
Altamira Gold Confirms Porphyry-Style Mineralization in First Three Drillholes at the Santa Helena Project

Altamira Gold Confirms Porphyry-Style Mineralization in First Three Drillholes at the Santa Helena Project

Newsfile Corp. ·  2022/02/02 07:06

Vancouver, British Columbia--(Newsfile Corp. - February 2, 2022) - Altamira Gold Corp. (TSXV: ALTA) (FSE: T6UP) (OTC PINK: EQTRF) ("Altamira" or the "Company") is pleased to announce that its first three diamond drillholes have intersected porphyry style alteration and mineralization at the Santa Helena porphyry copper-gold project in Mato Grosso State, Northern Brazil. Core samples are being prepared and will be dispatched during February to the SGS Laboratory in Belo Horizonte for assay.

温哥华,不列颠哥伦比亚省-(Newsfile Corp.-2022年2月2日)阿尔塔米拉黄金公司(多伦多证券交易所代码:ALTA)(证券交易所代码:T6UP)(场外交易代码:EQTRF) ("阿尔塔米拉“或”公司“)很高兴地宣布,在巴西北部马托格罗索州的Santa Helena斑岩铜金矿项目中,其首批三个钻石钻孔已经与斑岩风格的蚀变和矿化相交。岩心样品正在准备中,将于2月份被送往贝洛奥里藏特的SGS实验室进行分析。



  • The initial three drillholes at the Gabriel target at Santa Helena have confirmed the occurrence of alteration and mineralization typical of porphyry copper systems at depth
  • 圣海伦娜Gabriel目标的最初三个钻孔证实了深部斑岩铜矿系统中典型的蚀变和矿化的存在。
  • Geological consultants, Dr. Alan Wilson and Darren Jones MSc, both with extensive Latin American porphyry exploration experience, have confirmed their view that the intersections in the initial three drill holes show alteration typical of porphyry systems
  • 地质顾问艾伦·威尔逊(Alan Wilson)博士和达伦·琼斯硕士(Darren Jones MSc)博士都有丰富的拉丁美洲斑岩勘探经验,他们已经证实了他们的观点,即最初三个钻孔的交叉点显示出典型的斑岩系统的蚀变。
  • Confirmation of the prospectivity of the belt for the preservation of Proterozoic porphyry copper deposits provides Altamira Gold with an exciting new target style in addition to the high-grade gold and base metal veins already identified
  • 元古界斑岩铜矿带保存前景的确认为阿尔塔米拉金矿提供了一个令人振奋的新的靶区样式,除了已查明的高品位金和贱金属矿脉外,还为阿尔塔米拉金矿提供了一个令人兴奋的新靶区样式

CEO Mike Bennett commented; "The identification of compelling evidence of porphyry-style alteration at depth at Santa Helena is extremely encouraging so early in the drill program, and with a 28 square kilometer area of known surface copper and gold mineralization, we now need to use geophysical exploration techniques over this area to help identify the best drill targets for the second phase of drilling. This new porphyry discovery by Altamira is only 60 kilometers to the south-west of the Jaca Porphyry Copper discovery by Anglo American in 2017 and we are extremely excited for both the copper and gold potential within our extensive Santa Helena Project."

首席执行官Mike Bennett评论说:“在钻探计划的早期,在圣赫勒拿发现了令人信服的斑岩式深部蚀变证据,这是非常令人鼓舞的,鉴于已知的地表铜矿和金矿化面积为28平方公里,我们现在需要在这一地区使用地球物理勘探技术来帮助确定第二阶段钻探的最佳钻探目标。阿尔塔米拉公司新发现的斑岩距离英美资源集团2017年发现的雅莎斑岩铜矿只有60公里,我们感到非常兴奋。



The Santa Helena project is located immediately adjacent to the paved BR-163 federal highway in the state of Mato Grosso and 60km SW of the Jaca porphyry copper deposit which was recently discovered by Anglo American Corporation (Figure 1).


Figure 1: Location of the Santa Helena, Apiacas and Cajueiro projects. Drilling is now in progress at Apiacas (Mutum target) and Santa Helena.


Structural interpretation on a regional scale has shown the proximity of both the Jaca porphyry copper deposit and the Santa Helena porphyry system to the structural break marked as Santa Helena Shear zone shown in Figure 2.


Previous artisanal mining activity has focused on high-grade gold hosted in vein structures. However, mapping, soil and rock chip sampling by Altamira has identified both extensions to the known vein gold targets plus significant copper, molybdenum and gold anomalies in soils related to areas of porphyry-style alteration in a zone which extends 7km E-W by 4 km N-S, indicating the presence of a very large hydrothermal system (Figure 3).


Figure 2: Structural interpretation of the setting of the Santa Helena porphyry target in relation to the Anglo American Jaca porphyry project 60km to the NE.


The area consists of undulating farmland with generally poor outcrop and saprolite weathering up to 57m deep as shown in drillhole DDSTH-02.


Figure 3: Main targets within the Santa Helena project. Note the widely distributed historic pits on high-grade gold occurrences. Drilling has been conducted at the Gabriel pit, outside the main copper in soil anomaly.


Three angled diamond drill holes, up to 340m deep have thus far been completed around the Gabriel pit. These holes targeted a strong IP chargeability anomaly and stockwork mineralization mapped and sampled on surface in the southern wall of the Gabriel pit (Figure 4).


Figure 4: IP chargeability map of the Gabriel pit area at Santa Helena - note the presence of a strong chargeability anomaly extending SE and away from stockwork quartz veining on surface within the Gabriel Pit.


All of the initial three drillholes intersected strong porphyry-style alteration associated with variable quantities of disseminated sulphides (Figures 5,6,7,8 and 9). Analytical results are pending.


Figure 5: Altered and brecciated "green rock" (epidotization and chloritization) with pyrite veinlets: DDSTH-0001 143.9m.

图5:蚀变角砾化的“绿色岩石”(绿帘化和绿泥岩化),带有黄铁矿细脉:DDSTH-0001 143.9m。

Figure 6: Veined, altered and brecciated "red rock" typical of alkaline porphyry environments: DDSTH-0002, 155m.


Figure 7: Veined, altered and brecciated "red rock" typical of alkaline porphyry environments: DDSTH-0003, 152.5m.


Figure 8: Quartz vein with pyrite and molybdenite with porphyritic aplite in syenite DDSTH03; 110m.


Figure 9: Altered and veined "red rock" intrusive: DDSTH-0001, 146m.


Consulting geologist and porphyry expert, Dr. Alan Wilson was engaged to review all of the core photographs and exploration data. He commented; "A review of selected core photos from three holes recently completed at Santa Helena clearly shows vein types and alteration assemblages which are typical of those found in porphyry copper-gold systems globally and share many features of silica-saturated alkalic porphyry systems, namely:

咨询地质学家和斑岩专家艾伦·威尔逊(Alan Wilson)博士被聘请来审查所有的核心照片和勘探数据。他评论说:“对最近在圣赫勒拿完成的三个孔的精选岩心照片的回顾清楚地显示了脉型和蚀变组合,这些脉型和蚀变组合是全球斑岩铜-金系统中发现的典型特征,并具有许多饱和硅质碱性斑岩系统的特征,即:

  • Sheeted to stockwork quartz ±carbonate veins with pyrite ±chalcopyrite mineral assemblages
  • Aplite dykes associated with thick quartz veins and coarse grained pyrite and molybdenite
  • Late-stage epidote-calcite veining with associated hematite (red rock) alteration
  • Spatial association of quartz veining with pink, K-feldspar-rich (alteration, magmatic or both), pink to red (hematite-altered "red rock") granitic intrusions"
  • 片状为网状石英±碳酸盐脉,含黄铁矿±黄铜矿矿物组合
  • 与厚石英脉和粗粒黄铁矿、辉钼矿共生的闪长岩脉
  • 晚期绿帘石-方解石脉与伴生赤铁矿(红岩)蚀变
  • 石英脉与粉红色、富钾长石(蚀变、岩浆或两者兼有)、粉红色至红色(赤铁矿蚀变的“红岩”)花岗岩侵入体的空间组合

Altamira is planning drone magnetometer surveys and IP surveys to optimise initial drill tests of the coherent copper-in-soil anomaly measuring 1000m by 1,200m to the north-east of the initial drilling area. Due to the very deep weathering profile, preservation of copper in soil at surface is a very positive indicator of mineralization at depth.


Altamira is now in the process of accelerating geophysical surveys in order to site drillholes over the copper anomaly outlined in soil sampling.




Diamond drilling and soil sampling are also in progress at the Mutum target within the Apiacas Project area. A total of nine holes have been completed to date with results pending on seven holes.


Qualified Person


Guillermo Hughes, FAIG and M AusIMM., a consultant to the Company as well as a Qualified Person as defined by National Instrument 43-101, supervised the preparation of the technical information in this news release.

吉列尔莫·休斯(Guillermo Hughes)、费格(Faig)和M·奥斯曼(M AusIMM)是该公司的顾问,也是National Instrument 43-101定义的合格人员,他们监督了本新闻稿中技术信息的准备工作。

Neither the TSX Venture Exchange nor its Regulation Services Provider (as that term is defined in the policies of the TSX Venture Exchange) accepts responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this release.


About Altamira Gold Corp.


The Company is focused on the exploration and development of gold projects within western central Brazil. The Company holds 8 projects comprising approximately 190,000 hectares, within the prolific Juruena gold belt which historically produced an estimated 7 to 10Moz of placer gold. The Company's advanced Cajueiro project has NI 43-101 resources of 5.66Mt @ 1.02 g/t gold for a total of 185,000 oz in the Indicated Resource category and 12.66Mt @ 1.26 g/t gold for a total of 515,000oz in the Inferred Resource category.

该公司专注于巴西中西部金矿项目的勘探和开发。该公司拥有8个项目,总面积约190,000公顷,位于多产的Juruena金矿带内,该金矿带历史上估计生产7至10 Moz砂金。该公司的高级Cajueiro项目拥有NI 43-101资源,5.66Mt@1.02g/t黄金,在指示资源类别中总计18.5万盎司,在推断资源类别中,12.66Mt@1.26g/t黄金,总计515,000盎司。

On Behalf of the Board of Directors,




"Michael Bennett"

“迈克尔·班尼特”(Michael Bennett)

Michael Bennett
President & CEO


Tel: 604.676.5660


Forward-Looking Statements


Statements in this document which are not purely historical are forward-looking statements, including any statements regarding beliefs, plans, expectations or intentions regarding the future. It is important to note that actual outcomes and the Company's actual results could differ materially from those in such forward-looking statements. Except as required by law, we do not undertake to update these forward-looking statements.


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