
TomaGold Discovers Gold-Bearing Structures at Obalski and Intersects 1.41 g/t Au over 28.50 m

TomaGold Discovers Gold-Bearing Structures at Obalski and Intersects 1.41 g/t Au over 28.50 m

GlobeNewswire ·  2021/11/10 07:14
  • Drill highlights include several large intersections including:
    • Hole OBS-21-009: 1.41 g/t Au over 28.50 m, including 6.84 g/t Au over 1.50 m and 4.03 g/t Au over 4.50 m
    • Hole OBS-21-010A: 0.33 g/t Au over 54.80 m, including 1.44 g/t Au over 3.50 m
    • Hole OBS-21-010: 0.32 g/t Au over 45.95 m
    • Hole OBS-21-012: 0.39 g/t Au over 27.50 m
    • Hole OBS-21-007: 0.43 g/t Au over 20.75 m
  • 钻探亮点包括几个大型交叉点,包括:
    • OBS-21-009孔:28.50米以上1.41克/吨金,其中1.50米以上6.84克/吨金,4.50米以上4.03克/吨金
    • OBS-21-010A孔:54.80米以上0.33克/吨金,3.50米以上1.44克/吨金
    • OBS-21-010孔:0.32克/吨Au,超过45.95米
    • OBS-21-012孔:超过27.50米的Au 0.39克/吨
    • OBS-21-007孔:20.75米以上0.43克/吨Au
  • Awaiting the results for holes OBS-21-013 to OBS-21-015, which are being reanalyzed and will complete this first phase of drilling
  • Undertaken an extensive gyroscopic survey program on the historical holes to confirm the location of the gold-bearing structures at depth.
  • Phase 2 of drilling scheduled to begin in mid-November.
  • 等待OBS-21-013至OBS-21-015孔的结果,这些孔正在重新分析,将完成第一阶段的钻探
  • 对历史上的洞穴进行了广泛的陀螺仪测量计划,以确定深部含金构造的位置。
  • 钻探第二阶段定于11月中旬开始。

MONTREAL, Nov. 10, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- TOMAGOLD CORPORATION (TSXV: LOT) (OTCQB: TOGOF) ("TomaGold" or the "Corporation") is pleased to report initial results from the first phase of its 11,500-metre drilling program that began on July 10, 2021 on its wholly-owned Obalski property in Chibougamau, Quebec. The first phase of drilling consists of 14 holes for 4,751 m and a 263 m wedge hole. The Corporation is awaiting results for the last three holes.

蒙特利尔,2021年11月10日(环球通讯社)TOMAGOLD公司(多伦多证券交易所股票代码:LOT)(OTCQB:TOGOF) ("TomaGold“或”公司“)很高兴报告其位于魁北克省奇布加莫的全资拥有的Obalski地产于2021年7月10日开始的11500米钻探计划的第一阶段的初步结果。第一阶段的钻探包括4751米的14个孔和263m的楔形孔。该公司正在等待最后三个孔的结果。

"During this first round of drilling we discovered much larger gold structures than were previously known. Furthermore, these structures appear to be widening at depth. As is the case with many deposits in the Chibougamau mining camp, Obalski appears to have excellent potential at depth, as very few holes over 300 m long have been drilled on this property. Our next round of drilling, combined with the gyroscopic survey results, will allow us to better understand the mineral potential of Obalski at depth," said David Grondin, President and CEO of TomaGold.

TomaGold公司总裁兼首席执行官David Grondin表示:“在第一轮钻探中,我们发现了比之前所知的更大的金矿构造。此外,这些构造似乎在深度上变宽了。就像Chibougamau矿营的许多矿床一样,Obalski似乎有很好的深部潜力,因为在这块土地上钻出的超过300米长的孔很少。我们的下一轮钻探,结合陀螺仪测量结果,将使我们能够更好地了解Obalski的深部矿产潜力,”TomaGold总裁兼首席执行官David Grondin说。

This phase of work took place on sections 120+00 E, 150+00 E, 200+00 E and 250+00 E and follows the 2,502-metre winter 2020–2021 program, which intersected several high-grade gold and copper values, including 47.4 g/t Au, 87.6 g/t Ag and 7.06% Cu over 1.1 metres and 67.1 g/t Au, 40.1 g/t Ag and 2.32% Cu over 0.5 metres in hole OBS-20-002; 12.45 g/t Au, 17.7 g/t Ag and 0.53% Cu over 0.65 metres in hole OBS-20-001; and 23.7 g/t Au and 24.5 g/t Ag over 0.5 metres in hole OBS-21-005 (see press releases dated March 10, 2021 and March 25, 2021).

这一阶段的工作在120+00E、150+00E、200+00E和250+00E剖面上进行,遵循2020-2021年冬季2,502米的计划,在OBS-20-002孔0.5米以上交叉了几个高品位金和铜价,包括1.1m以上的Au 47.4g/t、87.6g/t Ag和7.06%Cu以及0.5m以上的67.1g/t Au、40.1g/t Ag和2.32%Cu;在OBS-20-001孔中超过0.65米处的Au、17.7 g/t Ag和0.53g/t Cu;以及在OBS-21-005孔中超过0.5米处的23.7g/t Au和24.5g/t Ag(见2021年3月10日和2021年3月25日的新闻稿)。

Holes OBS-21-006 and OBS-21-007 on section 120+00 E were extended to test for mineralized zones. No mineralized zone was encountered in hole OBS-21-006A while hole OBS-21-007 intersected a mineralized zone that graded 0.43 g/t Au over 20.75 m, including 4.80 g/t Au over 2.50 m.

120+00E剖面上的孔OBS-21-006和OBS-21-007被延伸以测试矿化带。OBS-21-006A孔没有发现矿化带,而OBS-21-007孔与一个矿化带相交,该矿化带的Au品位为0.43g/t,超过20.75m,其中4.80g/t Au的品位超过2.50m。

Holes OBS-21-008, OBS-21-009 and OBS-21-010 were drilled on section 150+00 E and all intercepted the A-Po Zone, with OBS-21-008 grading 0.85 g/t Au over 12.55 m, OBS-21-009 grading 1.41 g/t Au over 28.50 m and OBS-21-010A grading 0.33 g/t Au over 54.80 m. Major technical problems were encountered in hole OBS-21-010, which forced drilling to stop at 490 m. A wedge was inserted at 387 m to continue drilling to a final depth of 650 m.

在150+00E段钻进了OBS-21-008、OBS-21-009和OBS-21-010孔,均截获阿坡区,其中OBS-21-008孔品位0.85g/t Au超过12.55m,OBS-21-009孔品位1.41g/t Au超过28.50m,OBS-21-010A孔品位0.33g/t Au超过54.80m。OBS-21-010孔遇到的主要技术问题是:OBS-21-008孔的金品位在12.55m以上,OBS-21-009孔的金品位在28.50m以上,OBS-21-010A孔的金品位0.33g/t金在54.80m以上。

Holes OBS-21-011, OBS-21-012 and OBS-21-013 were drilled on section 200+00 E. Hole OBS-21-011 intersected the A-Po zone over more than 20 m but assays returned low gold values, with the best value grading 1.6 g/t Au over 0.50 m. Hole OBS-21-012 intersected the A-Po Zone with 0.39 g/t Au over 27.50 m. Hole OBS-21-013 also intersected the A-Po Zone over 11.10 m and assays are currently being processed at the laboratory.

在200+00E剖面上钻了OBS-21-011、OBS-21-012和OBS-21-013孔。OBS-21-011孔与A-Po带相交超过20米,但化验结果显示金价较低,最高分级值为1.6g/t Au超过0.50米。OBS-21-012孔与A-Po带相交,Au含量为0.39 g/t,超过27.50米。OBS-21-013孔也与A-Po带相交

Holes OBS-21-014 and OBS-21-015 were drilled on section 250+00 E. Hole OBS-21-014 intersected the A-Po zone over 9.60 m and hole OBS-21-015 intersected the same zone over a length of just under 5 m. Assays are currently being processed at the laboratory.


The following table presents the best results obtained for gold, silver and copper for this first phase of drilling:


Hole Section Core length
OBS-21-005 120+00 E 4.05 3.01 3.35 - 200
OBS-21-006 120+00 E 1.90 0.24 0.68 - 250
OBS-21-007 120+00 E 20.75 0.43 0.29 - 385
OBS-21-008 150+00 E 12.55 0.85 1.40 0.11 185
Including   2.10 3.40 4.73 0.65  
OBS-21-009 150+00 E 28.50 1.41 0.81 - 200
Including   1.50 6.84 1.50 -  
Including   4.50 4.03 2.87 -  
OBS-21-010 150+00 E 45.95 0.32 0.35 - 425
OBS-21-010A 150+00 E 54.80 0.33 0.20 - 425
Including   3.50 1.44 0.80 -  
OBS-21-011 200+00 E 0.50 1.60 2.60 - 210
OBS-21-012 200+00 E 27.50 0.39 0.83 - 300
OBS-21-013 200+00 E Pending analysis results
OBS-21-014 250+00 E Pending analysis results
OBS-21-015 250+00 E Pending analysis results
孔洞 部分 岩心长度

OBS-21-005 120+00 E 4.05 3.01 3.35 - 200
OBS-21-006 120+00 E 1.90 0.24 0.68 - 250
OBS-21-007 120+00 E 20.75 0.43 0.29 - 385
OBS-21-008 150+00 E 12.55 0.85 1.40 0.11 185
包括 2.10 3.40 4.73 0.65
OBS-21-009 150+00 E 28.50 1.41 0.81 - 200
包括 1.50 6.84 1.50 -
包括 4.50 4.03 2.87 -
OBS-21-010 150+00 E 45.95 0.32 0.35 - 425
OBS-21-010A 150+00 E 54.80 0.33 0.20 - 425
包括 3.50 1.44 0.80 -
OBS-21-011 200+00 E 0.50 1.60 2.60 - 210
OBS-21-012 200+00 E 27.50 0.39 0.83 - 300
OBS-21-013 200+00 E 待定分析结果
OBS-21-014 250+00 E 待定分析结果
OBS-21-015 250+00 E 待定分析结果

* The width shown is the core length. True width is estimated at 65-70% of core length.


Figure 1: Obalski drilling program surface plan
Figure 2: Obalski property section 120+00 E
Figure 3: Obalski property section 150+00 E
Figure 4: Obalski property section 200+00 E
Figure 5: Obalski property section 250+00 E

图2:Obalski Property部分120+00 E
图3:Obalski Property部分150+00 E
图4:Obalski Property部分200+00 E
图5:Obalski Property部分250+00 E

Sample preparation and analysis
TomaGold has implemented and is adhering to a strict Quality Assurance/Quality Control program for the present drilling program. The core is sawed in half, with one half kept as a witness sample in Chibougamau and the other half shipped directly by bus to ALS Chemex in Val-d'Or, Quebec. The half core is then ground to 1/8" and split into two halves by ALS. One half is kept as a witness (reject) by ALS in Val-d'Or. ALS pulverizes the other half to minus 150 mesh and takes a 50 g sample for analysis. The rest is kept at ALS and identified as "pulp".

TomaGold已经为目前的钻井计划实施并遵守严格的质量保证/质量控制程序。岩芯被锯成两半,一半保存在奇布加莫作为证人样本,另一半直接用大巴运往魁北克Val-d‘Or的ALS Chemex。然后,将一半岩心磨至1/8“,并由ALS将其一分为二。ALS将其中一半作为见证(拒绝)保留在Val-d‘Or。ALS将另一半粉碎到-150目,并取50克样本进行分析。其余的保存在ALS,并被鉴定为”纸浆“。

The technical content of this press release has been reviewed and approved by André Jean, P.Eng., the Corporation's Director of Exploration and a qualified person under National Instrument 43-101.

本新闻稿的技术内容已由AndréJean,P.Eng,该公司的勘探总监和National Instrument 43-101下的合格人员审查和批准。

About the Obalski property
The Obalski property, which covers 345 hectares, lies about 2 km south of Chibougamau, Quebec. Discovered in 1928, the Obalski deposit produced 100,273 tonnes at grades of 1.14% Cu, 2.08 g/t Au and 6.04 g/t Ag from the A zone between 1964 to 1972, and around 9,000 tonnes at a reported grade of 8.5 g/t Au from the D zone in 1984 (Source: SIGEOM and Camchib Exploration internal reports).

奥巴尔斯基地产占地345公顷,位于魁北克省奇布加莫以南约2公里处。奥巴尔斯基矿床发现于1928年,1964年至1972年在A区生产了100,273吨,品位为1.14%Cu、2.08 g/t Au和6.04 g/t Ag,1984年从D区生产了约9,000吨,据报道品位为8.5 g/t Au(来源:SIGEOM和Camchib Explore内部报告)。

About TomaGold
TomaGold Corporation (TSXV: LOT) is a Canadian mineral exploration corporation engaged in the acquisition, assessment, exploration and development of gold mineral properties. TomaGold has interests in five gold properties near the Chibougamau mining camp in northern Quebec: Obalski, Monster Lake East, Monster Lake West, Hazeur and Lac Doda. It also participates in a joint venture with Evolution Mining Ltd. and New Gold Inc., through which it holds a 24.5% interest in the Baird property, near the Red Lake mining camp in Ontario.

TomaGold Corporation(多伦多证券交易所股票代码:LOT)是一家加拿大矿产勘探公司,从事黄金矿产的收购、评估、勘探和开发。TomaGold在魁北克北部Chibougamau矿营附近的五处金矿拥有权益:Obalski、Monster Lake East、Monster Lake West、Hazeur和Lac Doda。该公司还与Evolution Mining Ltd.和New Gold Inc.成立了一家合资企业,通过该合资企业持有位于安大略省红湖矿场附近的Baird地产24.5%的权益。

David Grondin
President and Chief Executive Officer
(514) 583-3490

大卫·格隆丁(David Grondin)
(514) 583-3490

Neither the TSX Venture Exchange nor its regulation services provider (as that term is defined in the policies of the TSX Venture Exchange) accepts responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this news release. Some of the statements contained in this press release are forward-looking statements within the meaning of applicable securities laws. Forward-looking statements can be identified by the use of words such as "expects", "intends", "is expected", "potential", "suggests" or variations of such words and phrases or statements that certain actions, events or results "may", "could", "should", "might" or "will" be taken, occur or be achieved. Forward-looking statements are not historical facts and are subject to a number of risks and uncertainties beyond the Corporation's control. Readers are cautioned that such statements are not guarantees of future performance and that actual results and developments are likely to differ, and may differ materially, from those expressed or implied by the forward-looking statements contained in this press release. Accordingly, readers should not place undue reliance on forward-looking statements. The Corporation undertakes no obligation to publicly update or revise any forward-looking statements, except as required by law.


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