Gildan Activewear Inc. Stock Falls Thursday, Underperforms Market
Gildan Activewear Inc. Stock Falls Thursday, Underperforms Market
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Shares of Gildan Activewear Inc. shed 0.18% to C$54.08 Thursday, in what proved to be an otherwise all-around positive trading session for the Canadian market, with the S&P/TSX Composite Index rising 0.30% to 21,613.18. The stock's fall snapped a three-day winning streak. Gildan Activewear Inc. closed C$0.65 below its 52-week high (C$54.73), which the company achieved on November 16th. Trading volume of 80,636 shares remained below its 50-day average volume of 425,148.
Gildan Activeears Inc.股价周四下跌0.18%,至54.08加元,此前加拿大股市经历了全面上涨的交易日,S&P/TSX综合指数上涨0.30%,至21,613.18点。该股的下跌结束了连续三天的上涨势头。Gildan Activeears Inc.收盘时较该公司11月16日创下的52周高点(54.73加元)低0.65加元。成交量为80,636股,仍低于50日平均成交量425,148股。
Data source: Dow Jones Market Data, FactSet. Data compiled November 25, 2021.
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