
Columbia Multi-Sector Municipal Income ETF (MUST) Celebrates Three-Year Milestone

Columbia Multi-Sector Municipal Income ETF (MUST) Celebrates Three-Year Milestone

Businesswire ·  2021/11/09 12:12

MUST's Consistently Strong Performance Drives Five-Star Overall Morningstar RatingTM


BOSTON--(BUSINESS WIRE)--$MUST #investing--Columbia Threadneedle Investments today announced that the Columbia Multi-Sector Municipal Income ETF (NYSE Arca: MUST), an innovative municipal income strategic beta ETF, reached its three-year anniversary on October 11, 2021. MUST's consistently strong performance has earned it a five-star Overall Morningstar Rating1. The fund is also rated a Gold Medal Fund by Morningstar's Quantitative Ratings.

波士顿--(美国商业资讯)--$MUST#投资--哥伦比亚针线投资公司今天宣布,哥伦比亚多部门市政收入ETF(纽约证券交易所股票代码:MUST)是一只创新的市政收入战略Beta ETF,于2021年10月11日迎来三周年纪念日。必应一贯的强劲表现为其赢得了晨星(Morningstar)五星级的整体评级1。该基金还被晨星量化评级评为金牌基金。

Designed and managed by portfolio managers who also run active multi-sector municipal bond strategies, MUST is a thoughtfully diversified, cost-efficient core municipal allocation. Combining insights from active management with a rules-based investment approach, MUST takes advantage of the shortcomings in municipal bond benchmark strategies to target more consistent tax-exempt income.


"With the post-COVID economic rebound occurring and an uneven distribution of those economic gains, there are opportunities to be found through thoughtful security selection and sector allocation," said Catherine Stienstra, co-portfolio manager of MUST and Head of Municipal Investments at Columbia Threadneedle. "Because MUST is weighted toward opportunity rather than indebtedness, we can better manage risk and add incremental yield potential by including certain exposures and excluding others," continued Stienstra.

哥伦比亚针线投资公司(Columbia ThreadInc.)Must联席投资组合经理兼市政投资主管凯瑟琳·斯蒂恩斯特拉(Catherine Stienstra)表示:“随着后COVID时代经济反弹的出现,以及这些经济收益的分配不均,我们有机会通过深思熟虑的证券选择和行业配置找到机会。”Stienstra继续说:“因为必须考虑机会而不是债务,我们可以更好地管理风险,并通过包括某些风险敞口和排除其他风险敞口来增加增量收益潜力。”

MUST expands investors' income opportunity set through a diversified municipal allocation with broad exposure and a focus on higher income-producing sectors. These sectors include municipal core general obligations, municipal high-quality revenue, municipal core revenue, municipal healthcare and municipal high yield. MUST excludes sectors of the municipal market with high valuations (such as California-issued debt) and an inordinate amount of tail risk, like tobacco and Puerto Rico. MUST tracks the Beta Advantage® Multi-Sector Municipal Bond Index.


According to a recent survey, 47 percent of advisors said that diversification of municipal bond allocations across sectors and/or geographies was very or extremely important to them when constructing client portfolios.2 And for those advisors that currently use a traditional bond laddering strategy (one-third of all advisors surveyed), nearly half (47 percent) said that they would consider replacing that strategy with a strategic beta multi-sector municipal bond ETF.


"Structural biases make most fixed income benchmarks problematic as many lack appropriate diversification and controls around exposures to risk," said Marc Zeitoun, Head of Strategic Beta at Columbia Threadneedle. "When we designed MUST, our allocation decisions were based on factors that we believe create a better investment portfolio, not on who issues the most debt. Investors need to be intentional in how they invest in order to achieve meaningful diversification."

哥伦比亚针线公司战略Beta部门主管马克·泽东(Marc Zeitoun)表示:“结构性偏差使大多数固定收益基准成为问题,因为许多基准缺乏适当的多元化和风险敞口控制。”“当我们设计MASH时,我们的配置决定是基于我们认为创造了更好的投资组合的因素,而不是谁发行的债券最多。投资者需要有意识地如何投资,以实现有意义的多元化。”

MUST is a part of Columbia Threadneedle's suite of strategic beta fixed income ETFs, which include Columbia Diversified Fixed Income Allocation ETF (DIAL), launched in 2017, and Columbia Short Duration Bond ETF (SBND), launched in 2021. DIAL is a multi-sector taxable bond strategy that targets more consistent income in any market with a rules-based approach that goes beyond the traditional bond market benchmark. SBND is a short-duration taxable bond strategy focused on generating income in four segments of the debt markets.

必是哥伦比亚针线公司战略Beta固定收益ETF套件的一部分,这些ETF包括2017年推出的Columbia Diversified固定收益配置ETF(Dial)和2021年推出的Columbia Short Duration Bond ETF(SBND)。Dial是一种多部门应税债券策略,目标是在任何市场上获得更一致的收入,其基于规则的方法超出了传统的债券市场基准。SBND是一种短期应税债券策略,专注于在债务市场的四个细分市场创造收入。

Fund Name



Three Year

Morningstar Category

Columbia Multi-Sector Municipal Income ETF



277 funds


277 funds

Muni National Intermediate

Columbia Diversified Fixed Income Allocation ETF



283 funds


283 funds

U.S. Multisector Bond

Columbia Short Duration ETF


SBND was launched on

September 21, 2021

US Fund Short-Term Bond

























The Morningstar RatingTM is as of 10/31/2021.


For each fund with at least a three-year history, Morningstar calculates a Morningstar RatingTM used to rank the fund against other funds in the same category. It is calculated based on a Morningstar Risk-Adjusted Return measure that accounts for variation in a fund's monthly excess performance, without any adjustments for loads (front-end, deferred, or redemption fees), placing more emphasis on downward variations and rewarding consistent performance. Exchange-traded funds and open-ended mutual funds are considered a single population for comparative purposes. The top 10% of funds in each category receive 5 stars, the next 22.5% receive 4 stars, the next 35% receive 3 stars, the next 22.5% receive 2 stars and the bottom 10% receive 1 star (Each share class is counted as a fraction of one fund within this scale and rated separately, which may cause slight variations in the distribution percentages).

对于每一只至少有三年历史的基金,晨星都会计算晨星评级TM用于将该基金与同一类别中的其他基金进行排名。它是根据晨星风险调整后回报(Morningstar Risk-Adjusted Return)指标计算的,该指标考虑了基金每月超额业绩的变化,没有对负载(前端、递延或赎回费用)进行任何调整,更注重下行变化,奖励一致的业绩。出于比较目的,交易所交易基金(ETF)和开放式共同基金被视为单一人群。每个类别中排名前10%的基金获得5星,接下来22.5%获得4星,接下来35%获得3星,接下来22.5%获得2星,最后10%获得1星(每个份额类别被计算为该范围内一个基金的一小部分,并单独评级,这可能会导致分配百分比略有不同)。

About Columbia Threadneedle Investments


Columbia Threadneedle Investments is a leading global asset manager that provides a broad range of investment strategies and solutions for individual, institutional and corporate clients around the world. With more than 2,500 people, including over 650 investment professionals based in North America, Europe and Asia3, we manage $714 billion of assets across developed and emerging market equities, fixed income, asset allocation solutions and alternatives.4


Columbia Threadneedle Investments is the global asset management group of Ameriprise Financial, Inc. (NYSE: AMP). For more information, please visit Follow us on Twitter.


Columbia Threadneedle Investments (Columbia Threadneedle) is the global brand name of the Columbia and Threadneedle group of companies.

哥伦比亚针线投资公司(Columbia ThreadInc.)是哥伦比亚和针线集团公司的全球品牌名称。

1 MUST earns a five-star Overall Morningstar Rating among 277 ETFs and open-end funds in the Muni National Intermediate category as of October 31, 2021 based on a Morningstar risk-adjusted return measure.

1 根据晨星(Morningstar)风险调整后的回报衡量标准,截至2021年10月31日,在穆尼国家中级(Muni National Intermediate)类别的277只ETF和开放式基金中,Must获得了晨星(Morningstar)的五星级整体评级。

2 The survey of 221 advisors was conducted August 17-24, 2021, by Columbia Threadneedle.

2 这项针对221名顾问的调查是由哥伦比亚针线公司于2021年8月17日至24日进行的。

3 As of November 8, 2021, Columbia Threadneedle Investments including BMO GAM (EMEA)

3截至2021年11月8日,哥伦比亚针线投资公司(Columbia ThreadPool Investments)包括蒙特利尔银行(BMO GAM)

4 As of September 30, 2021. Includes all assets managed by entities in the Columbia and Threadneedle group of companies.


Investors should carefully consider the investment objectives, risks, charges and expenses of the Fund before investing. To obtain a prospectus containing this and other important information, please call 888 800 4347 or visit to view or download a prospectus. Read the prospectus carefully before investing.


Columbia Multi-Sector Municipal Income ETF seeks investment results that, before fees and expenses, closely correspond to the performance of the Beta Advantage® Multi-Sector Municipal Bond Index. It is not possible to invest directly in an index.

哥伦比亚多部门市政收入ETF寻求的投资结果,在扣除费用和费用之前,与Beta Advantage®多部门市政债券指数的表现密切相关。直接投资指数是不可能的。

Investing involves risks, including the risk of loss of principal. Market risk may affect a single issuer, sector of the economy, industry or the market as a whole. Fixed-income securities present credit risk, which includes issuer default risk. The fund is subject to municipal securities risk, which includes the risk that the value of such securities may be affected by state tax, legislative, regulatory, demographic or political conditions/factors, as well as a state's financial, economic or other conditions/factors. The fund may invest materially in a single issuer and, therefore, be more exposed to the risk of loss than a fund that invests more broadly. Prepayment and extension risk exists because the timing of payments on a loan, bond or other investment may accelerate when interest rates fall or decelerate when interest rates rise which may reduce investment opportunities and potential returns. A rise in interest rates may result in a price decline of fixed-income instruments held by the fund, negatively impacting its performance and NAV. Falling rates may result in the fund investing in lower yielding debt instruments, lowering the fund's income and yield. These risks may be heightened for longer maturity and duration securities. Non-investment-grade (high-yield or junk) securities present greater price volatility and more risk to principal and income than higher rated securities. The fund is passively managed and seeks to track the performance of an index. The fund's use of a "representative sampling" approach in seeking to track the performance of its index (investing in only some of the components of the index that collectively are believed to have an investment profile similar to that of the index) may not allow the fund to track its index with the same degree of accuracy as would an investment vehicle replicating the entire Index. The fund may not sell a poorly performing security unless it was removed from the index. There is no guarantee that the index and, correspondingly, the fund will achieve positive returns. Risk exists that the index provider may not follow its methodology for index construction. Errors may result in a negative fund performance. The fund's net asset value will generally decline when the market value of its targeted index declines. Although the fund's shares are listed on an exchange, there can be no assurance that an active, liquid or otherwise orderly trading market for shares will be established or maintained. The fund's portfolio turnover, as it seeks to track its index, may cause an adverse expense impact, decreasing the fund's returns relative to the index, which does not bear transactions expenses. There may be additional portfolio turnover risk as active market trading of the fund's shares may cause more frequent creation or redemption activities that could, in certain circumstances, including if creation and redemptions units are not affected on an in-kind basis, increase the number of portfolio transactions as well as tracking error to the index and as high levels of transactions increase brokerage and other transaction costs and may result in increased taxable capital gains. Market or other (e.g., interest rate) environments may adversely affect the liquidity of fund investments, negatively impacting their price. Generally, the less liquid the market at the time the fund sells a holding, the greater the risk of loss or decline of value to the fund.


© 2021 Morningstar. All rights reserved. The Morningstar information contained herein: (1) is proprietary to Morningstar and/or its content providers; (2) may not be copied or distributed; and (3) is not warranted to be accurate, complete or timely. Neither Morningstar nor its content providers are responsible for any damages or losses arising from any use of this information.


Columbia ETFs are distributed by ALPS Distributors, Inc., member FINRA, and managed by Columbia Management Investment Advisers, LLC. (CMIA). ALPS is not affiliated with CMIA.

哥伦比亚ETF由阿尔卑斯山分销商公司,会员FINRA,由哥伦比亚管理投资顾问公司(Columbia Management Investment Advisers,LLC)管理。(CMIA)。阿尔卑斯山并不隶属于CMIA。

Investment products are not federally or FDIC-insured, deposits or obligations of or guaranteed by any financial institution and involve risks, including possible loss of principal and fluctuation in value.


ETF shares are bought and sold at market price (not NAV) and are not individually redeemable. Investors buy and sell shares on a secondary market. Shares may trade at a premium or discount to the NAV. Only market makers or "authorized participants" may trade directly with the Fund(s), typically in blocks of 50,000 shares


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Liz Kennedy 617.897.9394



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