
Silver Elephant's Flying Nickel Spinout Appoints Management and Directors

Accesswire ·  2021/12/07 08:36

VANCOUVER, BC / ACCESSWIRE / December 7, 2021 / Silver Elephant Mining Corp. ("Silver Elephant" or "the Company") (TSX:ELEF, OTCQX:SILEF, Frankfurt:1P2N) announces the following management and director appointments to the Company's proposed spinout, Flying Nickel Mining Corp. ("Flying Nickel"). Flying Nickel is well financed having completed its recent $8.6 million equity offering and has applied with TSX Venture Exchange to list its common shares as soon as practicably possible.

不列颠哥伦比亚省温哥华/ACCESSWIRE/2021年12月7日/银象矿业公司(“银象” 或 “公司”)(多伦多证券交易所:ELEF,OTCQX:SILEF,法兰克福:1P2N)宣布对公司拟议的分拆公司飞镍矿业公司(“飞镍”)进行以下管理层和董事任命。Flying Nickel最近完成了860万美元的股权发行,资金充足,并已向多伦多证券交易所风险交易所申请尽快上市其普通股。

Dan Oosterman, CEO of Flying Nickel remarks:

Flying Nickel首席执行官丹·奥斯特曼讲话:

"Our experienced exploration, environmental, operational, and M&A executives will strive to advance the Minago project and take Flying Nickel to great heights in the Canadian nickel space."

“我们经验丰富的勘探、环境、运营和并购高管将努力推进Minago项目,并将Flying Nickel在加拿大镍业推向更高的高度。”



Danniel Oosterman, P. Geo: Chief Executive Officer

Danniel Oosterman,P. Geo:首席执行官

Based in Toronto, Danniel Oosterman began his career with Falconbridge and Inco (now Vale) and has been in mining and exploration for over 20 years. At Inco he was part of the exploration team that drilled the T-3 underground nickel deposit at Thompson. Mr. Oosterman is a highly experienced field geologist. He has successfully managed multi-million-dollar drilling programs in challenging weather­ and altitude conditions in northern Canada, the Western Cordillera, and the Bolivian Andes.


Mr. Oosterman holds a B.Sc. (Hons) in geology from Laurentian University and is a member of the Professional Geoscientists of Ontario. He is a Qualified Person as defined in NI 43-101.

奥斯特曼先生拥有理学学士学位劳伦森大学地质学(荣誉)学位,是安大略省专业地球科学家协会成员。他是 NI 43-101 中定义的合格人员。

Rob Van Drunen: Chief Operating Officer

Rob Van Drunen:首席运营官

Robert Van Drunen, who is based in Thompson, Manitoba, has over 30 years of experience in mining with Vale and Inco, progressing through his career with increasing levels of responsibility, including Mine Manager and most recently Senior Project Manager of the Thompson Operation. In the latter role, he led multi-disciplinary teams in all aspects of mining, including operations, maintenance, exploration, procurement, supply chain management, and contract management.

Robert Van Drunen现居曼尼托巴省汤普森市,在淡水河谷和英科拥有30多年的采矿经验,他的职业生涯不断发展,责任水平不断提高,包括矿山经理和最近担任汤普森运营的高级项目经理。在后一个职位上,他领导了采矿各个方面的多学科团队,包括运营、维护、勘探、采购、供应链管理和合同管理。

Mr. Van Drunen holds a Masters Certificate in Project Management from York University (Schulich School of Business) and the University of Winnipeg. He specializes in process improvement and cost control, as well as having an award winning track record for zero-harm safety culture. Mr. Van Drunen is also the Chief Operating Officer of Silver Elephant Mining Corp.

Van Drunen 先生持有约克大学(舒利希商学院)和温尼伯大学的项目管理硕士证书。他专门研究流程改进和成本控制,并在零伤害安全文化方面有着屡获殊荣的往绩。范德鲁宁先生还是 Silver Elephant Mining Corp. 的首席运营官

Sam Yik, CPA, CA: Chief Financial Officer

Sam Yik,加州注册会计师:首席财务官

Samuel Yik is a Chartered Professional Accountant based in Vancouver, British Columbia.

Samuel Yik 是一名特许专业会计师,总部位于不列颠哥伦比亚省温哥华。

Mr. Yik has a Bachelor of Commerce degree from the University of British Columbia, and obtained his CA designation while articling with KPMG.

Yik 先生拥有不列颠哥伦比亚大学的商学学士学位,并在加入毕马威会计师事务所时获得了加州认证。

Mr. Yik spent over 11 years with Methanex Corporation (TSX: MX, Nasdaq: MEOH), the world's largest producer and supplier of methanol to major international markets in North America, Asia Pacific, Europe and South America, in various financial and commercial roles with increasing responsibilities. In addition, Mr. Yik brings over 10 years of CFO experience with publicly listed resource companies on the TSX and TSXV and hands on management experience in jurisdictions including Asia, Europe, Australasia, Africa, and the Americas.

易先生在Methanex Corporation(多伦多证券交易所股票代码:MX,纳斯达克股票代码:MEOH)工作了11年以上,该公司是全球最大的甲醇生产商和供应商,向北美、亚太地区、欧洲和南美的主要国际市场供应甲醇,担任过各种财务和商业职务,职责越来越多。此外,易先生在多伦多证券交易所和多伦多证券交易所上市资源公司拥有超过10年的首席财务官经验,并在亚洲、欧洲、澳大利亚、非洲和美洲等司法管辖区拥有实际管理经验。

Ryan Coombes: Chief Legal Officer


Ryan Coombes has over 15 years of experience in the mining industry. He started his legal career at McCarthy Tetrault and subsequently took on roles of increasing responsibility with Kinross Gold, BHP, Ausenco and most recently as Deputy General Counsel for Eldorado Gold.

瑞安·库姆斯在采矿业拥有超过15年的经验。他的法律生涯始于McCarthy Tetrault,随后在Kinross Gold、BHP、Ausenco担任越来越多的职务,最近还担任了Eldorado Gold的副总法律顾问。

Mr. Coombes holds a Juris Doctor from the University of Ottawa, as well as a Master of Arts from Carleton University and a Bachelor of Arts from the University of Saskatchewan.


Along with a general focus on corporate and commercial law, Mr. Coombes has a keen mining interest and has been involved in all phases of mining development including: exploration, project finance and construction, mine operations and reclamation. Mr. Coombes has worked in multiple jurisdictions, including West Africa, Latin America, Greece, Turkey, Russia, Australia, and North America. Mr. Coombes will be responsible for the overall legal affairs of both Flying Nickel and Silver Elephant.

除了主要关注公司法和商法外,库姆斯先生还对采矿业有浓厚的兴趣,并参与了矿业开发的各个阶段,包括:勘探、项目融资和施工、矿山运营和填海。库姆斯先生曾在多个司法管辖区工作,包括西非、拉丁美洲、希腊、土耳其、俄罗斯、澳大利亚和北美。库姆斯先生将负责 Flying Nickel 和 Silver Elephant 的总体法律事务。

Doug Ramsey, M.Sc., R.P.Bio: Environmental Manager


Doug Ramsey is a Registered Professional Biologist in British Columbia, with four decades of experience in the areas of environmental assessment, permitting, and indigenous consultations in the mining sector. In Manitoba, Mr. Ramsey led the environmental monitoring and permitting at the Tanco mine for 12 years, and acted as the lead Technical Director for the Sherridon orphaned mine site reclamation project.

道格·拉姆西(Doug Ramsey)是不列颠哥伦比亚省的注册专业生物学家,在采矿业的环境评估、许可和土著咨询领域拥有四十年的经验。在曼尼托巴省,拉姆齐先生领导坦科矿的环境监测和许可工作长达12年,并担任谢里登孤矿场地改造项目的首席技术总监。

Over his career, Mr. Ramsey's practice has included clients such as Inco, Falconbridge, Kinross, Barrick, Spanish Mountain Gold, Environment Canada, and Fisheries and Oceans Canada, as well as numerous First Nations in Manitoba as well as in Ontario, Quebec, and British Columbia.

在他的职业生涯中,拉姆齐先生的业务包括Inco、Falconbridge、Kinross、Barrick、Spanish Mountain Gold、加拿大环境部和加拿大渔业与海洋部等客户,以及曼尼托巴省以及安大略省、魁北克省和不列颠哥伦比亚省的众多原住民。

Mr. Ramsey is regularly called upon to present scientific information to indigenous stakeholders and has made presentations on environmental and reclamation issues at various mining conferences.


Flora Lo: Corporate Secretary

Flora Lo:公司秘书

Ms. Lo is an experienced corporate secretary specializing in corporate governance, regulatory compliance and legal affairs management for TSX, TSXV and NYSE listed natural resource companies. Prior to immigrating to Canada, Ms. Lo worked as Government Counsel at the Department of Justice in Hong Kong, and as a solicitor in the Civil & Commercial Litigation Division at various local and international law firms. Ms. Lo graduated from the University of London with a Master of Laws in commercial and corporate law. She has a Bachelor of Arts in Geography and Economics from the University of Hong Kong.


David Gower, P Geo: Advisor

大卫·高尔,P Geo:顾问

David Gower has 20 years' experience in nickel exploration with Falconbridge (now Glencore), most recently as Director of Global Nickel and PGM exploration. While at Falconbridge, he led exploration teams to brownfield discoveries at Raglan, Sudbury, Matagami, Falcondo and greenfield discoveries at Araguaia in Brazil, Kabanga in Tanzania, and Amazonas, Brazil.


Mr. Gower is currently the CEO of Emerita Resources Corp. For the past 10 years he has held executive and director positions with several junior and mid-sized mining companies. Mr. Gower will advise on Minago and regional nickel exploration at Thompson nickel belt.

高尔先生目前是Emerita Resources Corp. 的首席执行官。在过去的十年中,他曾在多家初级和中型矿业公司担任高管和董事职务。高尔先生将就米纳戈和汤普森镍矿带的区域镍矿勘探提供建议。

Peter C. Lightfoot P.Geo, PhD: Advisor

彼得 C. 莱特富特 P.Geo,博士:顾问

During a 20-year career as a geologist with Inco and Vale Dr. Lightfoot was responsible for nickel exploration at Voisey's Bay, Sudbury and Carajas. Peter was also involved in project generation, evaluation and technical support in Canada, Greenland, Scandinavia, Finland, China, India, Australia, Brazil, Angola, South Africa and the United States.

在Inco和Vale担任地质学家的20年职业生涯中,莱特富特博士负责沃西湾、萨德伯里和卡拉雅斯的镍矿勘探。Peter 还参与了加拿大、格陵兰、斯堪的纳维亚、芬兰、中国、印度、澳大利亚、巴西、安哥拉、南非和美国的项目制定、评估和技术支持。

Dr. Lightfoot is currently an Adjunct Professor at the University of Western Ontario. In 2016, Peter published the first comprehensive textbook on the Ni-Cu-precious metal ore deposits of the Sudbury Igneous Complex. Peter received his B.A. in Earth Sciences from Oxford in 1980, his M.Sc. degree from the University of Toronto in 1982 and his PhD from the Open University (U.K.) in 1985. He completed post-doctoral studies at the University of Toronto and undertook extensive research on the geology and geochemistry of the Noril'sk ore deposits during his tenure as an Adjunct Professor.

莱特富特博士目前是西安大略大学的兼职教授。2016年,彼得出版了第一本关于萨德伯里火成岩综合体镍铜贵金属矿床的综合教科书。Peter 于 1980 年获得牛津大学地球科学学士学位,1982 年获得多伦多大学理学硕士学位,1985 年获得英国开放大学博士学位。他在多伦多大学完成了博士后研究,并在担任兼职教授期间,对诺里尔斯克矿床的地质和地球化学进行了广泛的研究。

Harald Batista: Advisor


Based in Brazil and California, Harald Batista is the son of the honorable Eliezer Batista (1924-2018), the founder and former president of CVRD (now Vale). With extensive network and fluency in Portuguese, German, English, and Spanish, Mr. Batista will advise on Flying Nickel's Mergers and Acquisitions (M&A) strategy.

哈拉尔德·巴蒂斯塔居住在巴西和加利福尼亚州,是尊敬的埃利泽·巴蒂斯塔(1924-2018)的儿子,他是CVRD(现为淡水河谷)的创始人兼前总裁。凭借广泛的网络和流利的葡萄牙语、德语、英语和西班牙语,巴蒂斯塔先生将就Flying Nickel的并购(M&A)战略提供建议。



John Lee, CFA: Executive Chairman

John Lee,CFA:执行主席

Mr. Lee specializes in M&A and has raised over $130 million for junior miners listed on the Toronto Stock Exchange and TSX Venture Exchange since 2009. Mr. Lee led the Minago acquisition by Silver Elephant Mining Corp. in February 2021 and later architected Silver Elephant's proposed spinout of Flying Nickel to operate Minago. In addition, Mr. Lee led Silver Elephant in acquiring the Pulacayo silver project, Gibellini vanadium project, Ulaan Ovoo coal project in the past 10 years. Mr. Lee graduated from Rice University with bachelor's degrees in Economics (BA) and in Engineering (BSc).

李先生专门从事并购,自2009年以来已为在多伦多证券交易所和多伦多证券交易所风险交易所上市的初级矿商筹集了超过1.3亿美元的资金。2021年2月,李先生领导了银象矿业公司对Minago的收购,后来策划了银象提出的分拆Flying Nickel的提议,用于运营Minago。此外,在过去的十年中,李先生带领银象收购了普拉卡约白银项目、吉贝利尼钒项目、乌拉安奥沃煤炭项目。李先生毕业于莱斯大学,获得经济学(BA)和工程学(BSc)学士学位。

Mark Scott: Director


Mark Scott has had a distinguished 20-year career with Vale, Inco and Noranda. His past roles include: Vice President & Head of Manitoba Operations, Vale Canada Ltd.; Director Mining & Milling, Vale Manitoba Operations; Manager, Thompson Nickel Refinery; General Manager, Human Resources & Sustainability; President & Board Chair, Mining Association of Manitoba Inc.


Mr. Scott is currently President & CEO of Sassy Resources Corporation. He holds a Bachelor of Arts from Dalhousie University, a Master of Industrial Relations from the University of Toronto, and a Masters Certificate in Project Management from York University (Schulich School of Business) and the University of Winnipeg. He brings to the Minago operation a wealth of experience in mining, processing & exploration, strategic planning, projects, and business & organizational development.


Masa Igata: Director


Mr. Igata has more than 35 years' experience in Asian financial markets. Previously until 2004, he was the Managing Director at Salomon Brother (later renamed as Nikko Citigroup) for more than a decade. Mr. Igata has extensive network contacts with Japanese commodity trading companies and advises resource companies on cross-border capital raising. Mr. Igata received his Graduate of Law from Kyoto University and is a member of the Securities Analysts Association of Japan.


About the Minago Project

关于 Minago 项目

The Minago Project is located in the southern part of Manitoba's Thompson Nickel Belt ("TNB"), which is the fifth largest sulphide nickel belt in the world based on contained nickel endowment, containing over 18 nickel deposits and over 5 billion lbs of nickel production since 1959. (Naldrett, A.J., 2004, Magmatic Sulfide Deposits; Geology, Geochemistry and Exploration: Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 725 p.).


On July 6, 2021, Silver Elephant announced Mineral Resource Estimate for Minago prepared by Mercator and AGP with an effective date of July 2, 2021 that includes a Measured and Indicated Mineral Resource of 722 million lbs of nickel, and an Inferred Mineral Resource of 319 million lbs of nickel at an average grade of 0.74% nickel. The Minago Project has received over $40 million in investment since early 2000.

2021年7月6日,Silver Elephant公布了墨卡托和AGP编制的米纳戈矿产资源估算,生效日期为2021年7月2日,其中包括7.22亿磅镍的测定和指示矿产资源,以及3.19亿磅镍的推断矿产资源,平均镍品位为0.74%。自2000年初以来,Minago项目已获得超过4000万美元的投资。

Manitoba Provincial Highway 6 and a high-voltage (230 kV) transmission line both transect the Minago project. Minago has been demonstrated to produce a 22.3% nickel concentrate based on representative feed of 0.54% nickel through extensive metallurgical testing by SGS. Vale currently produces nickel concentrates in Thompson at the heart of the TNB, 270 km northeast of the Minago project. Its nickel concentrates are shipped to its Sudbury smelter for processing to refined nickel.

曼尼托巴省 6 号省道和一条高压 (230 kV) 输电线路都横穿米纳戈项目。通过SGS的大量冶金测试,Minago已被证明可以根据0.54%的镍的代表性原料生产22.3%的镍精矿。淡水河谷目前在位于TNB中心的汤普森生产镍精矿,位于米纳戈项目东北270公里处。其镍精矿被运往萨德伯里冶炼厂加工成精制镍。

In 2011, the Environmental Act License submitted by Victory nickel for a 10,000-tonnes-per-day open-pit operation at Minago was approved by the Manitoba government. Flying nickel will provide an update on the Environmental Act License in early 2022.

2011年,曼尼托巴省政府批准了Victory nickel提交的米纳戈日产10,000吨露天采矿作业的《环境法》许可证。飞镍将在2022年初提供环境法许可证的最新信息。

Qualified Persons


The technical contents of this news release have been prepared under the supervision of Danniel Oosterman, the CEO for Flying Nickel. Mr. Oosterman is not independent of the Company as this term is defined under NI 43-101.

本新闻稿的技术内容是在Flying Nickel首席执行官丹尼尔·奥斯特曼的监督下编写的。奥斯特曼先生并不独立于公司,因为该术语的定义见NI 43-101。

About Silver Elephant


Silver Elephant Mining Corp. is a premier silver mining and exploration company with proposed nickel and vanadium spinouts

Silver Elephant Mining Corp. 是一家首屈一指的白银开采和勘探公司,计划分拆镍和钒

Further information on Silver Elephant and Flying Nickel can be found at and

有关 Silver Elephant 和 Flying Nickel 的更多信息,请访问 和。





John Lee
Executive Chairman
For more information about Silver Elephant, please contact Investor Relations:
+1.604.569.3661 ext. 101

有关 Silver Elephant 的更多信息,请联系投资者关系部:
+1.604.569.3661 分机 101

Neither the Toronto Stock Exchange nor its Regulation Services Provider (as that term is defined in the policies of the Toronto Stock Exchange) accepts responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this release.


Cautionary Note Regarding Forward-Looking Statements


Certain statements contained in this news release, including statements which may contain words such as "expects", "anticipates", "intends", "plans", "believes", "estimates", or similar expressions, and statements related to matters which are not historical facts are forward-looking information within the meaning of applicable securities laws. Such forward-looking statements, which reflect management's expectations regarding Company's future growth, results of operations, performance, and business prospects and opportunities, are based on certain factors and assumptions and involve known and unknown risks and uncertainties which may cause the actual results, performance, or achievements to be materially different from future results, performance, or achievements expressed or implied by such forward-looking statements.

本新闻稿中包含的某些陈述,包括可能包含 “期望”、“预期”、“打算”、“计划”、“相信”、“估计” 或类似表述等词语的陈述,以及与非历史事实有关的陈述,属于适用证券法所指的前瞻性信息。此类前瞻性陈述反映了管理层对公司未来增长、经营业绩、业绩以及业务前景和机遇的预期,基于某些因素和假设,涉及已知和未知的风险和不确定性,可能导致实际业绩、业绩或成就与此类前瞻性陈述所表达或暗示的未来业绩、业绩或成就存在重大差异。

These factors should be considered carefully, and readers should not place undue reliance on the Company's forward-looking statements. The Company believes that the expectations reflected in the forward-looking statements contained in this news release and the documents incorporated by reference herein are reasonable, but no assurance can be given that these expectations will prove to be correct. In addition, although the Company has attempted to identify important factors that could cause actual actions, events, or results to differ materially from those described in forward-looking statements, there may be other factors that cause actions, events, or results not to be as anticipated, estimated, or intended. The Company undertakes no obligation to publicly release any future revisions to forward-looking statements to reflect events or circumstances after the date of this news or to reflect the occurrence of unanticipated events, except as expressly required by law.


SOURCE: Silver Elephant Mining Corp.


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