHG)合作的HAIZ项目。

MPG Technology: MPG's team continues adapting, refining, and patenting a number of disruptive power generation and conservation technologies. Potentially lucrative contracts on the near horizon speak to the marketability of these innovations as refinements continue at a well-equipped and staffed innovation lab located at Dixie State University in St George, Utah. The following are examples of three launch systems in which MPG principals have proprietary rights that are the subject of patents, trademarks, and copyright.

MPG技术:MPG的团队继续调整、提炼和申请多项破坏性发电和节能技术的专利。近期可能有利可图的合同说明了这些创新的适销性,因为位于犹他州圣乔治的迪克西州立大学(Dixie State University)的一个设备齐全、人员配备齐全的创新实验室仍在不断完善。以下是MPG主体拥有专利、商标和版权所有权的三个发射系统的示例。

1. HVAC and HVAC Retro-Fit:

1. 暖通空调和暖通空调回溯安装:

A patent pending suite of three retrofit elements applies to both new and retrofit systems. This unique combination of heating and cooling technologies provides up to 50% increased power efficiency (lower electrical power cost) in new systems and 40% increased retro-fit efficiency in systems 5-years of age and older. This retrofit now includes a proprietary mixed alloy screen that kills airborne viral-bacteria-mold and provides 24-7 odor control. This sanitization HVAC add-on eliminates the need for sanitization chemicals and associated labor. A 2nd provisional patent will be filed to incorporate this air sanitization add-on that will be a standard component of the MPG HVAC retrofit package.

一套正在申请专利的三个改装元件既适用于新系统,也适用于改装系统。这一独特的加热和制冷技术组合在新系统中提供了高达50%的能效(更低的电力成本),在使用5年及以上的系统中提高了40%的改装效率。这项改造现在包括一种专有的混合合金屏幕,它可以杀死空气中的病毒、细菌和霉菌,并提供全天候气味控制。这种消毒HVAC附加组件消除了对消毒化学品和相关劳动力的需求。A 2发送临时专利将被申请,以纳入这一空气消毒附加组件,它将成为MPG HVAC改装包的标准组件。

This package of heating, cooling, and non-chemical air purification innovations will be implemented features of initial structures (48,000 sf) including processing and manufacturing facilities designed for phase I of the Hemp Agro-Industrial Zone (HAIZ) Industrial Complex. This complex is currently under review by the City of Hayden for development approval. Likewise, this system will also be scaled for residential use and incorporated into the construction of each affordable home as part of the 166-acre GHG/WSRC residential community also in planning for Hayden, Colorado near Steamboat Springs. .

这一系列供暖、制冷和非化学空气净化创新将被实施,以满足最初结构(48,000平方英尺)的特点,包括为大麻农业工业区(HAIZ)工业综合体一期设计的加工和制造设施。这个综合体目前正在接受海登市的审查,以获得开发审批。同样,该系统也将被扩展用于住宅用途,并作为166英亩GHG/WSRC住宅社区的一部分纳入每个经济适用房的建设中,该社区也在规划科罗拉多州海登(Hayden)靠近蒸汽船泉(Steamboat Springs)的地方。。

2. Multi-fuel, Advanced Design Steam Engine:

2. 多种燃料、先进设计的蒸汽机:

This is a patent pending, peer reviewed, computer modelled, new design steam engine. It is a viable alternative to both stationary, and transportation diesel engines and fuels. The distinguishing elements include:


Torque: The design has up to five times the torque per unit of displacement, compared to its diesel counterpart.


Enhanced Efficiency: The peer review states that the design delivers maximum crank leverage at piston top dead center (TDC) adding at least 15% points to the mechanical efficiency. All known crank-piston engine design geometries typically have minimal crank leverage at TDC, the point in the power cycle where the maximum potential engine power is available.


Low Complexity: Only 3 moving parts per modular cylinder, with 5 power sizes per tooling set by ganging multiple cylinder-crank modules.


Rotary valve: The addition of the rotary valve array eliminates an estimated 80% of the parasitic power needed to operate a traditional valve train.


Steam Generator: The associated steam generator runs on as many as ten gas/liquid/powdered biofuels and is hydrogen ready. The steam reactor has a 10-second start time making it suitable for mobility powertrain applications. This modular engine has just 3-moving parts/cylinder.


This equipment will be utilized to power auxiliary water pumps to deliver water from the Company's existing deep wells, through 8 miles of the Company's existing 4" and 8" underground pipe to maintain Company owned lake storage, and to expand delivery through new infrastructure for irrigation of hundreds, and eventually thousands, of acres of industrial hemp cultivation.


3. The Mystere Thermal-electric Battery:

3. Mystere热电电池:

A provisional patent has been prepared and will be filed November 4th. Applications are off-grid power storage for solar PV, wind power and geothermal energy. The system will be a candidate for distributed grid power storage. Features include:


Storage Media: Sand


Containment: Concrete pipe


Operating temperature: 800F

操作温度: 800F

Module sizes: from 500 kWh up to 20 megawatt modules of electrical output and or equivalent process heat


Assessed Cost: At 5-megawatts the projected cost is $90.00 /kilowatt Hour


Life: 50-year life with new generation heat exchanger design


Summary of MPG Technologies with HAIZ Applications: 1) MPG HVAC systems will demonstrate conservation of electrical power while providing increased heating, cooling, and effective air purification capacity for commercial, industrial and residential structures at the HAIZ; 2) Off-grid Power generation from powdered bio-fuel processed from hemp waste via the Mystere steam engine and generator will irrigate crops; 3) Supplemental power generation from solar PV with off-grid power storage for the HAIZ will provide stored power for manufacture of hemp-based products, power common area elements at the 166- acre affordable housing development, and supply power for agricultural operations at the contiguous 664-acre industrial hemp cultivation site. The HAIZ facilities will provide a showcase opportunity for the MPG HVAC, power generation, and thermal-electrical storage technologies.

结合HAIZ应用的MPG技术综述:1)MPG HVAC系统将展示节电,同时为海兹的商业、工业和住宅结构提供更多的供暖、制冷和有效的空气净化能力;2)通过Mystere蒸汽机和发电机从大麻废料中处理的粉状生物燃料进行离网发电,将灌溉农作物;3)为海兹提供离网储电的太阳能光伏发电,将为以大麻为基础的产品的制造提供储存电力,为166英亩的保障性住房开发项目提供公共区域元素,并为海兹的设施将为MPG HVAC、发电和热电存储技术提供一个展示机会。

About Western Sierra Resource Corporation:


Founded in 1907, Western Sierra Resource Corporation (a Utah corporation), has 114-year history as gold and silver mining company with projects in Arizona, Nevada, California, and Mexico. WSRC currently owns six precious metal reserves in Arizona. In 2014 the Company broadened its vision to include natural (and renewable) resources with its acquisition of water rights and associated infrastructure assets in Colorado for purposes of irrigating and cultivating industrial hemp; processing hemp for manufacture of various building products; and for construction of affordable homes utilizing hemp-based materials—among other beneficial uses. Commercial, Industrial, and Agricultural land for these purposes has been recently acquired (closed as of 06.15.21) at a price of $1,400,000, with an additional 830 acres of agricultural and residential land also under non-refundable "hard" earnest money purchase contract. WSRC's intent is to become a broad-based resource company with high value and high-income generating assets including precious metals, real estate, water, agriculture, helium, and "green" technologies.


WSRC is not a subsidiary of any other company. WSRC and Global Hemp Group Inc. (GHG) have formed an association through a swap of Preferred Stock to utilize WSRC's $40+ million in Water and Infrastructure Assets and GHG's extensive experience with industrial hemp (and financial resources) in a collaborative effort to develop a Hemp Agro-Industrial Zone ("HAIZ") in Northwest Colorado.

WSRC不是任何其他公司的子公司。WSRC和Global Hemp Group Inc.(GHG)通过交换优先股成立了一个协会,利用WSRC的4000多万美元的水和基础设施资产,以及GHG在工业大麻(和财务资源)方面的丰富经验,共同努力在科罗拉多州西北部开发一个大麻农业工业区(“HAIZ”)。

Forward Looking Statements:
This release includes "forward-looking statements" within the meaning of Section 27A of the Securities Act of 1933, as amended, and Section 21E of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934. Such statements include any that may predict, forecast, indicate, or imply future results, performance. or achievements, and may contain the words "estimate", "project","intend", "forecast", "anticipate", "plan", "planning", "expect", "believe", "likely", "should", "could", "would", "may" or similar words or expressions. Such statements are not guarantees of future performance and are subject to risks and uncertainties that could cause the company's actual results and financial position to differ materially from those in such statements, which involve risks and uncertainties, including those relating to the Company's ability to grow. Actual results may differ materially from those predicted and any reported should not be considered an indication of future performance. Potential risks and uncertainties include the Company's operating history and resources, together with all usual and common economic, competitive, and equity market conditions / risks.

前瞻性陈述: 本新闻稿包括修订后的1933年“证券法”第27A节和1934年“证券交易法”第21E节所指的“前瞻性陈述”。此类陈述包括任何可能预测、预测、指示或暗示未来结果、业绩的陈述。可能包含“估计”、“项目”、“打算”、“预测”、“预期”、“计划”、“规划”、“预期”、“相信”、“可能”、“应该”、“可能”、“将”、“可能”或类似的词语或短语。这类陈述不是对未来业绩的保证,会受到风险和不确定因素的影响,这些风险和不确定因素可能导致公司的实际结果和财务状况与这些陈述中的情况大不相同。这些陈述涉及风险和不确定因素,包括与公司增长能力有关的风险和不确定因素。实际结果可能与预测的结果大不相同,任何报告都不应被视为未来业绩的指示。潜在的风险和不确定因素包括公司的经营历史和资源,以及所有常见的经济、竞争和股票市场状况/风险。

Western Sierra Resource Corporation


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