
Fenixoro Intersects 15 g/t Gold 300m Below Previous Deepest Intersection, Increases Known Vertical Range of Mineralization to Over 1500m, Still Open at Depth

Fenixoro Intersects 15 g/t Gold 300m Below Previous Deepest Intersection, Increases Known Vertical Range of Mineralization to Over 1500m, Still Open at Depth

Fenixoro在之前最深的交叉口下方15g/t Gold 300米相交,将已知的垂直矿化范围增加到1500米以上,在深部仍是开放的
GlobeNewswire ·  2022/02/03 08:07

Figure 1


Drilling through January, 2022 in the main northwest vein zone. Gold assays in drill holes projected vertically to the surface. Orquidea and Baul Veins shown in blue

Table 1


Recent drill results from holes P013 – P015

Figure 2


Vertical longitudinal section of the Orquidea vein looking northeast showing resource potential block expanded at depth by 300 meters by the intersection in P014. The five drill intercepts average 1.79m @ 11.55 g/t gold.

TORONTO, Feb. 03, 2022 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- FenixOro Gold Corp (CSE:FENX, OTCQB:FDVXF, Frankfurt:8FD) is pleased to announce additional drill results including the deepest intersection of ore grade gold to date in the Abriaqui district.  

多伦多,2022年2月3日(环球通讯社)FenixOro Gold Corp(CSE:FENX,OTCQB:FDVXF,Frankfurt:8FD)我们很高兴地宣布了更多的钻探结果,包括阿布里亚基地区迄今最深的矿石品位黄金交汇处。

  • Hole P014 was drilled to a depth of 1008 meters and intersected 15.71 g/t Gold on the Orquidea vein at an elevation of 1245 meters. This intersection is 300 meters deeper than any previously known mineralization in the Abriaqui district. Mineralization remains open at depth on all veins intersected to date
  • This depth will significantly impact the resource potential modeling on all veins (see Press Releases March 29 and September 28, 2021)
  • The minimum proven vertical range of mineralization on the Orquidea vein is now 1000 meters and the new intersection extends the total vertical range of high grade gold in the greater Abriaqui system of veins to 1500 meters
  • An intersection of 3.6m @ 7.26 g/t gold in P014 correlates with the Baul vein and the previously reported 7.7m @ 8.46 g/t in P006 (Press Release February 24, 2021). This correlation makes Baul the next formally modeled vein, significantly increasing tonnage estimates in the northern drill area.
  • P014孔钻至1008米深并相交15.71克/吨黄金在海拔1245米的奥奎迪静脉上。这个交叉口比阿布里亚基地区之前已知的任何矿化都要深300米。到目前为止,在所有相交的矿脉上,矿化仍处于深度开放状态。
  • 此深度将对所有静脉的资源潜力建模产生重大影响(参见2021年3月29日和9月28日的新闻稿)
  • 奥奎德矿脉已探明的最小垂直矿化范围现在是1000米,新的交叉点将大阿布里亚基矿脉系统中高品位金的总垂直范围扩大到1500米。
  • 的交集3.6米@7.26克/吨P014中的金与鲍尔静脉和先前报道的7.7米@8.46克/吨在P006(2021年2月24日新闻稿)。这种相关性使鲍尔成为下一个正式建模的矿脉,大大增加了北部钻探区的吨位估计。

Fenixoro VP Exploration Stuart Moller commented on exploration results to date. "The 8000 meters of the first two phases of drilling have given us everything we could have anticipated: multiple mineralized veins with good gold grades, thicker zones of up to 20 meters with potential for eventual low cost bulk underground mining, a much greater than expected vertical extent of mineralization, and multiple new high quality drill targets in the southeast license and elsewhere. It's hard to overstate the importance of the deep hit on Orquidea as it puts an additional 300 vertical meters in play for all the veins in the district and the system is still open at depth."


Phase 2 drilling has ended with a total of 8062 meters in 16 holes, all in the northwestern licenses of the Abriaqui property (Figure 1). Hole P013 tested the southern extension of the Northwest Vein corridor (NWC). It intersected the Cascada and Santa Teresa veins north of the Cascada Fault but the intersections south of the fault are not yet correlated. Significant results are shown in Table 1.


P014 was designed as a deep test of the potential of the veins on the NWC. It was drilled to a depth of 1008 meters at an angle of -65 degrees from the horizontal. As with most deep holes, drilling was slow and difficult but most objectives were accomplished.   The Santa Teresa and Orquidea veins were intersected but it appears that the hole ended just short of Romperopa 1. The deepest intersection of high grade gold, 0.55m @ 15.71 g/t on the Orquidea vein, was at an elevation of 1240 meters. This is the deepest hit to date in the Abriaqui district and it adds 300 meters to the known vertical interval of mineralization. The mineralogy and metal ratios are similar to those higher up in the same vein system indicating that there is no reason to believe that we are nearing the economic bottom of the system.  


The minimum vertical interval of potentially economic mineralization in the Orquidea vein is 1000 meters and, including samples taken from mines at higher altitude in the southeastern license, the vertical interval property-wide is 1500 meters. Figure 2 is a longitudinal section of the Orquidea vein showing the drill intersections to date along with sample data from near surface mines. The five drill intersections average 1.79 meters at 11.57 g/t gold. The mineralization is open laterally in both directions and at depth.   Importantly, we now know that the geologic system at Abriaqui is capable of generating high gold grades to this depth and that all veins in the district should have similar depth potential.  


New Vein For Resource Model
A 3.6 meter intersection with 7.26 g/t gold in the upper part of P014 correlates with the best intersection of the first drill phase, 7.7m @ 8.46 g/t in P006 and a thinner hit in hole P005 on the Baul vein. The vein, which is open to the northwest and at depth, will be the next formally modeled structure to be included in an eventual resource model.


Holes P015 and P016 were drilled from the same platform as infill holes on the NWC and the East-West trending corridor of veins respectively. Assays are awaited for both holes.


Figure 1. Drilling through January, 2022 in the main northwest vein zone. Gold assays in drill holes projected vertically to the surface. Orquidea and Baul Veins shown in blue


Table 1. Recent drill results from holes P013 – P015


Figure 2. Vertical longitudinal section of the Orquidea vein looking northeast showing resource potential block expanded at depth by 300 meters by the intersection in P014. The five drill intercepts average 1.79m @ 11.55 g/t gold. 


About FenixOro Gold Corp.
FenixOro Gold Corp is a Canadian company focused on acquiring and exploring gold projects with world class exploration potential in the most prolific gold producing regions of Colombia. FenixOro's flagship property, the Abriaqui project, is the closest project to Continental Gold's Buritica project. It is located 15 km to the west in Antioquia State at the northern end of the Mid-Cauca gold belt, a geological trend which has seen multiple large gold discoveries in the past 10 years including Buritica and Anglo Gold's Nuevo Chaquiro and La Colosa. As documented in "NI 43-101 Technical Report on the Abriaqui project Antioquia State, Colombia" (December 5, 2019), the geological characteristics of Abriaqui and Buritica are similar. Since the preparation of this report a Phase 1 drilling program has been completed at Abriaqui resulting in a significant discovery of a high grade, "Buritica style" gold deposit. A Phase 2 drilling program has recently commenced.

关于FenixOro Gold Corp.
FenixOro Gold Corp是一家加拿大公司,专注于在哥伦比亚最多产黄金的地区收购和勘探具有世界级勘探潜力的黄金项目。FenixOro的旗舰项目Abriaqui项目是距离大陆黄金的Buritica项目最近的项目。它位于中高加索金矿带北端的安蒂奥基亚州以西15公里处,这一地质趋势在过去10年中发现了多个大型金矿,包括Buritica和Anglo Gold的Nuevo Chaquiro和La Colosa。正如《哥伦比亚安蒂奥基亚州阿布里亚基项目NI 43-101技术报告》(2019年12月5日)所记载的那样,阿布里亚基和布里蒂卡的地质特征相似。自编写本报告以来,阿布里亚基已经完成了一期钻探计划,发现了一个高品位的“Buritica式”金矿。第二阶段钻探计划最近已经开始。

FenixOro's VP of Exploration, Stuart Moller, led the discovery team at Buritica for Continental Gold in 2007-2011. At the time of its latest public report, the Buritica Mine contains measured plus indicated resources of 5.32 million ounces of gold (16.02 Mt grading 10.32 g/t) plus a 6.02 million ounce inferred resource (21.87 Mt grading 8.56 g/t) for a total of 11.34 million ounces of gold resources Buritica began formal production in November 2020 and has expected annual average production of 250,000 ounces at an all-in sustaining cost of approximately US$600 per ounce. Resources, cost and production data are taken from Continental Gold's "NI 43-101 Buritica Mineral Resource 2019-01, Antioquia, Colombia" (18 March, 2019). Continental Gold was recently the subject of a takeover by Zijin Mining in an all-cash transaction valued at C$1.4 billion.

FenixOro的勘探副总裁斯图尔特·穆勒(Stuart Moller)曾在2007-2011年间领导Buritica的大陆金矿发现团队。于其最新公开报告发布时,Buritica矿包含532万盎司黄金(16.02公吨品位10.32克/吨)加上602万盎司推断资源量(21.87公吨品位8.56克/吨),总共拥有1134万盎司黄金资源,Buritica于2020年11月开始正式生产,预计年平均产量为250,000盎司,总维持成本约为每盎司600美元。资源、成本和产量数据取自Continental Gold的“NI 43-101 Buritica Minore Resource 2019-01,Antioquia,Columbia”(2019年3月18日)。大陆黄金最近被紫金矿业以14亿加元的全现金交易收购。

Technical Information
Stuart Moller, Vice President Exploration and Director of the Company and a Qualified Person for the purposes of NI 43-101 (P.Geo, British Colombia), has prepared or supervised the preparation of the technical information contained in this press release. Mr. Moller has more than 40 years of experience in exploration for precious and other metals including ten in Colombia and is a Fellow of the Society of Economic Geologists.

斯图尔特·穆勒(Stuart Moller)是该公司的副总裁兼勘探总监,也是符合NI 43-101(不列颠哥伦比亚省P.Geo)要求的合格人士,他已经准备或监督了本新闻稿中包含的技术信息的准备工作。穆勒先生在贵金属和其他金属的勘探方面有40多年的经验,其中包括在哥伦比亚的10年,他是经济地质学家协会的会员。

Drill core sampling is done in accordance with industry standards. The HQ and NQ diameter core is sawed, and half core samples are submitted to the laboratory. The other half core alongwith laboratory coarse reject material and sample pulps are stored in secure facilities on site and/or in the sample prep lab. Following strict chain of custody protocols, the samples are driven to the ISO 17025:2017 certified ALS Laboratory sample preparation facility in Medellin and ALS ships the prepared pulps to their assay laboratory in Lima, Peru. As of November, 2021 similar procedures have been utilized by the ISO 9001:2015 certified Medellin branch of Ontario-based Actlabs. Blanks, duplicates, and certified reference standards totaling 15% of the total samples are inserted into the sample stream. To date, no material quality control issues have been detected. Gold is analyzed by fire assay with 50 gram charges for grades in excess of 10 grams per tonne and the additional elements are analyzed by ICP with appropriate followup for over- limits.

钻芯取样是按照行业标准进行的。切割HQ和NQ直径岩心,并将半个岩心样品提交实验室。另一半岩芯与实验室粗废料和样品纸浆一起存放在现场和/或样品制备实验室的安全设施中。按照严格的保管链协议,样品被送往麦德林的国际标准化组织17025:2017年认证的肌萎缩侧索硬化症实验室样品制备设施,肌萎缩侧索硬化症实验室将准备好的纸浆运往他们在秘鲁利马的分析实验室。截至11月,总部位于安大略省的Actlabs的ISO 9001:2015认证麦德林分部已经使用了2021年类似的程序。总共占样品总数15%的空白、复制品和经认证的参考标准被插入到样品流中。到目前为止,没有发现任何材料质量控制问题。对于每吨超过10克的品位,金用50克的火试金分析,额外的元素用ICP分析,并对超标进行适当的跟踪。

Reported grade intervals are calculated using uncut gold values. Maximum sample length is one meter. Intervals which include multiple samples are calculated using the full geologic interval of mineralization at a 1 g/t gold external cutoff grade and are not subject to specific rules for cutoff grades within the zones. As such, quoted thickness and grade of these intervals do not necessarily represent optimized economic intervals in a potential future mine. Reported sample and interval widths in drill holes are based on lengths of individual samples in core and do not necessarily represent true widths of mineralization. True widths will sometimes be less than the quoted interval lengths. Intervals defined by channel samples represent true widths of mineralization in vertical veins.


There are currently no NI 43-101 compliant resources or reserves in the project area. The analysis of drill and channel results is intended to estimate the potential for future resources which will require significant additional drilling to define.

目前,项目区内没有符合NI 43-101标准的资源或储备。钻探和通道结果的分析旨在估计未来资源的潜力,这将需要大量额外的钻探来确定。

Forward Looking Information
This news release contains certain forward-looking information. All statements included herein, other than statements of historical fact, are forward-looking information and such information involves various risks and uncertainties. There can be no assurance that such information will prove to be accurate, and actual results and future events could differ materially from those anticipated in such information. Specifically, this news release contains forward looking information regarding the potential economic significance of drill results at the Abriaqui Project, conclusions as to resource potential derived from that data set, and implied assumptions as to the potential future economic viability of the gold grades and vein thicknesses reported. There can be no assurance that such information will prove to be accurate, and actual results and future events could differ materially from those anticipated in such information. Although FenixOro has no reason to believe otherwise, there can be no assurance that the planned drill program will be completed as uncertainties exist related to future project financing and future environmental permitting. Although FenixOro has attempted to identify important factors that could cause actual results to differ materially from those contained in forward-looking information, there may be additional factors that cause results not to be as anticipated, estimated or intended. Accordingly, readers should not place undue reliance on forward-looking information.


FenixOro Gold Corp
John Carlesso, CEO
Telephone: 1-833-ORO-GOLD

FenixOro Gold Corp
约翰·卡莱索(John Carlesso),首席执行官

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